White flight

its weird you dont see the grave injustice in what you just said. Why should Blacks have to work harder than whites just to get the same thing whites have? I know whites need help against competition but where is your sense of pride and fairness?

I said REGARLESS of race......meaning ANYONE. Figure this.......women have had to work harder than men to be taken seriously in the workplace, freed prisoners or reformed addicts or any group you want to insert.......has to work harder than who they perceive as the 'privileged' few......in order to overcome the stigma of what held them down in the past (ie...men, crime, drugs, etc)
White women dont have to work harder than Black men and women. Youre second in line. Obviously its a race thing.

Women have had plenty to fight for against men and are still fighting it......but we don't give up just because we can't be first
I think youre missing the point. If white women dont have to fight as hard as Black men and women then its racial.

I think you're missing the point.......I've tried twice(?) now to EXCLUDE race, and you keep bringing it back. So.........

If it were still so bad, as pre-civil rights era, how did so many blacks ever make it in politics or business? Or how did Obama ever make President? Not that I like Obama, I don't, but not because he's black, but for what he's done to this country.Or MLK ever be such a public figure to influence such a wide audience? Why??? Because they didn't use those same excuses. It's because they believed in themselves enough to push past those barriers & not let those same barriers hold them back.....like a majority of blacks do. If blacks didn't have the same opportunities as anyone else, they'd still be picking cotton. The same opportunities are there for all, ya'll just need to step up & take them without inciting violence & blame for what was
Why are you trying to exclude race?

I never said it was as bad as pre-civil rights. Where did you get that idea? Obama became POTUS because people of color voted for him by a vast majority while white support never eclipsed 40%.

MLK became such a public figure because he had a great speaking voice and he was a passive resister which was more preferable to whites than someone ready to go to war for their rights.

No the same opportunities are not there for Blacks. If that were the case we wouldnt still have discrimination suits and more white imposed hurdles to navigate.
There is nothing better than a thread full of white people telling black people all about what it is like to be black in America. Makes my day. Every day.
It is no different than you blacks telling us white's what it is like to be white in America. Makes my day. Every day.

Yeah...I'm black. I'm also 9 feet tall and I have an eye in the middle of my chest.
I said REGARLESS of race......meaning ANYONE. Figure this.......women have had to work harder than men to be taken seriously in the workplace, freed prisoners or reformed addicts or any group you want to insert.......has to work harder than who they perceive as the 'privileged' few......in order to overcome the stigma of what held them down in the past (ie...men, crime, drugs, etc)
White women dont have to work harder than Black men and women. Youre second in line. Obviously its a race thing.

Women have had plenty to fight for against men and are still fighting it......but we don't give up just because we can't be first
I think youre missing the point. If white women dont have to fight as hard as Black men and women then its racial.

I think you're missing the point.......I've tried twice(?) now to EXCLUDE race, and you keep bringing it back. So.........

If it were still so bad, as pre-civil rights era, how did so many blacks ever make it in politics or business? Or how did Obama ever make President? Not that I like Obama, I don't, but not because he's black, but for what he's done to this country.Or MLK ever be such a public figure to influence such a wide audience? Why??? Because they didn't use those same excuses. It's because they believed in themselves enough to push past those barriers & not let those same barriers hold them back.....like a majority of blacks do. If blacks didn't have the same opportunities as anyone else, they'd still be picking cotton. The same opportunities are there for all, ya'll just need to step up & take them without inciting violence & blame for what was

Why are you trying to exclude race?

I never said it was as bad as pre-civil rights. Where did you get that idea? Obama became POTUS because people of color voted for him by a vast majority while white support never eclipsed 40%.

MLK became such a public figure because he had a great speaking voice and he was a passive resister which was more preferable to whites than someone ready to go to war for their rights.

No the same opportunities are not there for Blacks. If that were the case we wouldnt still have discrimination suits and more white imposed hurdles to navigate.

1. 'why are you trying to exclude race?'........because it's not just about race or black vs white. I've been trying to point out it's a larger problem than just race

2.a) 'I never said it was as bad as pre-civil rights. Where did you get that idea?'.......because your comments have implied that blacks are still stuck at the back of the bus without any opportunities to do and live by the same standards as anyone else.
2.b) 'Obama became POTUS because people of color voted for him by a vast majority while white support never eclipsed 40%'....do you have any link or proof to back those numbers? My understanding of the election process is the electoral vote number of greater than 270 is the winner. Yes?? Of those 270+ that Obama won in both elections, just how many were black delegates? He had plenty of white support too

3.) 'MLK became such a public figure because he had a great speaking voice and he was a passive resister which was more preferable to whites than someone ready to go to war for their rights.'......1.) who's rights? whites or blacks? 2.) In his time, this country was in a war that we never should have been a part of, the population (as a whole, not just blacks) were in a volatile time...very similar to now......and we all (ALL) needed his message of peace. Which is something most have forgotten and that is a shame. I grew up with that message & still hold it close, in the hopes that one day this world &/or country can achieve it.

4.) 'No the same opportunities are not there for Blacks. If that were the case we wouldn't still have discrimination suits and more white imposed hurdles to navigate.'......yes the same opportunities are there for EVERYONE, ya just got to work for it, just like everyone else. There may still be some...few...discrimination suits, but not nearly as there were. Now it's more of sexual harassment

We become what we see ourselves to be. If blacks continue seeing themselves as second or less than....then that is what they will always be and how they will be treated by others.....it's not a racial thing, that is a HUMAN thing
Blacks complain that they have no services, stores, jobs, opportunities in their communities. But then they have communities that are full of crime & violence. Subject to looting & arson at any time.
Are these problems not of their own doing? Why would any proprietor open a business in an area with these conditions? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that if you have problems with your neighbor, burning down your own house is not the solution.
which came first? when Blacks had their own communities they frequently built thriving communities which jealous whites promptly burned to the ground. After decades of this and other ethnic cleansing practices by whites we have arrived at the modern day results you are complaining about.
Never happened. Got anything true to talk about, or just more fantasies?

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