Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Except this hasn't been published.

You are one desperate sad piece of human excrament.
"a whistleblower" who oh by the way was definitely a 911 CIA Traitor....
Let's get Robert Mueller to investigate....but hold impeachment hearings in advance.

Like we did before with Russiagate......

Worked so well the first time.

Old Saul A. would just be so proud of how we've taken his tactics to heart.

Never mind that Trump, who was supposed to be gone in a year according to half on this board, is still in.
And Brennan is behind it all just like with the Russia joke of a charge...people warned us about Brennan when Obama the Kenyan chose him....
CIA operatives should not be protected by the whistle blower rule....he is a spy...not a whistle blower...
The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

No dumbass........the report was the form was changed anytime during the period between May and August...or....before or after the phone call took place. My assumption is they changed it around the time of the complaint.
That's the only possible explanation for the change.

Now......what gave them the right to change it in the first place???? :soapbox:
the form changed MAY 24 2018
The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Except this hasn't been published.

You are one desperate sad piece of human excrament.
WHAT hasn't been published?
people warned us about Brennan

Look at this resume of 100% treason against the US....

John O. Brennan - Wikipedia

Brennan began his CIA career as an analyst and spent 25 years with the agency.[1][6][22] He was a daily intelligence briefer for President Bill Clinton.[6] In 1996, he was CIA station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, when the Khobar Towers bombing killed 19 U.S. servicemen.[6] In 1999, he was appointed chief of staff to George Tenet, then-Director of the CIA.[3][6] Brennan became deputy executive director of the CIA in March 2001

Tenet's chief of staff!!!!

Promoted in March of 2001.....

I mean, just how obvious does it get???
The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Except this hasn't been published.

You are one desperate sad piece of human excrament.
WHAT hasn't been published?

Figure it out you stupid moron.
Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are soy very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Except this hasn't been published.

You are one desperate sad piece of human excrament.
WHAT hasn't been published?

Figure it out you stupid moron.
you said it.... so what exactly has not been published... I GAVE THE LINK jn a post right above, here it is again, to the IG'S comments on it.

Intelligence Community's Inspector General Denies Trump Whistleblower Conspiracy | HuffPost

The theory Trump was promoting in his Monday tweets appeared to come from a report in a conservative news outlet, The Federalist, which claimed Friday that the whistleblower complaint form had been suspiciously updated to allow secondhand information when reporting.

(The whistleblower stated in his complaint that he received his information from White House aides and government officials.)

But experts were quick to point out that whistleblowers have always been allowed to report on secondhand information.

The inspector general’s statement Monday echoed that, saying, although their form “requests information” about whether a whistleblower has firsthand knowledge, there is no “requirement” to have such knowledge to file a complaint.

“In fact, by law the Complainant... need not possess first-hand information in order to file a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern,” the statement read.

It also said the whistleblower, in this case, claimed on the form to have “both first-hand and other information.”

Trump and other Republicans have attacked the credibility of the whistleblower, who has not been publicly identified, by claiming the person has a partisan bias. Trump has called the whistleblower “fake,” accused the person’s sources of acting like spies and suggested the complaint amounted to “treason.”

The inspector general said Monday that its office had determined the whistleblower had “subject matter expertise” and “had official and authorized access” to information relayed in the complaint, “including direct knowledge of certain alleged conduct.”

The whistleblower, reportedly a CIA analyst, said that Trump may have withheld military aid to Ukraine as leverage ahead of the July 25 call with the foreign president and that the White House stored records of the phone call in a classified electronic system as part of a cover-up.

Although the whistleblower was not a “direct witness” to the July 25 phone call, the inspector general’s office had found information in its review supporting the whistleblower’s allegations, according to its statement.

“The Complainant followed the law in filing the urgent concern complaint, and the [inspector general’s office] followed the law in transmitting the information to the Acting Director of National Intelligence on August 26, 2019,” the intelligence community’s inspector general wrote.
The dems shot Joe in the foot...he is pulling ads all over the nation....
Whistle Blower Outted [sic]


So you think whistleblowing is like "The Gayy"?

Aha! The resident spell checker to the rescue!

That's "Chequer" thank you very much :eusa_snooty:

Actually it's about his choice of "outed". As if whistleblowing was some kind of shady activity. Depending I have no doubt upon whose whistle is being blown.

It speaks volumes that OP thinks exposing corruption deserved some sort of retribution.
Sorry, make that rettribbuttion.

"Outed" my ass.

