Whistleblower’s Lawyers Release Statement Threatening Journalists If They Publish His Name

Best way to try and protect a traitorous, bullshit spy is to give him the magical cover of “whistleblower” Realty, just another safe space.
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to claim HE is the traiter instead of the person he is reporting on, isn’t?
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to call witnesses that know the guy.........find out he is a Democrat that has worked for Biden, and the DNC............a history of lying..........and destroy his creditability...........Proving Bias.............Finally, he never heard DIRECT evidence of anything.........he just heard that he heard someone say it.

From the phone conversation............where is the evidence showing that a Grand Jury should be called for further evidence............Ukraine officials have denied being pressured.........The very people he was supposed to be pressuring...........say it never happened..........and in fact had a Court Room Decision that they had influenced an election by giving information to a Dem back in 2016. And they did in fact Fire a Prosecutor looking into the Oil Giant there via PRESSURE from Biden.

Trump looking into the 2016 election isn't illegal............Asking countries to cooperate with our DOJ isn't illegal............We have Treaties that require open cooperation between countries for legal matters......

If the people the Dems claimed were be pressured.........say...........No we were not being pressured.......then where is the sufficient evidence of proceeding with a Grand Jury investigation.......Oh that's right...........LEGAL DUE PROCESS is NOT REQUIRED in the Mickey Mouse Club Congress.............Nor is it even required to go through the proper channels of the Judiciary Committee..............who are the legal eagles of Congress....

This is a political attack.........using abuse of power to try and overturn an election and nothing more.

Dummy, how can you discredit facts established by the testimony of TRUMP ADMINISTRATION MEMBERS?

ZERO of the case against Trump relies on the credibility of the whistleblower.
The Ukraine says they were not pressured..................They are the Victims according to the Dems.........

How do you have a crime when the victim says they didn't get raped.............You make shit up........Welcome to the Democratic party of the United States.

Ukraine’s interest is not to piss anyone off and risk losing support of either American political faction. They want to stay away from American politics as far as possible and will publicly double talk all day long to make nicely-nice with both Democrats and Republicans.

But Zelensky absolutely faced pressure as Trump admin members testify one after another.
Best way to try and protect a traitorous, bullshit spy is to give him the magical cover of “whistleblower” Realty, just another safe space.
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to claim HE is the traiter instead of the person he is reporting on, isn’t?
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to call witnesses that know the guy.........find out he is a Democrat that has worked for Biden, and the DNC............a history of lying..........and destroy his creditability...........Proving Bias.............Finally, he never heard DIRECT evidence of anything.........he just heard that he heard someone say it.

From the phone conversation............where is the evidence showing that a Grand Jury should be called for further evidence............Ukraine officials have denied being pressured.........The very people he was supposed to be pressuring...........say it never happened..........and in fact had a Court Room Decision that they had influenced an election by giving information to a Dem back in 2016. And they did in fact Fire a Prosecutor looking into the Oil Giant there via PRESSURE from Biden.

Trump looking into the 2016 election isn't illegal............Asking countries to cooperate with our DOJ isn't illegal............We have Treaties that require open cooperation between countries for legal matters......

If the people the Dems claimed were be pressured.........say...........No we were not being pressured.......then where is the sufficient evidence of proceeding with a Grand Jury investigation.......Oh that's right...........LEGAL DUE PROCESS is NOT REQUIRED in the Mickey Mouse Club Congress.............Nor is it even required to go through the proper channels of the Judiciary Committee..............who are the legal eagles of Congress....

This is a political attack.........using abuse of power to try and overturn an election and nothing more.

Dummy, how can you discredit facts established by the testimony of TRUMP ADMINISTRATION MEMBERS?

ZERO of the case against Trump relies on the credibility of the whistleblower.
The Ukraine says they were not pressured..................They are the Victims according to the Dems.........

How do you have a crime when the victim says they didn't get raped.............You make shit up........Welcome to the Democratic party of the United States.

Ukraine’s interest is not to piss anyone off and risk losing support of either American political faction.

They will publicly double talk all day long to make nicely-nice with both Democrats and Republicans.

But Zelensky absolutely faced pressure again, as much testimony shows.

You gotta prove that...........and what testimony........it's been behind closed doors.........

You got a crystal ball.........lol

Again..............they say they were not raped...........where is the proof they were raped when they say it didn't happen............How do you have a crime when the victim is not a victim.
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to claim HE is the traiter instead of the person he is reporting on, isn’t?
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to call witnesses that know the guy.........find out he is a Democrat that has worked for Biden, and the DNC............a history of lying..........and destroy his creditability...........Proving Bias.............Finally, he never heard DIRECT evidence of anything.........he just heard that he heard someone say it.

