White Culture

It's time to stop trying to find equivalences and face reality. You run your mouth about a broken black culture when the reality is that white culture is worse.
Really based on what?
Out of wedlock births......blacks win
violence....black win
basketball players.... blacks win
rappers...blacks win
safe neighborhoods....whitey wins
good schools....whitey wins
trash on the ground in your neightborhood....blacks win
stolen guns....blacks win
legally purchased guns.....whitey wins
fake hate crimes.....blacks win
what metric are you using? You will lose...because you're not honest and live in the state controlled media matrix........and I'm going to enjoy this
Really based on what?
Out of wedlock births......blacks win
violence....black win
basketball players.... blacks win
rappers...blacks win
safe neighborhoods....whitey wins
good schools....whitey wins
trash on the ground in your neightborhood....blacks win
stolen guns....blacks win
legally purchased guns.....whitey wins
fake hate crimes.....blacks win
what metric are you using? You will lose...because you're not honest and live in the state controlled media matrix........and I'm going to enjoy this

I am white, and I’m certainly not your people.
If a race riot broke out, blacks won't. Care about your views. They will beat you up for being white and, it will come down to that the media spins everything as racist you will need friends like me unless you are trolling me about your race.
If a race riot broke out, blacks won't. Care about your views. They will beat you up for being white and, it will come down to that the media spins everything as racist you will need friends like me unless you are trolling me about your race.
I guess I just don’t take the media as seriously as you do. You seem trapped in that brainwashed bubble. I don’t need friends like you whether there is a riot or not. I’m perfectly fine taking care of myself and my family.

my friendships are based on a persons character not skin color.

If a race riot breaks out where blacks are beating up whites because of their skin color then I think right there you have found your people
I guess I just don’t take the media as seriously as you do. You seem trapped in that brainwashed bubble. I don’t need friends like you whether there is a riot or not. I’m perfectly fine taking care of myself and my family.

my friendships are based on a persons character not skin color.

If a race riot breaks out where blacks are beating up whites because of their skin color then I think right there you have found your people
It's not brainwashing its facts. You need to stop acting like a snowflake and open your eyes. But, anyway, why do you keep saying your people if you're White. Why do, keep calling them mine? Saying when a riot breaks. Out they are mine and not yours that doesn't sense at all.

White people are my people! I'm just trying to understand what your getting at if you are not my people, your not white, but I get the feeling like your trying to troll me, and it's not working.
Movies like this are nothing but hyperbole and stereotypes.

Do you think Boyz in da hood should be held up as an example of Black culture?
You guys already do that. It is one reason why I made this thread.
If a race riot broke out, blacks won't. Care about your views. They will beat you up for being white and, it will come down to that the media spins everything as racist you will need friends like me unless you are trolling me about your race.
If a race riot breaks out it will be due to you white supremacists like it always has been. Whites like Slade won't get beat up because more than likely he'll be fight the white supremacists.
Really based on what?
Out of wedlock births......blacks win
violence....black win
basketball players.... blacks win
rappers...blacks win
safe neighborhoods....whitey wins
good schools....whitey wins
trash on the ground in your neightborhood....blacks win
stolen guns....blacks win
legally purchased guns.....whitey wins
fake hate crimes.....blacks win
what metric are you using? You will lose...because you're not honest and live in the state controlled media matrix........and I'm going to enjoy this
Actually 245 years of American history shows me that everything bad you put on blacks was done or caused by racist whites and all the good stuff you give to whites is the result of some of the most violent crimes in world history. Violence and crime are owned by whites. The state controlled media that you imagines existing is owned and controlled by whites.

So everything you say here is a lie huckabuck.
I'm not white but I've told you that already

So you really think that being as dumb as the people you want to criticize is a good strategy?
Of course you're not

I am pointing out truths. I'm not going tp be gaslit because I am not doing what you cklaim and accomodating racism by ignoring it or not pointing out the double standard only allows it to continue. Whites here don't get to talk about "black culture celebrating thugs and crime"without being shown how much more it's glorified in white culture. Hell, white racists elect crooks into office then bitch about how criminal the government is. That's how much white culture glorifies crime.
Actually 245 years of American history shows me that everything bad you put on blacks was done or caused by racist whites and all the good stuff you give to whites is the result of some of the most violent crimes in world history. Violence and crime are owned by whites. The state controlled media that you imagines existing is owned and controlled by whites.

So everything you say here is a lie huckabuck.
Yeah it's all whiteys fault..........You do realize most blacks emmigrated from Africa? You probabley didn't know that.

They are coming to America.......whitey here must be better than the brothers over there.......I mean I don't see you moving to Africa......

Yeah it's all whiteys fault..........You do realize most blacks emmigrated from Africa? You probabley didn't know that.

They are coming to America.......whitey here must be better than the brothers over there.......I mean I don't see you moving to Africa......

Huckabuck, you don't have the first clue.
I was born here son. Your white ass and others like you bitch and moan daily about a government created giving you preference. I don't see you hopping on a plane back to Europe and white Europeans are immigrating here too. So you're just another dumb ass saltine trying to add your 2 cent.
Huckabuck, you don't have the first clue.
I was born here son. Your white ass and others like you bitch and moan daily about a government created giving you preference. I don't see you hopping on a plane back to Europe and white Europeans are immigrating here too. So you're just another dumb ass saltine trying to add your 2 cent.
Really, the govt gave me preference..I must have missed the meeting....where is my white privledge card? Still don't have one........

And I didnt say where you were born asshat......but you have this bullshit, my ancestors were slaves and I'm owed something......
You ain't owed shit....get off your ass and make it happen......Ben Carson and Michael Jordan did..........I could name thousands off the top of my mind...

You're just a lazy piece of shit that wants to blame whitey for all your problems..........everyone has problems....winners overcome them......and not cry if they were called a mean name....you pussy........grow up and act like an adult.
It's not brainwashing its facts. You need to stop acting like a snowflake and open your eyes. But, anyway, why do you keep saying your people if you're White. Why do, keep calling them mine? Saying when a riot breaks. Out they are mine and not yours that doesn't sense at all.
What are you talking about? When did I say “my people”?

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