White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Sometimes that is what is needed when the unalienable rights of minorities are imposed on by the majority.

And so the baker who refuses to compromise his unalienable Rights to satisfy the majority and "public policy" is well within their Rights to exercise civil disobedience.

A baker cannot refuse service if he wants to continue to sell to the public.

If any businessman feels that he need not service every person that darkens his door, he should be free to do so. THAT is the very essence of free enterprise. If the public feels the business owner is in the wrong, they can all boycott him and the business will adapt or go under.
No, webhosts are not allowed to do that. They are allowed to deny service to customers who violate their rules. Just like this forum can deny service to anyone who violates their rules.

Well - that baker had a rule against serving faggots.

Admit it - you have lost.. If businesses are allowed to refuse service to white nationalists then anything goes and businesses must be allowed to refuse service to anyone. THINK
Mod Note:

Need to get this thread BACK to the topic of the OP. Other diversions already discussed in other threads.
This is Zone3. Don't engage in prolonged personal exchanges. Respect the SPECIFIC topic of the thread.
If any businessman feels that he need not service every person that darkens his door, he should be free to do so. THAT is the very essence of free enterprise. If the public feels the business owner is in the wrong, they can all boycott him and the business will adapt or go under.

That's how i see it too. Businesses should be allowed to refuse service to anyone they choose. If webhosters want to refuse service to white nationalists, that is fine, but then... businesses must also be allowed to refuse service to faggots or blacks or whites or catholics or anyone!!!

Liberals are such hypocrites.
If any businessman feels that he need not service every person that darkens his door, he should be free to do so. THAT is the very essence of free enterprise. If the public feels the business owner is in the wrong, they can all boycott him and the business will adapt or go under.

That's how i see it too. Businesses should be allowed to refuse service to anyone they choose. If webhosters want to refuse service to white nationalists, that is fine, but then... businesses must also be allowed to refuse service to faggots or blacks or whites or catholics or anyone!!!

Liberals are such hypocrites.

I agree 100%
No, webhosts are not allowed to do that. They are allowed to deny service to customers who violate their rules. Just like this forum can deny service to anyone who violates their rules.

Well - that baker had a rule against serving faggots.

Admit it - you have lost.. If businesses are allowed to refuse service to white nationalists then anything goes and businesses must be allowed to refuse service to anyone. THINK
Oh? What have I lost? Stormfront is still down and bakers still have to bake cakes for gays.

Well - that baker had a rule against serving faggots.
Admit it - you have lost.. If businesses are allowed to refuse service to white nationalists then anything goes and businesses must be allowed to refuse service to anyone. THINK
Oh? What have I lost? Stormfront is still down and bakers still have to bake cakes for gays.

You have lost the argument and exposed yourself as a white-hating racist hypocrite. Sorry to ruin your day.
Well - that baker had a rule against serving faggots.
Admit it - you have lost.. If businesses are allowed to refuse service to white nationalists then anything goes and businesses must be allowed to refuse service to anyone. THINK
Oh? What have I lost? Stormfront is still down and bakers still have to bake cakes for gays.

You have lost the argument and exposed yourself as a white-hating racist hypocrite. Sorry to ruin your day.
How does your dementia ruin my day? :dunno:

Stormfront is still down and bakers still have to bake cakes for gays. America wins.
Stormfront is still down and bakers still have to bake cakes for gays. America wins.

SF will be back and stronger than ever. Everyone can see the hypocrisy of you libs advocating that businesses can refuse service to white nationalists but cannot refuse service to child-molesting faggots.!! THINK, you miserable white-hating racist pile of pig puke.!!!
How many boxes of tissues have you whiners used over Stormfront and The Daily Stormer? :crybaby:
How many boxes of tissues have you whiners used over Stormfront and The Daily Stormer? :crybaby:

HAHAHA. More attempted deflection from the white-hating racists. You are losing on this issue, hate-king.
How many boxes of tissues have you whiners used over Stormfront and The Daily Stormer? :crybaby:

HAHAHA. More attempted deflection from the white-hating racists. You are losing on this issue, hate-king.

Hardly. Network Solutions, LLC Is free to do, or not do, business with whomever they see fit. Don't like it? Tough shit.
We can create an internet 2.0 using a different DNS system. Call it THE free speech zone. It'd be low population for a while, but you know how lefties work, they must always have a cause so eventually there will be nothing allowed to be spoken about on internet 1.0 and the honest folk would start seeking refuge from the fascists [upgrading to 2.0].
White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

The company that hosted them is no longer doing so. That is neither the "internet" nor the first ammendment. You can hold out hope that some other, less ethical web hosting firm will offer them space. Not likely though.
So why do we allow websites that openly advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america.

