White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Free speech, not a university value.

I already posted the University constitution rules form that organizations and students have to agree to.

The fraternity denounced those members, they spoke ideals that are not representative of their fraternity.

Maybe they should just be home schooled ;)

I'm thinking they were already home schooled. In fact, that could be the problem. LOL!
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

Sterling got $4Billion for an asset not worth more than $1Billion according to any reasonable DCF valuation.

Yeah, that's confiscation alright. :rofl:
Irrelevant how much he got. He was forced to sell his property against his will. That is confiscation.

When you get tired of your new avatar, you can use this.

this could be your new avi

This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand but I just have to bitch about it. Forgive me. My sink plug was split so I sent my daughter to the store to get a new one so I could do dishes. She returns and the damned thing has instructions on the back. It says "hold plug upright and insert in drain." And it has a little diagram of a hand placing the plug into the sink drain. Jesus H Fucking Christ on His Cross is that what we have come to? Are we that fucking stupid as a society that we need instructions on how to plug a drain with a drain plug?

What is worse? The SAEs racial ignorance or the guy who actually needs instructions on how to use the drain plug?

Ok rant over. Moving on. Thanks for letting me vent
squeeze, you little racialists are not the ticket takers anymore. Your gray day has set forever.
Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

Sterling got $4Billion for an asset not worth more than $1Billion according to any reasonable DCF valuation.

Yeah, that's confiscation alright. :rofl:
Irrelevant how much he got. He was forced to sell his property against his will. That is confiscation.

When you get tired of your new avatar, you can use this.

this could be your new avi


And here's one for you.

First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

Sterling got $4Billion for an asset not worth more than $1Billion according to any reasonable DCF valuation.

Yeah, that's confiscation alright. :rofl:
Irrelevant how much he got. He was forced to sell his property against his will. That is confiscation.

When you get tired of your new avatar, you can use this.

this could be your new avi


And here's one for you.


at Carla _ canyon
The Rabbi melting down over his defense of racist idiots. 'twas ever thus w/ that shit stain

I don't think he is defending them so much as he is defending their right to be assholes
Subtlety isnt the strong point of these mental midgets.
Determining the difference between a right and a consequence isnt a strong point of yours.

There should be consequences but they should come from the private sector. SAE national is a private organization and they pulled their charter. These kids will, and should be branded, and will face public scorn and be ostracized by the OU community. Let them walk to class and endure that scorn. Society will take care of it. No need for the government to get involved if it runs the risk of a violation of constitutional rights.

I'm inclined to agree with you about the scorn stuff, but again, public schools infringing upon this kind of speech has been upheld by the Supreme Court at almost every turn. That, and the fact that these kids are going to want to put this behind them asap, more or less kills any chance of this ever going to court.
The Rabbi melting down over his defense of racist idiots. 'twas ever thus w/ that shit stain

I don't think he is defending them so much as he is defending their right to be assholes

A right that has not been infringed upon.

I replied to a similar sentiment earlier. No need to repeat it. I think the argument can be made that it has been infringed upon, but like I said, the courts will sort it out and I am not sure there is much more that we can say until that happens except that we currently disagree. I am ok with that. No problem.
Nah, the chapter hqs have kicked their collective ass, and the U has kicked their academic ass, and I am sure the family had a few choice words for him, such as, "This is mot why we home schooled you."
The Rabbi melting down over his defense of racist idiots. 'twas ever thus w/ that shit stain

I don't think he is defending them so much as he is defending their right to be assholes

A right that has not been infringed upon.

I replied to a similar sentiment earlier. No need to repeat it. I think the argument can be made that it has been infringed upon, but like I said, the courts will sort it out and I am not sure there is much more that we can say until that happens except that we currently disagree. I am ok with that. No problem.

I doubt it'll ever go to court.

These kids don't want to become famous for being racist dicks.
The Rabbi melting down over his defense of racist idiots. 'twas ever thus w/ that shit stain

I don't think he is defending them so much as he is defending their right to be assholes
Subtlety isnt the strong point of these mental midgets.
Determining the difference between a right and a consequence isnt a strong point of yours.

There should be consequences but they should come from the private sector. SAE national is a private organization and they pulled their charter. These kids will, and should be branded, and will face public scorn and be ostracized by the OU community. Let them walk to class and endure that scorn. Society will take care of it. No need for the government to get involved if it runs the risk of a violation of constitutional rights.

I'm inclined to agree with you about the scorn stuff, but again, public schools infringing upon this kind of speech has been upheld by the Supreme Court at almost every turn. That, and the fact that these kids are going to want to put this behind them asap, more or less kills any chance of this ever going to court.

You may be absolutely correct. What the legal system has determined in regards to this kind of stuff and freedom of speech and universities, I really am quite ignorant of. It may be that the courts have already decided this and if so I stand humbly corrected. My guess is it will go to court because it's just too juicy for a lawyer to ignore. We'll see what happens.

in any case...nice argument. Thumbs up.
no seriously. What brought you & the other guy here? You know there are sites that cater to your people's fears.
Sorry, I didn't realize this website was a hugbox for your precious wittle feelings about mean words.

Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

English isn't your first language, is it.
Hypothetically speaking...

Would the USPS have the right to fire a mailman who was posting vulgar, racist tweets on Twitter?

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