Whistleblower Confirms What We Already Knew - Biden DOJ & FBI Interfered in Hunter Biden Investigation

The indictment was horrendous.
The US economic sanctions are war crimes. Read the 1907 Geneva Conventions prohibiting economic warfare.
There is nothing remotely illegal about middling Chinese or Iranian oil or weapons.
And what does your post reflect or reveal ? It reflects and reveals a rigged system in favor of the Democrat's, otherwise a two tiered justice system.
Hilarious that you complain about a 2-tiered justice system, while whining that it's used to protect your side. Your bitching about our justice system is just a way for your side to create a justice system in which your side would only benefit from.
It wouldn't matter if anyone had direct evidence, the Democrat's refuse to follow any leads for political reasons, so it will take a change in power before the bull shite ever gets back to normal again.
What direct evidence have the whistleblowers provided?

The 17 tapes?

Hillary's emails?
Hilarious that you complain about a 2-tiered justice system, while whining that it's used to protect your side. Your bitching about our justice system is just a way for your side to create a justice system in which your side would only benefit from.
And here goes your stupidity back at cha... If it protects the Republican's side, then why are they the one's getting the heat constantly, and the Democrat's are skating ? Now don't go and make even a bigger more stupid claim, otherwise that the Democrat's are just these little angel's still trying to get their wing's.. pfft .....

Yeah maybe crooked wings, otherwise a symbol of satanism and his hold on his loyal Demoncrats.

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