White Americans, Swing Voters in Battleground Districts: Immigration Has Made Life ‘Worse’

So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”
All you crackas, 100% descended from immigrants, are getting too uppity. Your 4th Reich is DOA.
My family has been in this Country since 1621 so I am NOT an immigrant you dumb ass.
Yeah, they immigrated here back in 1621. I bet they brought more invaders through chain migration too :mad:
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

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So you're descended from racists. On the other hand, Americans who notice that immigration only harms them are totally objective.
I think native born people always say this about immigrants. They fear change.

Whether they are justified or not in that fear, I don't know.
We are not afraid of LEGAL immigrants just the flood of ILLEGALS that no one seems to want to stop.

No, there is definitely a fear of legal Mexicans, Africans, S.Americans, and Muslims (which is not a nationality, but adherents of a religion). No one really worries about European or Asian immigrants.

Whether that fear is justified is, I think, up for debate.

Doesn’t matter if it’s justified or not. It is the will of the people and expressed in law.
nothing to do with weakazzed FEAR --- [jebito bush] --- er i mean John Shaw . Hopefully its due to dislike of the third worlders that are changing their country John Shaw .

What third worlders?
-------------------------------------- most imported people since the 'dead' ted kennedy messed up immigration in , think it was 64 or 65 . There are quite a few examples of third worlders on this board. Some are on the board advocating for Gun Control . For more example , take a walk in down town LosAngeles or most of southern kailfornia' John Shaw .

Like most of their bad ideas they lied to get it passed. They beat the drum for immigration “reform” for a year in 1965 all the while swearing it would not upset the “racial or cultural” identity of the nation.

“Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset” Ted Kennedy

Fast forward to today and watch Democrats crow about the changing demographics of America and how it will defeat Republicans.

So Much for Promises - Quotes Re 1965 Immigration Act | Articles
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”
All you crackas, 100% descended from immigrants, are getting too uppity. Your 4th Reich is DOA.

Immigrants? More like white European colonialists.

I have serious doubts that anyone is tired of the European white immigrants. High quality folks... apart from the leftists of course.
nothing to do with weakazzed FEAR --- [jebito bush] --- er i mean John Shaw . Hopefully its due to dislike of the third worlders that are changing their country John Shaw .

What third worlders?
-------------------------------------- most imported people since the 'dead' ted kennedy messed up immigration in , think it was 64 or 65 . There are quite a few examples of third worlders on this board. Some are on the board advocating for Gun Control . For more example , take a walk in down town LosAngeles or most of southern kailfornia' John Shaw .

Like most of their bad ideas they lied to get it passed. They beat the drum for immigration “reform” for a year in 1965 all the while swearing it would not upset the “racial or cultural” identity of the nation.

“Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset” Ted Kennedy

Fast forward to today and watch Democrats crow about the changing demographics of America and how it will defeat Republicans.

So Much for Promises - Quotes Re 1965 Immigration Act | Articles
------------------------------------- good info , thanks . I figure that its a lost cause . Replacement of Americans is happening and with that i figure that one of the most uniques and free , prosperous Nations and the concepts that it was built on will be gone DOTR .
And i don't blame the dems although i recognize them as enemies or 'fifth column' in the USA . I blame the older generation of , probably republican politicians or people that let it happen as to me they had no forethought or forward thinking ability when it was so easy to see what would happen when importing a flood of third worlders DOTR .
The last sensible act of my parents generation on immigration was the - operation wetback - in the mid 50s but it was too short lived . Course - operation wetback - cleaned up the USA at least for my generation DOTR .
pismoe, post: 20105766, member: 49074"]GOOD , can't really say more , just GOOD to see and hear . I hope that they are all terribly unhappy BPat .

Give out your address ,we can tell them you will welcome them in your hood with open arms.:11_2_1043:
View attachment 197658
--------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] . i'm not welcoming any third worlders Nova but i am glad that you are going to get them . Thing is that i guess that you were born in 78 so you are a youngster , millenial probably brainwashed about that stupid 'statue of liberty' and its poem . Anyway , its YOU and your kids that will be speaking spanish and eating 'halaal' meat and 'falafel' sometime in your and their future NOVA78 . [CHUCKLE]
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

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-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.
and the third worlders want to take Americans RIGHTS and Freedoms like gun RIGHTS and Freedom of Speech away GGator .
third worlders are not any particular race , they are third worlders and some 'english' and 'german' and others and they will vote to end or restrict your RIGHTS as they gain political power and you want their importation . I always got to remember that no matter anything else , third worlders , germans and english and others are Forigners and have grown up to think like foreigners for all their lives . They ain't American in thinking or anything else GGator .
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”
All you crackas, 100% descended from immigrants, are getting too uppity. Your 4th Reich is DOA.
My family has been in this Country since 1621 so I am NOT an immigrant you dumb ass.
Yeah, they immigrated here back in 1621. I bet they brought more invaders through chain migration too :mad:
I am sorry RETARD but after 500 years I am not an immigrant. Using your criteria the Indians were immigrants.
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.

It is not coincidence it is just the white people that feel this way.
i won't get into the race thing but it seems to me that Americans that are sober , observant and of regular intelligence and love of the USA can see whats going on GGator .
I remember when my little city got its first black family. We were all kind of happy about being all American instead of all white.

Today that city is a high crime slum.
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.

It is not coincidence it is just the white people that feel this way.
You are so wrong it is amazing

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