From the phone conversation............where is the evidence showing that a Grand Jury should be called for further evidence............Ukraine officials have denied being pressured.........The very people he was supposed to be pressuring...........say it never happened..........and in fact had a Court Room Decision that they had influenced an election by giving information to a Dem back in 2016. And they did in fact Fire a Prosecutor looking into the Oil Giant there via PRESSURE from Biden.

Trump looking into the 2016 election isn't illegal............Asking countries to cooperate with our DOJ isn't illegal............We have Treaties that require open cooperation between countries for legal matters......

If the people the Dems claimed were be pressured.........say...........No we were not being pressured.......then where is the sufficient evidence of proceeding with a Grand Jury investigation.......Oh that's right...........LEGAL DUE PROCESS is NOT REQUIRED in the Mickey Mouse Club Congress.............Nor is it even required to go through the proper channels of the Judiciary Committee..............who are the legal eagles of Congress....

This is a political attack.........using abuse of power to try and overturn an election and nothing more.

Dummy, how can you discredit facts established by the testimony of TRUMP ADMINISTRATION MEMBERS?

ZERO of the case against Trump relies on the credibility of the whistleblower.
The Ukraine says they were not pressured..................They are the Victims according to the Dems.........

How do you have a crime when the victim says they didn't get raped.............You make shit up........Welcome to the Democratic party of the United States.

Ukraine’s interest is not to piss anyone off and risk losing support of either American political faction.

They will publicly double talk all day long to make nicely-nice with both Democrats and Republicans.

But Zelensky absolutely faced pressure again, as much testimony shows.

You gotta prove that...........and what testimony........it's been behind closed doors.........

You got a crystal ball.........lol

Again..............they say they were not raped...........where is the proof they were raped when they say it didn't happen............How do you have a crime when the victim is not a victim.

Prove what? It’s right in the publicly available opening statements of the admin members.

Mulveney also publicly admitted that the military aid was held up by him, at the direction of the President to apply pressure on Ukraine.

You can try to argue that the pressure was applied in accordance with American foreign policy interests but to say there was no pressure is straight nuts at this point.
The best way to discredit a whistleblower is to call witnesses that know the guy.........find out he is a Democrat that has worked for Biden, and the DNC............a history of lying..........and destroy his creditability...........Proving Bias.............Finally, he never heard DIRECT evidence of anything.........he just heard that he heard someone say it.

From the phone conversation............where is the evidence showing that a Grand Jury should be called for further evidence............Ukraine officials have denied being pressured.........The very people he was supposed to be pressuring...........say it never happened..........and in fact had a Court Room Decision that they had influenced an election by giving information to a Dem back in 2016. And they did in fact Fire a Prosecutor looking into the Oil Giant there via PRESSURE from Biden.

Trump looking into the 2016 election isn't illegal............Asking countries to cooperate with our DOJ isn't illegal............We have Treaties that require open cooperation between countries for legal matters......

If the people the Dems claimed were be pressured.........say...........No we were not being pressured.......then where is the sufficient evidence of proceeding with a Grand Jury investigation.......Oh that's right...........LEGAL DUE PROCESS is NOT REQUIRED in the Mickey Mouse Club Congress.............Nor is it even required to go through the proper channels of the Judiciary Committee..............who are the legal eagles of Congress....

This is a political attack.........using abuse of power to try and overturn an election and nothing more.

Dummy, how can you discredit facts established by the testimony of TRUMP ADMINISTRATION MEMBERS?

ZERO of the case against Trump relies on the credibility of the whistleblower.
The Ukraine says they were not pressured..................They are the Victims according to the Dems.........

How do you have a crime when the victim says they didn't get raped.............You make shit up........Welcome to the Democratic party of the United States.

Ukraine’s interest is not to piss anyone off and risk losing support of either American political faction.

They will publicly double talk all day long to make nicely-nice with both Democrats and Republicans.

But Zelensky absolutely faced pressure again, as much testimony shows.

You gotta prove that...........and what testimony........it's been behind closed doors.........

You got a crystal ball.........lol

Again..............they say they were not raped...........where is the proof they were raped when they say it didn't happen............How do you have a crime when the victim is not a victim.

Prove what? It’s right in the publicly available opening statements of the admin members.

Mulveney also publicly admitted that the military aid was held up by him, at the direction of the President to apply pressure on Ukraine.

You can try to argue that the pressure was applied in accordance with American foreign policy interests but to say there was no pressure is straight nuts at this point.

The only delay of the 400 million in aid was over high tech engines being sold to China.........That is what Bolton was saying.........U.S. policy towards China was saying......and what Ukraine was saying.......

