White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

The website that StormFront was on is owned by a private company. They decided to discontinue the site. No 1st Amendment violation there.

Everybody understands that. But, people still have a Right to Free Speech, religion, etc.. Yes or no? If you claim that it only applies to the government, then you have to accept the fact that a law that forces someone to do things against their will in the private sector is a violation of their Rights as well...regardless of any statutory laws to the contrary.

The person in a private business should have the same right to accept or reject clientele based upon what the business owner wants. You can misapply laws all day long, but there are maxims of law that you should consider (which you obviously cannot.)

In the case of a baker who does not want to bake a cake for a gay couple, he does exactly what? Doesn't he run his business subject to the dictates of his conscience? But, he has to pay. He cannot "discriminate." However, the private company that owned the StormFront site can "discriminate." You simply choose to treat it differently when the bottom line is the same.
I'll ask again, maybe I'll get a answer this time....

Stormfront was dropped by their webhost for violating the terms of their service agreement. What agreement did the gay couple shopping for a cake violate to warrant being denied service by the baker?

Don't be a dumb ass. You apply two different laws to justify a different result when the bottom line issue is the same:

The web host provided a service and were allowed to discriminate. The baker offered a service and was not allowed to discriminate.

The fact that you can create different statutes in order to justify an unjust outcome does not make what you say the right thing to do... and more importantly, constitutional (in a de jure / lawful, constitutional Republic.) That's your answer and if you don't like it... bite me.
You remain stupid. Network solutions did not discriminate. The baker did.

Stormfront entered an agreement when they contracted Network Solutions to be their webhost. Stormfront violated that agreement and was rightfully booted. That's not discrimination.

The gay person who wanted a cake baked by a baker who bakes cakes, never entered any such agreement. Unlike Stormfront, they were denied service for no reason other than whom they choose to legally marry. That is discrimination.

Counselor, you presume that a group violated the terms of the contract. If you don't like what someone else says, you attribute it to hate propaganda. It sounds like you're the one trying to compensate for some kind of shortcoming.

You talk a lot of skeet on this board. If you spewed that disrespect to a man's face, he would bend you over his knee and take a leather strap to your hind quarters. And if I knew your mother, I'd ask her permission to introduce you to it.

Another tough boy... :rolleyes:
It was the domain name folks, not the host. ICANN used to be under US freedom of speech protection, but we gave it to corporations who now sell it out to the highest bidder.

The internet is no longer protected by free speech, it is no longer free (in the ideological aspect, not the financial one) get used to it, more people will be losing domain names they've held for decades, some of us have had one since the beginnings of the internet - now we risk losing that address if we say something someone else doesn't like. It's horrible.

So, a lot of people will leave the Internet and do things the old fashioned way. But, the people that defend the censorship didn't feel that way when they were on the receiving end.

I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.
Thread has been cleaned of a significant derailment...for those who apparently suffered a temporary memory lapse...food fights and tough guy callouts belong in the CD;)
As a previous poster explained, the baker has a policy not to bake cakes for fags. It's the same as the webhoster saying we do not provide service for white nationalists. Both are right or both are wrong. THINK, hater.
Where was that baker's terms of service written and when did the lesbian couple agree to it?

HAHAHA. Who says it has to be written??
There's no other way to prove s contract. What the baker did was to discriminate against someone because they don't like who that person was sleeping with.

Whereas what Network Solutions did was drop a customer who violated their terms of agreement.

There is no comparison to the baker, but some here are trying to draw a false equivalence where none exists. Well if you're going to do that, you'll need to show the contract violated by the homosexual trying to purchase a cake from a baker who bakes cake for the public -- just as I showed the contract violated by Stormfront, which led to them being banned from Network Solutions.
Stormfront violated Network Solutions, LLC acceptable terms of use contract, which Stormfront, like all of their customers, agree to abide by.

