White Genocide in South Africa


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

The upper echelons of the ANC were above the law and adept at spilling blood, whether it was the blood of bulls, black rivals or white farmers.

During Zuma’s rape trial, ANC activists had chanted, “Burn the Bitch.” At the ANC’s centenary, Zuma sang, “Kill the Farmer.” Burning and killing have been the ANC’s traditional solutions to dealing with its enemies, and its long string of atrocities had kept it on the terror watch list in the United States until Obama took power and opened the door to the ANC’s butchers, along with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Zuma had joined the South African Communist Party in 1963 and his ANC regime still depends on its Tripartite Alliance with leftist unions and the Communist Party
. Much as the left’s calls for an end to tyranny in Egypt paved the way for the tyranny of the Muslim Brotherhood, under the guise of fighting against racism, the left had succeeded in imposing a new racist regime on South Africa.

In Zimbabwe and Egypt, the left had rejected any possibility of a moderate solution leading to the present-day reign of terror. The only difference between Mugabe’s Zimbabwe and Zuma’s South Africa is that Mugabe has been in control of Zimbabwe for over 30 years, while the ANC has been running South Africa into the ground for less than two decades. Given another ten years of ANC rule, the likelihood is that South Africa will be in as bad a shape as Zimbabwe is now.

Like Mugabe, white farmers and business owners are Zuma’s enemies. There is a new Apartheid now in South Africa; it is an apartheid where the oppressor and the oppressed have switched places and the bloodshed is constant. The country’s white Boers have been disarmed, purged from the economy and systematically murdered.

3,000 white farmers have been murdered in South Africa at four times the rate of rural black South Africans. These attacks have not been random, but part of an organized effort conducted by hit squads against the most vulnerable targets

White Genocide in South Africa | FrontPage Magazine
Leftist have to have demons to stay in power. The farmers are the people who feed the country. South Africa is spiraling down fast.
Leftist have to have demons to stay in power. The farmers are the people who feed the country. South Africa is spiraling down fast.

Every place the Negro populates spirals down fast. Whites so far haven't shown the ability to survive the brainwashing.

Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.

A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.

In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.” — Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin (1871) The Descent of Man, 1st edition, pages 168 -169

... them kaffirs still got their heads stuck in the Mau-mau rebellion...

... of the 50's.
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