Whistleblower's Lawyer On Trump: We Will Get Rid of Him” & “We’ll Be Great Again Once Trump Leaves"

What makes you think the whistle blowers lawyer has to be a Trump supporter? Why are you whining about that?
What makes you think the whistle blowers lawyer has to be a Trump supporter? Why are you whining about that?
Allow me to make this simple for you ... Zaid's client is just another Dem op - a fraud like Blasey-Ford - who like her will lie & cry when under oath. His leak was not whistleblowing.
I think the lawyer has underestimated our lack of giving a shit. We don't care what you do. We won't let you impeach our choice for President. If you want him out of the White House, you'll have to impeach the voters first...:twirl:
Trump ~ 2020
What makes you think the whistle blowers lawyer has to be a Trump supporter? Why are you whining about that?
Allow me to make this simple for you ... Zaid's client is just another Dem op - a fraud like Blasey-Ford - who like her will lie & cry when under oath. His leak was not whistleblowing.

That's what you are going to go with? Anyone who isn't a Trump supporter will lie and cheat any way possible to get him? Sorry. Trump is despised, and Trump is hated, but that doesn't mean he didn't do the things he is accused of doing. People's feelings toward that orange thug are because he did the things he is accused of.
We won't let you impeach our choice for President.
Oh, sorry, it's not up to you.

Oh, but it is. We voted for all those people in the Senate. They represent us. They will do our bidding. Trump isn't going anywhere. You and Soros and deep state Obama lost last time, and you are going to lose this next time too.
We are sick to death of you...
Oh, but it is. We voted for all those people in the Senate.
Oh, sorry, it isn't. You actually only voted for 2 senators. That is, if you are even an american, as even the dumbest Americans know that. Furthermore, that doesn't mean they have to acquit trump. So , yeah... you're pretty much wrong on every level possible.
We won't let you impeach our choice for President.
Oh, sorry, it's not up to you.

Oh yes it is.
The Constitution starts We the people.
We hire and fire them, we pay their Salaries.
Not D.C. which seems to have forgotten that little tidbit ,with about 96% of Washington D.C. against Trump and all who voted for him.
They are against conservatives and independants.
We have the right to be represented also not just libs.
What makes you think the whistle blowers lawyer has to be a Trump supporter? Why are you whining about that?
Allow me to make this simple for you ... Zaid's client is just another Dem op - a fraud like Blasey-Ford - who like her will lie & cry when under oath. His leak was not whistleblowing.

That's what you are going to go with? Anyone who isn't a Trump supporter will lie and cheat any way possible to get him? Sorry. Trump is despised, and Trump is hated, but that doesn't mean he didn't do the things he is accused of doing. People's feelings toward that orange thug are because he did the things he is accused of.

What makes you think the whistle blowers lawyer has to be a Trump supporter? Why are you whining about that?
Allow me to make this simple for you ... Zaid's client is just another Dem op - a fraud like Blasey-Ford - who like her will lie & cry when under oath. His leak was not whistleblowing.

That's what you are going to go with? Anyone who isn't a Trump supporter will lie and cheat any way possible to get him? Sorry. Trump is despised, and Trump is hated, but that doesn't mean he didn't do the things he is accused of doing. People's feelings toward that orange thug are because he did the things he is accused of.

Yes, Trump has been despised for a long time, but each and every person on that video was right. None of them said he would be gone over night. The country's disgust has only grown for that fool. Each of his selfish steps have only pushed him further from acceptance from the country at large. Just because he hasn't been held accountable for his crimes yet doesn't mean it won't happen. He has survived up till now. That;s harder for him to do each day, and will be even harder each day in the future.
Oh, but it is. We voted for all those people in the Senate.
Oh, sorry, it isn't. You actually only voted for 2 senators. That is, if you are even an american, as even the dumbest Americans know that. Furthermore, that doesn't mean they have to acquit trump. So , yeah... you're pretty much wrong on every level possible.

Are you hard of reading? I didn't say I voted for all those people. I said we.
We: used by a speaker (or poster) to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
Do you honestly think the Senate is going to allow Pelosi and Shiffty to impeach our President? It's not going to happen. It's merely the resistance du jour. Makes me more eager than ever to vote against it.
Snowflakes praising lawyers of Deep State traitors....isn't that special?!


Again, the 'Whistle Blower' is NOT a 'Whistle Blower' because they do NOT qualify as one AS PER THE LAW.

This Deep State traitor filed a complaint regarding 'INTEL COMMUNITY ACTS / PRACTICES'. Neither the President nor the Ukraine PM are members of the Intel Community, and their diplomatic phone call in no way qualifies as 'Intel Community acts / practices'....FAIL!

Also, the only protection a true 'Whistle Blower' - which this person is NOT - is entitled to is PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION IN THE WORK PLACE!

NOWHERE in the law is 'Anonymity' guaranteed or listed as an entitlement!!!

Had snowflakes bothered to read the law and think for themselves they would have learned by now for themselves that the Democrats are lying to them and feeding them bullshit they are all too happy to parrot!

The Democrats - like admitted criminal Schiff - just do not want the identity of their Deep State CIA spy fully known because it would further expose this 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' as just the latest seditious / treasonous coup attempt to try to prevent them from losing another election to Trump in 2020.

Gruber was SO right about stupid liberal snowflakes...



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