You seem to "out" yourself as an ass with every post. Classic strategy of making yourself feel better about you by denigrating silly misspellings and grammatical errors. This all pointing at various players from the prior admin, perhaps it will be entertaining.

Lemme get this straight here Hunior.... you've been here all of six weeks and you purport to anal - yze my "every post" huh.


Go learn to read. The point was, is, and shall remain, that the OP's values are such that he thinks a whistleblower can be "outed".

"Intelligence Community"

Brought to you by ISRAEL, our pseudo ally, the one responsible for the 911 hoax, starting two wars over total lies, putting 400 innocent people in Gitmo for show, murdering the USS Liberty and crew, assassinating JFK and starting the Vietnam war for the sole purpose of arming Israel for the 67 war, murdering 250 US Marines in a 1983 Lebanon false flag attack to start a US war with Hezbo....


Our Intel community is full of those who deserve this....

Whistle Blower Outted [sic]


So you think whistleblowing is like "The Gayy"?

Aha! The resident spell checker to the rescue!

That's "Chequer" thank you very much :eusa_snooty:

Actually it's about his choice of "outed". As if whistleblowing was some kind of shady activity. Depending I have no doubt upon whose whistle is being blown.

It speaks volumes that OP thinks exposing corruption deserved some sort of retribution.
Sorry, make that rettribbuttion.

"Outed" my ass.

You seem to "out" yourself as an ass with every post. Classic strategy of making yourself feel better about you by denigrating silly misspellings and grammatical errors. This all pointing at various players from the prior admin, perhaps it will be entertaining.

Lemme get this straight here Hunior.... you've been here all of six weeks and you purport to anal - yze my "every post" huh.


Go learn to read. The point was, is, and shall remain, that the OP's values are such that he thinks a whistleblower can be "outed".


You've been pegged as an arrogant asshole, to much empirical proof to deny it. Deal with it. You were far more concerned with his spelling .
The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Yep, but if they had the capacity to learn from the frequent experience of falling on their red, honking noses, they wouldn't be rightards.

News flash dim bulb. It's YOU who has been falling into your steaming piles of crap for 3+ years now. But keep trying, there may be a spot on you that isn't totally covered in manure. Oh wait, there isn't.....
The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.

The whistleblower was corroborated when the transcript of the call was released.

No the LEAKER was not corroborated. You lefties obviously all failed reading comprehension. If you're so confident , why is chicken shit Pisslosi too scared to take a vote?
The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Yep, but if they had the capacity to learn from the frequent experience of falling on their red, honking noses, they wouldn't be rightards.

News flash dim bulb. It's YOU who has been falling into your steaming piles of crap for 3+ years now. But keep trying, there may be a spot on you that isn't totally covered in manure. Oh wait, there isn't.....
what was your user name before Lantern2814....???

you, under this name, has only been on this site for ONE year, yet you claim to know about me or rather olde europe, from 3 years ago???

very interesting.... :lol:
The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

Yep, but if they had the capacity to learn from the frequent experience of falling on their red, honking noses, they wouldn't be rightards.

News flash dim bulb. It's YOU who has been falling into your steaming piles of crap for 3+ years now. But keep trying, there may be a spot on you that isn't totally covered in manure. Oh wait, there isn't.....
what was your user name before Lantern2814....???

you, under this name, has only been on this site for ONE year, yet you claim to know about me, from 3 years ago???

very interesting.... :lol:

You wouldn't understand what that name means. People do know how to read and look things up. You sound worried that people know things.......
Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.

The whistleblower was corroborated when the transcript of the call was released.

No the LEAKER was not corroborated. You lefties obviously all failed reading comprehension. If you're so confident , why is chicken shit Pisslosi too scared to take a vote?

The "Whistle-blower" allegedly a CIA employee, filed a complaint based on hearsay He/She does not qualify as a “whistleblower.” under the Law. In fact, she/he is a Deep State operative engaged in the latest attempt to execute a political coup to nullify the lawful election of Dopey Donald.

The “Deep State” cabal is reality. The real whistle-blower exposed the China scandal that resulted in thousand of closed factories while money flowed in torrents to the Democratic Scumbags in Maryland, Virginia, the socialtist enclaves of California, NY, and Silicon Valley.

Dopey Donald is the real whistle blower on how the left has been using the courts to ride rouf=gh shod on Democracy and undermining personal liberties and the sanctity of life. He ran on promising to put constitutionalists on the courts and even named them BEFORE the election. I call him Dopey because he gave up a lavish lifestyle and a huge business empire to work for FREE trying to destroy big brother before he destroys oor Nation and subjugates the masses to a China Style enslavement.

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