White Americans, Swing Voters in Battleground Districts: Immigration Has Made Life ‘Worse’

So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”

I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

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-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.

It is not coincidence it is just the white people that feel this way.
Yes, it's no coincidence that white people settled this country and made it what it is. You have yet to explain why you think everyone living in some third world shithole is entitled to cash in on what we created.
they never answer , quite often i ask , with 310 million people of all sorts in the USA [2010 census and not counting illegals ] , why import more . As reference , there were about 210 million people in the USA in 1970 Census . -------------- anyway , i never get an answer .
So much for the snowflake claim that Americans support immigration:

The majority of white Americans and swing voters in 2018 swing districts say that change has made life “worse” in the U.S.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly 60 percent of white likely voters who see changes in their neighborhood from mass immigration said that immigration made their community “worse.” Only 15 percent of these voters said immigration has made American life “better.” These likely voters live in swing districts which could be swayed towards either the Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.


Likewise, the majority of swing voters in swing districts say immigration has been a detriment to their community, rather than a benefit, as immigration is often described by the political elite.

More than 60 percent of swing voters who said immigration had changed their neighborhood told pollsters the change has made life in America “worse.” Less than 15 percent of swing voters said immigration had made their life “better.”
All you crackas, 100% descended from immigrants, are getting too uppity. Your 4th Reich is DOA.

Immigrants? More like white European colonialists.

I have serious doubts that anyone is tired of the European white immigrants. High quality folks... apart from the leftists of course.
Europeans are too violent and crazy. They tried to massacre all the Jews, and now there’s a movement to massacre all the Muslims. And that’s after millenia of them tying to massacre each other. But there’s hope for the future: Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050
nothing to do with weakazzed FEAR --- [jebito bush] --- er i mean John Shaw . Hopefully its due to dislike of the third worlders that are changing their country John Shaw .

What third worlders?
-------------------------------------- most imported people since the 'dead' ted kennedy messed up immigration in , think it was 64 or 65 . There are quite a few examples of third worlders on this board. Some are on the board advocating for Gun Control . For more example , take a walk in down town LosAngeles or most of southern kailfornia' John Shaw .

Like most of their bad ideas they lied to get it passed. They beat the drum for immigration “reform” for a year in 1965 all the while swearing it would not upset the “racial or cultural” identity of the nation.

“Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset” Ted Kennedy

Fast forward to today and watch Democrats crow about the changing demographics of America and how it will defeat Republicans.

So Much for Promises - Quotes Re 1965 Immigration Act | Articles
Something else with a gentile face but pushed HARD behind the scenes by Jews.
I remember my grandpa telling me the same thing when the first black family moved into their neighborhood.

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-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.

It is not coincidence it is just the white people that feel this way.
Yes, it's no coincidence that white people settled this country and made it what it is. You have yet to explain why you think everyone living in some third world shithole is entitled to cash in on what we created.

I do not think that way.

Remember, I am the guy that wants to station the military on the border and defend our country the right way.

But I am not the guy that gets the willies when someone non-white moves in to my neighborhood.

I leave that up to others.
-------------------------------------------- black people in the USA that Grandpa was PROBABLY talking about were or are Americans which is far different than the flood of third worlders that are now and have been flooding the USA since Reagan and the 'bush' family GGator .

True, but the attitude and the bias is the same. Racism is racism no matter how you slice it

Observing that immigration is fucking us up the ass isn't bias or racism. It's an irrefutable fact.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.

It is not coincidence it is just the white people that feel this way.
Yes, it's no coincidence that white people settled this country and made it what it is. You have yet to explain why you think everyone living in some third world shithole is entitled to cash in on what we created.

I do not think that way.

Remember, I am the guy that wants to station the military on the border and defend our country the right way.

But I am not the guy that gets the willies when someone non-white moves in to my neighborhood.

I leave that up to others.
It has nothing to do with their color, douchebag. It has to do with the fact that they are uneducated, impoverished, lacking skills, and their culture is backwards. Even if they were white Europeans with a doctors degree I would still be opposed to them coming here in large numbers. This country doesn't need more people. The sign on the door says "no vacancies."
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You are so wrong it is amazing

Sorry there Gunny, just because you said so, does not make it so.
EVERY ONE has prejudices. Blacks are racist Browns are racist and yellows are racist, claiming only whites are is as IGNORANT as it gets.

I did not say only whites are racist, I said in this particular study it is not a coincidence that it is the whites that are bothered by people of other colors moving into their neighborhood.
Except there hasn’t been “mass immigration “. These people have been fooled by the oldest trick in the book, SCAPEGOAT IMMIGRANTS.

Actually immigration is at the highest rates that it has ever been.
immigration_by_year graph.jpg

But everyone gets it. The Corrupt Democratic Party can't survive without importing more poor uneducated voters.
You are so wrong it is amazing

Sorry there Gunny, just because you said so, does not make it so.
EVERY ONE has prejudices. Blacks are racist Browns are racist and yellows are racist, claiming only whites are is as IGNORANT as it gets.

I did not say only whites are racist, I said in this particular study it is not a coincidence that it is the whites that are bothered by people of other colors moving into their neighborhood.
And Blacks are bothered by whites moving into their neighborhoods or perhaps you can explain the whining when gentrification occurs?

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