White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"


You are a hard headed fool.
What's this? White America bending over backwards?
Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post

I've posted this at least a half a dozen times and no one will address it.
"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The problem is that Eric Holders criminal conspiracy of a DOJ lacks anything close to credibility. Was Ferguson PD focused on revenue? Yep, every police force in the USA is. Did they engage in criminal acts to generate revenue? Every police force in the USA does. Was race the motivating factor? Nope, money was - and is.

It just so happen that the majority of those fined, ticketed etc are black. You want everyone to forget that part

The majority of those tickets were black? In a town where the majority of the population was white? Err, I mean black?

HOw strange...

That is certainly a crime that out weights 5 decades of Affirmative Action and social spending and quotas and reverse discrimination, and education and outreach and ect. ect. ect.

Read the report rather than continue to speak to something you obviously don't understand. All of the demographic data is explained.
BTW, to keep asserting the idea that white folks have been harmed by AA in any way comperable to blacks is insane.

YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. I can't imagine that someone who "knows" the data could be so obtuse.If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.
The problem is that Eric Holders criminal conspiracy of a DOJ lacks anything close to credibility. Was Ferguson PD focused on revenue? Yep, every police force in the USA is. Did they engage in criminal acts to generate revenue? Every police force in the USA does. Was race the motivating factor? Nope, money was - and is.

It just so happen that the majority of those fined, ticketed etc are black. You want everyone to forget that part

The majority of those tickets were black? In a town where the majority of the population was white? Err, I mean black?

HOw strange...

That is certainly a crime that out weights 5 decades of Affirmative Action and social spending and quotas and reverse discrimination, and education and outreach and ect. ect. ect.

Read the report rather than continue to speak to something you obviously don't understand. All of the demographic data is explained.
BTW, to keep asserting the idea that white folks have been harmed by AA in any way comperable to blacks is insane.

YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.
It just so happen that the majority of those fined, ticketed etc are black. You want everyone to forget that part

The majority of those tickets were black? In a town where the majority of the population was white? Err, I mean black?

HOw strange...

That is certainly a crime that out weights 5 decades of Affirmative Action and social spending and quotas and reverse discrimination, and education and outreach and ect. ect. ect.

Read the report rather than continue to speak to something you obviously don't understand. All of the demographic data is explained.
BTW, to keep asserting the idea that white folks have been harmed by AA in any way comperable to blacks is insane.

YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

I am not arguing that at all. YOU ARE.
I said efforts have fallen short in some areas and more work is needed.

As far as affirmative action, I suppose a few white guys losing out to a few black guys is worse than this......

The majority of those tickets were black? In a town where the majority of the population was white? Err, I mean black?

HOw strange...

That is certainly a crime that out weights 5 decades of Affirmative Action and social spending and quotas and reverse discrimination, and education and outreach and ect. ect. ect.

Read the report rather than continue to speak to something you obviously don't understand. All of the demographic data is explained.
BTW, to keep asserting the idea that white folks have been harmed by AA in any way comperable to blacks is insane.

YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

I am not arguing that at all. YOU ARE.
I said efforts have fallen short in some areas and more work is needed.

As far as affirmative action, I suppose a few white guys losing out to a few black guys is worse than this......

View attachment 41118

Logical fallacy of the False Dilemma.

Ending anti-white discrimination does NOT mean going back to the Era of Jim Crow.

How old is that picture? 60 years? More?

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

You want more work?

Attacks like the OP, riots, ect.

THey don't encourage more work, they encourage ending the work. And the quicker the better.
Read the report rather than continue to speak to something you obviously don't understand. All of the demographic data is explained.
BTW, to keep asserting the idea that white folks have been harmed by AA in any way comperable to blacks is insane.

YOur assumption that the reason I don't agree with you, is because I don't understand the data, is nothing but a classic closed mind. You cannot imagine that a reasonable person would reasonable disagree with you.

I understand the data fine.

YOu are the one that posted that the "majority of those ticketed were black", with no reference to the demographics of the city being majority black OR of the age differences of the two groups.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

Show me where I said what you quoted. It doesn't exist.
The demographics of Ferguson are in THE REPORT that I have posted repeatedly. If you chose not to read it than you DON'T understand the data. If you had read it you would not be saying what you are.

Opps, sorry that was closedcaption not you.

If you think there is some argument in that report that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice, you go right ahead and make it, buddy.

And anyone who thinks that you can discriminate in favor of blacks without discriminating against whites is the insane one.

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

I am not arguing that at all. YOU ARE.
I said efforts have fallen short in some areas and more work is needed.

As far as affirmative action, I suppose a few white guys losing out to a few black guys is worse than this......

View attachment 41118

Logical fallacy of the False Dilemma.

Ending anti-white discrimination does NOT mean going back to the Era of Jim Crow.

How old is that picture? 60 years? More?

We whites have been sacrificing for 50 years to try to help the blacks, and this is the thanks we get?

MOre and more, we are done.

You want more work?

Attacks like the OP, riots, ect.

THey don't encourage more work, they encourage ending the work. And the quicker the better.

Why do you suppose AA was deemed necessary in the first place? Do you think it was maybe because people wouldn't hire blacks and other minorities? You act as if these things never happened.

In 2009, non-Hispanic blacks, while only 13.6% of the population, accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population.

One can see the effects of repression built in the system to incarcerate Blacks

NOpe. We see the effects of majority single parents homes.

You can spend the rest of time blaming whitey or you can address the real cause.

ONe makes you feel better and helps you win elections. The other might actual do some good.

One can see the effects of repression built in the system to incarcerate Blacks

NOpe. We see the effects of majority single parents homes.

You can spend the rest of time blaming whitey or you can address the real cause.

ONe makes you feel better and helps you win elections. The other might actual do some good.

You are stupid look at the rise in the space of 3 years...what parenting went bad in 2006 ...grow up right wing ninny...one makes you feel better and helps you gather the votes of whinny whites
Here's the briefing on the Ferguson report for those that won't read it. Holder outlines some of the problems found.
Let's keep in mind that after this report came out, several of the people involved in this resigned.

Attorney General Eric Holder Ferguson Missouri Video C-SPAN.org

I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?
Here's the briefing on the Ferguson report for those that won't read it. Holder outlines some of the problems found.
Let's keep in mind that after this report came out, several of the people involved in this resigned.

Attorney General Eric Holder Ferguson Missouri Video C-SPAN.org

I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?
what the sacrifice are you talking about ??
Here's the briefing on the Ferguson report for those that won't read it. Holder outlines some of the problems found.
Let's keep in mind that after this report came out, several of the people involved in this resigned.

Attorney General Eric Holder Ferguson Missouri Video C-SPAN.org

I'm talking to you, not Eric Fucking HOlder. YOu have a point to make, make it.
I HAve BeEN TalKing to you.
YoU JUSt chOose noT to heaR it.

Blah, blah, blah.

What brilliant point do you think HOlder made, that outweighs the last 50 years of national policy, effort and sacrifice?

I never said it did.
That's your twisted interpretation.

Were those efforts you speak of 100% effective in your estimation?

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