InQuent The Private Label Hosting Experts

Prohibited Uses

You and your customers agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations regarding use of all services delivered by Network Solutions. The following are prohibited uses of our services:

  1. Transmission, distribution, uploading, posting or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, material kept in violation of state laws or industry regulations such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. You or your customers may not transmit, distribute, or store material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse," adware or spyware, corrupted data, or any software or information to promote or utilize software or any of Network Solutions services to deliver unsolicited e-mail. You and your customers further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.
Stormfront violated Network Solutions, LLC acceptable terms of use contract, which Stormfront, like all of their customers, agree to abide by.

InQuent The Private Label Hosting Experts

Prohibited Uses

You and your customers agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations regarding use of all services delivered by Network Solutions. The following are prohibited uses of our services:

  1. Transmission, distribution, uploading, posting or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, material kept in violation of state laws or industry regulations such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. You or your customers may not transmit, distribute, or store material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse," adware or spyware, corrupted data, or any software or information to promote or utilize software or any of Network Solutions services to deliver unsolicited e-mail. You and your customers further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.

All that crap is irrelevant. It used to be that businesses had a sign that read:

This business reserves the right to deny service to anyone
Stormfront violated Network Solutions, LLC acceptable terms of use contract, which Stormfront, like all of their customers, agree to abide by.

InQuent The Private Label Hosting Experts

Prohibited Uses

You and your customers agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations regarding use of all services delivered by Network Solutions. The following are prohibited uses of our services:

  1. Transmission, distribution, uploading, posting or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, material kept in violation of state laws or industry regulations such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. You or your customers may not transmit, distribute, or store material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse," adware or spyware, corrupted data, or any software or information to promote or utilize software or any of Network Solutions services to deliver unsolicited e-mail. You and your customers further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.

All that crap is irrelevant. It used to be that businesses had a sign that read:

This business reserves the right to deny service to anyone
Thanks to public accommodations laws, those signs no longer exist.
It was the domain name folks, not the host. ICANN used to be under US freedom of speech protection, but we gave it to corporations who now sell it out to the highest bidder.

The internet is no longer protected by free speech, it is no longer free (in the ideological aspect, not the financial one) get used to it, more people will be losing domain names they've held for decades, some of us have had one since the beginnings of the internet - now we risk losing that address if we say something someone else doesn't like. It's horrible.

So, a lot of people will leave the Internet and do things the old fashioned way. But, the people that defend the censorship didn't feel that way when they were on the receiving end.

I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.
So, a lot of people will leave the Internet and do things the old fashioned way. But, the people that defend the censorship didn't feel that way when they were on the receiving end.

I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Stormfront violated Network Solutions, LLC acceptable terms of use contract, which Stormfront, like all of their customers, agree to abide by.

InQuent The Private Label Hosting Experts

Prohibited Uses

You and your customers agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations regarding use of all services delivered by Network Solutions. The following are prohibited uses of our services:

  1. Transmission, distribution, uploading, posting or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, material kept in violation of state laws or industry regulations such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. You or your customers may not transmit, distribute, or store material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse," adware or spyware, corrupted data, or any software or information to promote or utilize software or any of Network Solutions services to deliver unsolicited e-mail. You and your customers further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.

All that crap is irrelevant. It used to be that businesses had a sign that read:

This business reserves the right to deny service to anyone
Thanks to public accommodations laws, those signs no longer exist.

Yep. Now you can impose yourself on anyone, then deny people you don't like the equal protection of the laws.
I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
At the expense of unalienable rights due to blacks.
Stormfront violated Network Solutions, LLC acceptable terms of use contract, which Stormfront, like all of their customers, agree to abide by.

InQuent The Private Label Hosting Experts

Prohibited Uses

You and your customers agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations regarding use of all services delivered by Network Solutions. The following are prohibited uses of our services:

  1. Transmission, distribution, uploading, posting or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, material kept in violation of state laws or industry regulations such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. You or your customers may not transmit, distribute, or store material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse," adware or spyware, corrupted data, or any software or information to promote or utilize software or any of Network Solutions services to deliver unsolicited e-mail. You and your customers further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.

All that crap is irrelevant. It used to be that businesses had a sign that read:

This business reserves the right to deny service to anyone
Thanks to public accommodations laws, those signs no longer exist.