The aid was approved.........and nothing on go after Biden or else BS involved............How do you prove it when the so called victim is Ukraine and they say it didn't happen.

Mickey Mouse Clubs presents Impeachment in the house......

1st witness is Goofy
Dummy, how can you discredit facts established by the testimony of TRUMP ADMINISTRATION MEMBERS?

ZERO of the case against Trump relies on the credibility of the whistleblower.
The Ukraine says they were not pressured..................They are the Victims according to the Dems.........

How do you have a crime when the victim says they didn't get raped.............You make shit up........Welcome to the Democratic party of the United States.

Ukraine’s interest is not to piss anyone off and risk losing support of either American political faction.

They will publicly double talk all day long to make nicely-nice with both Democrats and Republicans.

But Zelensky absolutely faced pressure again, as much testimony shows.

You gotta prove that...........and what testimony........it's been behind closed doors.........

You got a crystal ball.........lol

Again..............they say they were not raped...........where is the proof they were raped when they say it didn't happen............How do you have a crime when the victim is not a victim.

Prove what? It’s right in the publicly available opening statements of the admin members.

Mulveney also publicly admitted that the military aid was held up by him, at the direction of the President to apply pressure on Ukraine.

You can try to argue that the pressure was applied in accordance with American foreign policy interests but to say there was no pressure is straight nuts at this point.

The only delay of the 400 million in aid was over high tech engines being sold to China.........That is what Bolton was saying.........U.S. policy towards China was saying......and what Ukraine was saying.......

The aid was approved.........and nothing on go after Biden or else BS involved............How do you prove it when the so called victim is Ukraine and they say it didn't happen.

Mickey Mouse Clubs presents Impeachment in the house......

1st witness is Goofy

Trump’s chief of staff said you are wrong when he directly admitted that the money was held up to pressure Ukraine to conduct investigations.

Others testified same thing to Congress.

The aid finally getting approved after Zelensky rolled over on the call and asked Trump how high he should jump is irrelevant to the charges of Trump abusing his office by leveraging American foreign policy for personal political gain.
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Wait, what happened to freedom of the press? If they have the name, they should release the name. Inquiring minds want to know. And I don't care about his family and friends. I do think he should be required to testify as a significant witness for this whole impeachment circus.

You mean like how National Enquirer should have published the interview with the Playboy model who had sex with married Donald Trump- but buried it at Trump's request?

You mean that free press?

Absolutely. Free Press..... free to be bought and paid for. Whistleblower didn’t pay up.
The "whistle blower" isn't even a real "whistle blower" under the definition of "whistle blower," therefore isn't entitled to any of the legal protections a "whistle blower" might have.
The "whistle blower" isn't even a real "whistle blower" under the definition of "whistle blower," therefore isn't entitled to any of the legal protections a "whistle blower" might have.

Trump’s NSA Attorney General disagreed with you when he found the complaint credible and urgent.
The "whistle blower" isn't even a real "whistle blower" under the definition of "whistle blower," therefore isn't entitled to any of the legal protections a "whistle blower" might have.

Trump’s NSA Attorney General disagreed with you when he found the complaint credible and urgent.
What the NSA AG thinks is immaterial.

What the supposed whistle heard was second hand hearsay. That doesn't qualify him as a whistle blower. It does qualify him as a GOSSIPER of SECOND HAND BULL SHIT.
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The "whistle blower" isn't even a real "whistle blower" under the definition of "whistle blower," therefore isn't entitled to any of the legal protections a "whistle blower" might have.

Trump’s NSA Attorney General disagreed with you when he found the complaint credible and urgent.
What the NSA AG thinks is immaterial.

What the supposed whistle heard was second hand hearsay. That doesn't qualify him as a whistle blower. It does qualify him as a GOSSIPER of SECOND HAND BULL SHIT.

You are wrong, it is 100% material here because it was this Trump admin official that deemed whistleblower complaint proper and passed it on to Congress, thereby assuring legal protection to the person filing it in accordance with the whistleblower protection process.

The only way whistleblower protections would not apply is if the whistleblower did not follow the process and illegally disclosed classified materials.
Do you know what "free" means?


It doesn't mean you're free to break the law.

It's very illegal for anyone to disclose the name of a whistleblower. Which is why no reputable news outlet will do such a thing. Nor would a reputable news outlet disclose the name of someone without proof.

There's no proof that this is the right person. He's getting death threats and may not even be involved.

Do you really believe that a totally innocent person should endure that?

