White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report
I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
he made his point and it made you whine...

What's the difference between a "whine" and a real "reason"?

Answer: Whether you agree.
a whine is crying because he showed you up with facts real reason is confronting those facts with some other fact not "I wasn't talking to Eric Holder" which is a whine


I asked him repeatedly to make the point in his own words (and to support it himself).

I'm fully willing to address whatever "facts" he thinks are in there.
Here's the briefing on the Ferguson report for those that won't read it. Holder outlines some of the problems found.
Let's keep in mind that after this report came out, several of the people involved in this resigned.

Attorney General Eric Holder Ferguson Missouri Video C-SPAN.org

I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

I never said it did.
That's your twisted interpretation.

Were those efforts you speak of 100% effective in your estimation?

Have you read the OP?

That's the topic.

THe OP holds "America" and by that it means White America responsible for "unforgivable crimes" against blacks.

It denies the last 50 years.

If you disagree with that, then you are on my side in this debate.
Here's the briefing on the Ferguson report for those that won't read it. Holder outlines some of the problems found.
Let's keep in mind that after this report came out, several of the people involved in this resigned.

Attorney General Eric Holder Ferguson Missouri Video C-SPAN.org

I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

I never said it did.
That's your twisted interpretation.

Were those efforts you speak of 100% effective in your estimation?

Have you read the OP?

That's the topic.

THe OP holds "America" and by that it means White America responsible for "unforgivable crimes" against blacks.

It denies the last 50 years.

If you disagree with that, then you are on my side in this debate.
Blah blah blah...you claim sacrifice you have no sacrifices you can actually cite...we have this over the last 50 years ...
The chart above cannot be explained by "Black Criminality" but by a change in the social playing field that was discriminatory against Blacks ...for instance Blacks and whites both smoke marijuana at the same rate in each population but Blacks are 3 times as likely to be charged ...its systematic ...its not DNA that explains nor are there cultural issues that explain the chart...
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

Wow. YOu mean a city used tickets and fines as a source of revenue?


I've been complaining about the abuse of that system in my own city for years. I personally know whites who have suffered real harm from this abuse.

DO you really care about it, or is it just something to use to slam whitey with?

Has anything been done about it?

Or, has it's use been accomplished, ie whitey was slammed?

Is anything being done about it? Anything being tried?
I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

I never said it did.
That's your twisted interpretation.

Were those efforts you speak of 100% effective in your estimation?

Have you read the OP?

That's the topic.

THe OP holds "America" and by that it means White America responsible for "unforgivable crimes" against blacks.

It denies the last 50 years.

If you disagree with that, then you are on my side in this debate.
Blah blah blah...you claim sacrifice you have no sacrifices you can actually cite...we have this over the last 50 years ...

THat fact that you have the nerve to ask "what sacrifices" shows how wasted they were, if the goal was racial harmony and equality.

Right down the crapper.

More and more, whites are done.
The chart above cannot be explained by "Black Criminality" but by a change in the social playing field that was discriminatory against Blacks ...for instance Blacks and whites both smoke marijuana at the same rate in each population but Blacks are 3 times as likely to be charged ...its systematic ...its not DNA that explains nor are there cultural issues that explain the chart...

I saw this bar fight between a black guy and a white guy.

THe black guy was arrested and the white guy was not.

Was it racism?

Or was it the fact that when the bartender told them that he had called the police the white guy left and the black guy stayed to complain about shit?

SO when the cops showed up, the white guy was gone and the black guy was there going off.
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The chart above cannot be explained by "Black Criminality" but by a change in the social playing field that was discriminatory against Blacks ...for instance Blacks and whites both smoke marijuana at the same rate in each population but Blacks are 3 times as likely to be charged ...its systematic ...its not DNA that explains nor are there cultural issues that explain the chart...

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

Wow. YOu mean a city used tickets and fines as a source of revenue?


I've been complaining about the abuse of that system in my own city for years. I personally know whites who have suffered real harm from this abuse.

DO you really care about it, or is it just something to use to slam whitey with?

Has anything been done about it?

Or, has it's use been accomplished, ie whitey was slammed?

Is anything being done about it? Anything being tried?

The first step to correcting a problem is identifying the problem. (That's if you choose to see a problem at all).
Let's also be clear that this problem would be invisible if social unrest had not shown a national light on it.
YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

I am not arguing that at all. YOU ARE.
I said efforts have fallen short in some areas and more work is needed.

As far as affirmative action, I suppose a few white guys losing out to a few black guys is worse than this......

View attachment 41118

Logical fallacy of the False Dilemma.

Ending anti-white discrimination does NOT mean going back to the Era of Jim Crow.

How old is that picture? 60 years? More?

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

You want more work?

Attacks like the OP, riots, ect.

THey don't encourage more work, they encourage ending the work. And the quicker the better.