Stormfront, internet’s longest-running white supremacist site, goes offline

aug 26 2017 Stormfront, one of the internet’s oldest and most popular white supremacist sites, has been booted off its web address of more than two decades amid a crackdown against hate sites.

The address Stormfront.org went dark on Friday, and publicly available information current lists its domain status as “under hold,” a category reserved for websites under legal dispute or slated for deletion, the USA Today network first reported.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a D.C.-based nonprofit group, said it was behind the effort and had successfully booted the website from its domain of 22 years by raising its concerns with Stormfront’s registrar, Network Solutions LLC, and its parent company, Web.com.

“Their website is a vehicle used to promote racially-motivated violence and hate,” Kristen Clarke, the committee’s executive director, said in a statement. “Following our efforts, Network Solutions has pulled the site. We are working across the country to combat the spread of hate crimes.”

The test to find out if the white people in this country are as intelligent as they think they are is if they can extrapolate from this exactly where they stand and what it will take to fight back.

After several years of being on the Internet, I am glad that groups right of center are being booted off. Here is why:

I used to belong to a group 2800 strong. The moment people started getting on the Internet, professional disinformation artists started attacking those on the right. Most organizations became a mere shell of themselves and the few that get mainstream cred are Internet giants and nothing more.

The Internet has allowed the left to control both sides of the equation. It has allowed the patriot community to be destroyed. Look at the statues and monuments deal. They're coming down, aren't they? The whites lost. And, they cannot win because the Internet is their worst enemy. The Internet is a daily popularity contest about the personalities, not the issues. You cannot organize, educate your supporters and plan strategies under the watchful eye of the Internet.

In order to succeed, an underdog organization needs COMSEC and OPSEC (communications security and operational security.) The Internet offers neither. Education must also include face to face encounters... things the Internet generation has been taught to avoid.

Finally, the whites are being programmed, Pavlovian style, by social media / Internet. Let me give you a quick example:

On most discussion boards, the left is encouraged to attack the right with impunity. The left is rarely held to the same standard that the right is, preventing whites from defending themselves. The message is a universal one on the Internet: They believe you do not have a Right to defend yourself so they are programming you to accept their premise.

That is why you see people all day long arguing about who got banned off what board. There is NO freedom of expression on discussion boards. Most social media has their pecking order and their own agenda.

So, forget the dark web. Forget the Internet. Use the blackout to have face to face meetings with people in your neighborhood. Shake their hand. Sit around the kitchen table and discuss what you believe in and don't believe in... plan strategies in private. You will be amazed at how much more effective that will be.

This stuff here is entertainment and you don't need to have a daily referendum trying to measure whether or not the bottom line is changing... it's only moving left as the Internet is closely monitored and controlled.
The Internet has allowed the left to control both sides of the equation. It has allowed the patriot community to be destroyed

Their destruction is only the result of the public display of the absolute absurdity of their ideas and the ineptitude of those who hold those ideas. IOW, they've been rejected and shown to be the losers they are.
I wonder how many of these SF-haters have ever been to the site. People there don't hate blacks. Their views are the same as lincoln's. Blacks are mentally inferior and it would be best if they lived with their own kind in africa. All his adult life lincoln encouraged blacks to go back to africa.

Some,"very fine people" there at SF. :laugh2:
So why do we allow websites that openly advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america.

Stormfront, internet’s longest-running white supremacist site, goes offline

aug 26 2017 Stormfront, one of the internet’s oldest and most popular white supremacist sites, has been booted off its web address of more than two decades amid a crackdown against hate sites.

The address Stormfront.org went dark on Friday, and publicly available information current lists its domain status as “under hold,” a category reserved for websites under legal dispute or slated for deletion, the USA Today network first reported.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a D.C.-based nonprofit group, said it was behind the effort and had successfully booted the website from its domain of 22 years by raising its concerns with Stormfront’s registrar, Network Solutions LLC, and its parent company, Web.com.

“Their website is a vehicle used to promote racially-motivated violence and hate,” Kristen Clarke, the committee’s executive director, said in a statement. “Following our efforts, Network Solutions has pulled the site. We are working across the country to combat the spread of hate crimes.”

Oh my, wherever will you get your talking points?
The usual place: he will squat and bear down.

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