Whistleblower Wants To Talk - To House Intelligence Committee

CNN breaking news: Trump to release whistleblower complaint tomorrow.
What a disaster for the Democrats. I always felt Trump would cruise to victory in 2020, but thought regaining the House would be a stretch. Now, I think it is a strong possibility. The Dem Congress is going to overshadow their own headliner during an election year. I am hoping they will force all members in both chambers to go on record with their votes. Pelosi has lost control.
We've got proper channels set up already. He talks to AG Barr, then the AG decides what to do with the information.
Here's the thing...Trump has few friends in the Senate-he's insulted many..broken promises..and is a stench in their nostrils. But they like being in power..so they cow down. But if they saw a chance..a genuine chance to dump Trump..I think they might take it. The Republicans would still have a year to firm up around Pence..and the return to relative sanity would work in Pence's favor.

Pence would get the returning Establishment republicans..and the Trump base would vote for him....just because....he's not a D..right?
"BREAKING: A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president."
Why this, when the transcripts will be released?
Because tRump and his minions have has a week to manufacture a "transcript" that says what they want it to. And if you think they wouldn't you don't have to look any further than the Acosta video.
"i saw the Russia movie...i dont think i'm gonna like the ukranian knockoff...and neither will america" - Marvelous Matt Gaetz
I feel sorry for the whistleblower - even if it's pompous warmongering asshole John Bolton. Trump will launch a vicious vendetta against him/her. Whistleblower laws won't protect him/her from man-child Trump.
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If the whistleblower is John Bolton - would that strengthen or weaken the complaint? I am not a Bolton fan - but I would analyze and evaluate with an open mind. What do you think?
Some food for thought:

Who is the whistle-blower?
The whistle-blower has yet to be publicly identified, so all we know is that they’re a member of the U.S. intelligence community. On Friday, an “official briefed on the matter” told CNN that the whistle-blower “didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications” and that their concerns “came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistle-blower law.” The whistle-blower is being represented by attorney Andrew Bakaj.

Some of Trump’s allies have seized on this alleged lack of “direct knowledge” to discredit the whistle-blower, but “a source close to the whistle-blower’s legal team” disputed the unnamed official’s characterization, saying the intelligence community’s inspector general would not accept “thirdhand disclosures.”

Did the whistle-blower report anything else?
Nothing the whistle-blower flagged in the complaint has been made public, but Inspector General Michael Atkinson told lawmakers that it raised concerns about multiple actions. It’s not yet clear if Trump’s July 25 call with Zelensky was the central — or only — focus of the complaint.

Everything We Know About Trump’s Ukraine Whistle-blower Scandal

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