Why do you suppose AA was deemed necessary in the first place? Do you think it was maybe because people wouldn't hire blacks and other minorities? You act as if these things never happened.

I said before they want to believe that if only blacks rejected AA (which no one knows HOW that can happen) then they believe that suddenly racism and discrimination will go away.

Anyone who knows a tiny bit about history knows that assumption is ridiculous
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

This is where Cornell will abandon the "doesnt hold anyone down" bullshit unless he considers getting fined for minor offenses as being uplifting and paying ridiculous fines as being patriotic
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

Wow. YOu mean a city used tickets and fines as a source of revenue?


I've been complaining about the abuse of that system in my own city for years. I personally know whites who have suffered real harm from this abuse.

DO you really care about it, or is it just something to use to slam whitey with?

Has anything been done about it?

Or, has it's use been accomplished, ie whitey was slammed?

Is anything being done about it? Anything being tried?

The first step to correcting a problem is identifying the problem. (That's if you choose to see a problem at all).
Let's also be clear that this problem would be invisible if social unrest had not shown a national light on it.

Funny you should mention that.

What about illegitimacy?

It has been identified as the source of all kinds of problems from high rates of crime to drug abuse, poverty, ect, ect.

It was identified as such back in the 1960s.

But, you libs would rather pretend the problem is white racism.
YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

I am not arguing that at all. YOU ARE.
I said efforts have fallen short in some areas and more work is needed.

As far as affirmative action, I suppose a few white guys losing out to a few black guys is worse than this......

View attachment 41118

Logical fallacy of the False Dilemma.

Ending anti-white discrimination does NOT mean going back to the Era of Jim Crow.

How old is that picture? 60 years? More?

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

You want more work?

Attacks like the OP, riots, ect.

THey don't encourage more work, they encourage ending the work. And the quicker the better.

Why do you suppose AA was deemed necessary in the first place? Do you think it was maybe because people wouldn't hire blacks and other minorities? You act as if these things never happened.

Sure. 50 years ago.

There you go again. Pretending the last 50 years didn't happen.

Tell me why whites should do more, when all we have done so far has gotten us nothing but more demands?

A waste of time. A complete failure.
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

This is where Cornell will abandon the "doesnt hold anyone down" bullshit unless he considers getting fined for minor offenses as being uplifting and paying ridiculous fines as being patriotic

This is where I will point out that the abuse of fines by local governments does not outweigh that last 50 years of national policy and effort and sacrifice.

YOu do realize that by dismissing all the efforts that have been made, that you are really, really discouraging ANY futher efforts, right?
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

This is where Cornell will abandon the "doesnt hold anyone down" bullshit unless he considers getting fined for minor offenses as being uplifting and paying ridiculous fines as being patriotic

This is where I will point out that the abuse of fines by local governments does not outweigh that last 50 years of national policy and effort and sacrifice.

YOu do realize that by dismissing all the efforts that have been made, that you are really, really discouraging ANY futher efforts, right?

Yeah, but the problem is that no one is arguing that one thing makes the other disappear but you. And the reason why is because its false logic to begin with. No action makes another action disappear. Thats just your way of copping with the information.

"Yeah thats bad but it doesnt take away from the good, does it?"
Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

Holder's report showed the systematic exploitation of the Black population by a nearly all white power strucvture that was harsh and selective in enforcement and used the poor Black folks as an ATM machine ...taxing through the legal system...it was telling how the rats left the ship after the report

This is where Cornell will abandon the "doesnt hold anyone down" bullshit unless he considers getting fined for minor offenses as being uplifting and paying ridiculous fines as being patriotic

This is where I will point out that the abuse of fines by local governments does not outweigh that last 50 years of national policy and effort and sacrifice.

YOu do realize that by dismissing all the efforts that have been made, that you are really, really discouraging ANY futher efforts, right?

Yeah, but the problem is that no one is arguing that one thing makes the other disappear but you. And the reason why is because its false logic to begin with. No action makes another action disappear. Thats just your way of copping with the information.

"Yeah thats bad but it doesnt take away from the good, does it?"

You and your, from the OP right on though, have constantly demonstrated the mindset that the most minor bad does make the good disappear.

From your OP.

"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality, "

Perpetual marginality? White America has for 50 years a strong consensus of the exact opposite.

By claiming the opposite you have denied all that effort, or all that "good".

ANd you want to use that as the BEGINNING of a conversation?

Ok buddy, I'm not going to argue with you uabout what you believe I believe. I'm here to talk facts
Ok buddy, I'm not going to argue with you uabout what you believe I believe. I'm here to talk facts

A minute ago, you were happy to discuss what you believed I believe.


Sure. Fact is that the US has had bi-partisan consensus on helping blacks up for the last 50 years.

And whites are increasingly done with that.

Opening a discussion on Race with, "YOU assholes are guilty, and need to do more", is not going to be productive.

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