Do you know what innocent until proven guilty means?
They do not care. If he is killed they will celebrate.
I think that's what you want to believe. Nobody wants him dead, however, perhaps, if its found that this was all a planned event because of his ties with the democrats, I think perhaps he should at least be reprimanded.

What if it wasn’t planned? No evidence to support that claim.
There is a good reason to keep the identity of whistle blowers confidential, and those folks who are viewing this through a very PARTISAN lens should really think about this. The next time it could be a whistle blower reporting on your opposition. Will you react the same way - insist on revealing the identity or will you suddenly come to your senses because it's YOUR guy?

Whistle blowers perform an incredibly important function. Demanding public exposure will have a chilling effect on the willingness of anyone to come forward and report perceived wrong doing. They put their jobs, families and lives on the line in this era of violent rhetoric, demands for retribution and character assassination.

The process of investigation itself, from the first person who see's the report to the end of the investigation is one of determining whether there is credibility or not, to the report. What is generally done is to find corroboration and first hand knowledge of what is claimed. If you have that, you don't need the whistle blower - you have enough evidence to go forward with the investigation or to NOT go forward without that person's involvement.

People want to undo the entire whistle blower protection process - but - only for THIS guy who reported on THEIR president. Seriously?

Dangerous times.

He ain't a whistle blower. He is a brennan spy. He is a seditious bureaucrat who decided that he doesn't like the fact that the voters decided they don't like having a bureaucratic class who feel they are above the constitution, and the voters.
He is a whistle blower, we can't do this cafeteria style and pick choose who we think should or not be considered a whistleblower. Dangerous precedent.

No, he's not. The whistleblower laws are very specific and he doesn't qualify in any respect.
Yes they are specific and yes he does qualify. What specific law disqualifies him?
No evidence, but it has been shown that if this guy is the whistleblower, he has ties to biden, and some others. He also appears to be the one who orchestrated the russia collusion narrative, and he is a known leaker.
So that's why the Democrats want everything done in secrecy, so they can hit on President Trump with a known traitor to the President for DNC accolades and probably a nice nest egg, so they try the President in a facility that was actually built to protect all DC bigwhigs from bombs dropped on Washington DC, and the Democrats in Congress, with the help of Schumer, Feinstein, and other SINators in the DNC in the senate--are bombing away at the President with delirious abandon just like the nutcase who's running the impeachment who uses his own body fluids to post up bad messages about President Trump all over the walls of his home office in DC, as leaked by FoxNews Tucker Carlson the other evening.

What a sweet deal for Democrats. How sad for the Constitution of the United States whom Alzheimer's Nancy is using for toilet paper.

And that's what I think.

Also, You Tube has removed Tucker Carlson's video from their website telling the story of Schiff's writing messages about President Trump using his body fluids throughout his home office. It was here last night, and now, it's gone:
The "whistle blower" isn't even a real "whistle blower" under the definition of "whistle blower," therefore isn't entitled to any of the legal protections a "whistle blower" might have.

Trump’s NSA Attorney General disagreed with you when he found the complaint credible and urgent.

Wow, you're doing the same thing as the leaker, inventing shit. Is the NSA Attorney General second cousin to Harvey the rabbit?

Wow, you're doing the same thing as the leaker, inventing shit.
Peak Trump cultism. Every shred of the whistleblower report has already been corroborated. You freaks are in la la land....
And Mueller was going to Frag Trump ....how did that work out for you.

Hearsay evidence..........blah blah blah.......all it is...........Where is the victim........the victim is supposed to be Ukraine........they say it didn't happen......

tsk tsk.......you really are gonna try this BS........LOL
Wow, you're doing the same thing as the leaker, inventing shit.
Peak Trump cultism. Every shred of the whistleblower report has already been corroborated. You freaks are in la la land....

It's also been completely contradicted by people that were actually listening to the call. Of course you commies ignore that and have the nerve to accuse us of living in la la land. Try taking off your partisan blinders.

It's also been completely contradicted by people that were actually listening to the call.
Delusional trumpkin self soothing. Not one single fact has been contradicted, and every fact has been corroborated. You people are freaks.
It's also been completely contradicted by people that were actually listening to the call.
Delusional trumpkin self soothing. Not one single fact has been contradicted, and every fact has been corroborated. You people are freaks.

Well commie, feel free to put your shit to the senate and see how many seconds it takes to dismiss it.

It's also been completely contradicted by people that were actually listening to the call.
Delusional trumpkin self soothing. Not one single fact has been contradicted, and every fact has been corroborated. You people are freaks.

Well commie, feel free to put your shit to the senate and see how many seconds it takes to dismiss it.

Haha, the"alamo" of the neonazi crybabies.... "Thr senate will protect our criminal cult leader".

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