Yep. Now you can impose yourself on anyone, then deny people you don't like the equal protection of the laws.
The laws are applied equally. All businesses serving the public cannot discriminate against serving customers.
I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.

Your personal opposition to Civil Rights has no bearing on the historical facts.
I think freedom is paramount, and we're damned fools to have given away ICANN.

We're going to end up in a proverbial dark ages with our information being filtered and approved by foreign nations... It's only a matter of time before politics "buy" the domain registrars and start shutting down the opposition. That kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.<

The conspiracy theorists were right; it's only a matter of time before the internet becomes as biased and full of shit as the media, and perhaps even worse because there will be nothing but small isolated pockets with no voice who can speak the truth to the lies being spread. This nation is going to go socialist or communist mark my words. That also kind of scares the piss out of me to be honest >.< I don't' want my children, my grandchildren, to grow up in that shit; if I did I'd have left America already...

You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Sometimes that is what is needed when the unalienable rights of minorities are imposed on by the majority.
You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Sometimes that is what is needed when the unalienable rights of minorities are imposed on by the majority.

And so the baker who refuses to compromise his unalienable Rights to satisfy the majority and "public policy" is well within their Rights to exercise civil disobedience.
You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.

Your personal opposition to Civil Rights has no bearing on the historical facts.

What "facts" are you relying on?
Hate propaganda??? You mean like posters here at USMB who advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america?
There are terms of use here just as there are for customers of Network Solutions. Network Solutions has every right to drop customers at their whim when a customer violates their terms, just as the owner(s) of this site can, and do.

All that crap is irrelevant. It used to be that businesses had a sign that read:

This business reserves the right to deny service to anyone
Thanks to public accommodations laws, those signs no longer exist.

Yep. Now you can impose yourself on anyone, then deny people you don't like the equal protection of the laws.
The laws are applied equally. All businesses serving the public cannot discriminate against serving customers.

And yet web hosts force customers into adhesion contracts for the sole purpose of limiting the customer's rights.
You can always begin petitioning Congress to go back to ICANN control of the net.

And, I'm with you. The amounts of control and America becoming a communist nation are fears that are about to be realized.

OTOH, I used to belong to the largest civilian militia in America. When the Internet came along, the anti-immigrant lobby came along and emptied the militias to become Internet champions of the world. People sat around and lobbying your Congresscritters went back to the lobbyists. Training hit an all time low. People sitting around their kitchen table, in restaurants, churches, etc. and actually discussing the world situation ceased.

The Internet created an aura of legitimacy for even the most idiotic people on the planet. Only on the Internet can you argue with people all day long while they claim to be in upper income brackets with a degree from Harvard only to find out they're 14, having trouble in school and their only contact with the outdoor world is whizzing people off on the Internet.

See this censorship as an opportunity. Stormfront and white racialists are booted off the Internet. Who were they recruiting? What were their accomplishments? Now, I'm finding out that the ADL is going to get to police You Tube. For years, the whites have done nothing except allow extremists with no real experience B.S. them on the Internet.

They fought the battle against the liberals tearing down the Confederate monuments and lost. Adding insult to injury, here in Georgia the liberals just put up a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr in the state Capitol. This whole Internet hoopla is doing nothing except causing the right to be dominated by inept idiots whose strategies are destroying the Republic.

Think of this as an opportunity... an opportunity to get out and meet people; a chance to read books; the excuse you need to actually go out and meet your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. You can be much more effective WITHOUT the Internet.

Let the left build their own Hell on earth.

A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Sometimes that is what is needed when the unalienable rights of minorities are imposed on by the majority.

What are you babbling about? What do those words mean?
A statue of MLK is "adding insult to injury"?


You heard me right. King was associated with communists and he pretended to be a preacher while hiring prostitutes to spend the night with him.

And advancing Civil Rights in America.

The so - called civil rights were simply an imposition by the government to impose on unalienable Rights.
Sometimes that is what is needed when the unalienable rights of minorities are imposed on by the majority.

What are you babbling about? What do those words mean?

For illumination, look at your own post.

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