White Guilt: An Interesting Perspective

People with little self esteem like to hunt. it makes them feel like a man. You want to impress me put away your badge and gun or tackle that deer or bear with nothing but your hands.

I don't have a badge and I learned long ago that anyone willing to engage in a fair fight is a fool who deserves to die.

I don't have to hunt. I live in the epicenter of the self-haters who need to be dealt with the most.
You fought a female that was that small and you are gloating?

I smile with glee every time I think about it. Thankfully I was in enough control not to go too far with it. I figured it would help her empathize with the "victims" she loved so much.
Too bad she didn't slip up behind you, whip a loop of 200lb test monofilament over your head, and pull until your bowels released..............
That cant be true. Conservatives are just woman beaters. If they really believe what you just claimed then they wouldnt be so shocked when cops got shot by Black guys.

I'm not surprised. Disgusted but not surprised. That's why I think the cops need to shoot first and not bother asking God questions at all.

Yup, like police state thugs.
I guess only 43% of whites every felt guilty then?

The only white folk I have EVER heard blathering on about "white guilt" and obsessing about it, are the ones who cannot face historical fact and reality without becoming very defensive. I've always found that odd
Its sorta weird that understanding the effects of history is seen as guilt. The logic of some white people is a very curious thing to me.
They still don't give a damn about what they did to the Native American Indian tribes...
They dont think they did anything wrong. Those that do suffer from this mysterious white guilt the others are immune to.

Nothing mysterious about it. Bleeding heart whites tried to make themselves feel better for something they had nothing to do with.

Actually, it's folks like you who display overt defensiveness signaling guilt any time the reality of your society's history is brought up.
People with little self esteem like to hunt. it makes them feel like a man. You want to impress me put away your badge and gun or tackle that deer or bear with nothing but your hands.

I don't have a badge and I learned long ago that anyone willing to engage in a fair fight is a fool who deserves to die.

I don't have to hunt. I live in the epicenter of the self-haters who need to be dealt with the most.
Sounds like you are just a wimp that needs an advantage if you think a fair fight is for fools.

I never said you had to hunt. I said you were just like them in your emotional needs.
I have no white guilt not sorry if that disappoints anyone if anyone thinks that somehow makes me racist I don't care.
I often wonder why white people say they have no guilt as if someone expects them to? Are you just talking to hear yourself or are you trying to convince yourselves?
I'm talking because I have a right too. I have often wondered the same thing about the reason for most of your your post and yes I'm aware you have the right to talk as well.
I have no white guilt not sorry if that disappoints anyone if anyone thinks that somehow makes me racist I don't care.
I often wonder why white people say they have no guilt as if someone expects them to? Are you just talking to hear yourself or are you trying to convince yourselves?
I'm talking because I have a right too. I have often wondered the same thing about the reason for most of your your post and yes I'm aware you have the right to talk as well.
I never said you didnt have the right too. What i was wondering was why this particular subject never fails to get at least one white person to say what you did as if someone expected you to feel guilty.
Academia, the media, and Hollywood has indoctrinated alot of them!
But honestly, I feel it's the 'Hollywood' influence (beginning with "The Birth of a Nation") on 'those people', making 'them' an embarrassment to everyone else, thus white guilt is born. Perhaps historical shame isn't as devastating as the arrogance of history ...... expressed today. Look through the pages of this forum to find tons of slanderous remarks against the black population (for example) and excuses upon excuses on behalf of corrupt police who have brutalized and murdered ..... blaming it on 'negro non-compliance' with police officer's demands. It is this same attitude that is carried over to the problem with migration. "White guilt" is (in my opinion) the result (in a large part) of the arrogance of too many.
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Sounds like you are just a wimp that needs an advantage if you think a fair fight is for fools.

Then you're a fool. Giving tour enemy a fair chance is a good way to die.

I never said you had to hunt. I said you were just like them in your emotional needs.

The only emotions I have are anger and hate. The others have been removed from my system by society.
Sounds like you are just a wimp that needs an advantage if you think a fair fight is for fools.

Then you're a fool. Giving tour enemy a fair chance is a good way to die.

I never said you had to hunt. I said you were just like them in your emotional needs.

The only emotions I have are anger and hate. The others have been removed from my system by society.
Only sissies are afraid to die in a fair battle. Your sissiness is duly noted.

You would be easy to destroy in battle then. Anger and hate heightens your adrenaline and makes you lose control. If you were ever brave enough to engage in a fair contest you would be beaten within an inch of your life. No wonder you must have some kind of advantage. Are all tough white guys like you? Is that why you cant look me in the eye on the street?
Only sissies are afraid to die in a fair battle. Your sissiness is duly noted.

You would be easy to destroy in battle then. Anger and hate heightens your adrenaline and makes you lose control. If you were ever brave enough to engage in a fair contest you would be beaten within an inch of your life. No wonder you must have some kind of advantage. Are all tough white guys like you? Is that why you cant look me in the eye on the street?

Find me a General or a Self-defense trainer who advocates for allowing his enemies a fair fight. You won't find one.

I look everyone in the eye, with one hand ready to draw a gun. Survival and Victory not Fairness are the keywords of the true Warrior.
Only sissies are afraid to die in a fair battle. Your sissiness is duly noted.

You would be easy to destroy in battle then. Anger and hate heightens your adrenaline and makes you lose control. If you were ever brave enough to engage in a fair contest you would be beaten within an inch of your life. No wonder you must have some kind of advantage. Are all tough white guys like you? Is that why you cant look me in the eye on the street?

Find me a General or a Self-defense trainer who advocates for allowing his enemies a fair fight. You won't find one.

I look everyone in the eye, with one hand ready to draw a gun. Survival and Victory not Fairness are the keywords of the true Warrior.
Why are you listening to a self defense trainer that is too scary to put his skills to the test in a fair battle? Doesnt that worry you that you are spending your money on substandard training?

You arent a warrior. A true warrior respects the inherent fairness of equals in battle. You are nothing but a scared little boy that would piss himself without a gun.
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This goes quite a way to understanding the complex situation we see today:

It's not complex...the democrats are using brain washed drones that they have been in control of through the education system to make up another fake issue to keep blacks separated from the rest of society.....they can then pull them out of their warzones every 2 years to vote....and then send them back.....and white priviledge is just the latest version of how they are doing it....

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