White, Hetrosexual, Christian Male, and Family...About to be Attacked by Democrats

Yet more LW Peace, Love and Understanding!
Something that doesn't exist for Republicans.
All they know is hate and fear and discrimination.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzz

RW people aren't the ones screaming at folks browsing in a book store, or trying to have dinner with their families.
Are Democrats going to fight over Kavanaugh? I doubt that.

It may be a bit of a "healing" moment for the partisan divide.

But my Q is, is it another step towards globalism?
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian, males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

That's right, its about time we Dems fight against the misogynists male chauvinists pigs, like Trump.

While ignoring misogynists male chauvinists pigs like Bill Clinton since you agree with this party. Your fake outrage couldn't be anymore obvious.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

RW dont give 2 shits about Christians. Trump wipes his ass on the 10 commandments and the right could care less.

F fake news Fox - AND TRUMP
Because God loves abortion? So that’s why liberals are more closer to Christ? Ohh, I see...it’s atheist communist who are closer to God. What a bunch of dumb bastards liberals are.
We now know that so-called christian pro-lifers are neither.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

RW dont give 2 shits about Christians. Trump wipes his ass on the 10 commandments and the right could care less.

F fake news Fox - AND TRUMP
Because God loves abortion? So that’s why liberals are more closer to Christ? Ohh, I see...it’s atheist communist who are closer to God. What a bunch of dumb bastards liberals are.
I never heard God talk about abortion, but I know he loves children. I figure he's pretty pissed that Republicans let them be used for target practice. The others, Republicans don't want to feed or take care of in any way.
“Thou shall not kill”
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

RW dont give 2 shits about Christians. Trump wipes his ass on the 10 commandments and the right could care less.

F fake news Fox - AND TRUMP
Because God loves abortion? So that’s why liberals are more closer to Christ? Ohh, I see...it’s atheist communist who are closer to God. What a bunch of dumb bastards liberals are.
I never heard God talk about abortion, but I know he loves children. I figure he's pretty pissed that Republicans let them be used for target practice. The others, Republicans don't want to feed or take care of in any way.
“Thou shall not kill”
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...

LOL, source?
RW dont give 2 shits about Christians. Trump wipes his ass on the 10 commandments and the right could care less.

F fake news Fox - AND TRUMP
Because God loves abortion? So that’s why liberals are more closer to Christ? Ohh, I see...it’s atheist communist who are closer to God. What a bunch of dumb bastards liberals are.
I never heard God talk about abortion, but I know he loves children. I figure he's pretty pissed that Republicans let them be used for target practice. The others, Republicans don't want to feed or take care of in any way.
“Thou shall not kill”
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...

LOL, source?
Warped brain cells.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Have you ever started a topic that wasn't built on a logical fallacy?
Because God loves abortion? So that’s why liberals are more closer to Christ? Ohh, I see...it’s atheist communist who are closer to God. What a bunch of dumb bastards liberals are.
I never heard God talk about abortion, but I know he loves children. I figure he's pretty pissed that Republicans let them be used for target practice. The others, Republicans don't want to feed or take care of in any way.
“Thou shall not kill”
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...

LOL, source?
Warped brain cells.

Rome was doing it, not the Jews or non Roman Gentiles. She is a delusional hate filled bigot.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian, males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

That's right, its about time we Dems fight against the misogynists male chauvinists pigs, like Trump.
I was just reading about the Super Rich Demos and what their wish list looked like and it was unreal. Free Medical, free meds, total socialist Nation (under their control) and they need to import violent groups to control those who are against them. I will try to find the artical it was from Ga on some sort of meeting of the Progressive rich and Hilly and Billy were there. I"ll get back later.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Quite impressive the way you made this fight over something it's not. The fight is over Kavenaugh's assertion that Presidents should be above the law while serving (obviously the reason why Trump likes him).

But if you just want to play victim and make it about race, religion, gender, and everything else you can whine about, then that's on you.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Quite impressive the way you made this fight over something it's not. The fight is over Kavenaugh's assertion that Presidents should be above the law while serving (obviously the reason why Trump likes him).

But if you just want to play victim and make it about race, religion, gender, and everything else you can whine about, then that's on you.

Horse Hockey, he just agrees with the precedent. That doesn't mean that he is "above the law", it simply that another route has to be taken. It must go through Congress.
Liberals have so lost it that they think they can screw up the SC by
voting themselves. If denied they will launch endless and goalless investigations and wail into the sky
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Quite impressive the way you made this fight over something it's not. The fight is over Kavenaugh's assertion that Presidents should be above the law while serving (obviously the reason why Trump likes him).

But if you just want to play victim and make it about race, religion, gender, and everything else you can whine about, then that's on you.
Sure. It’s 100% political and because liberals politicized race and sexuality ...ergo it ‘tis what it ‘tis.
FoxNews had to move their live broadcast at the Supreme Court to an indoor location because the anti-Trump protesters were becoming so violent. The demonstrators had printed a bunch of signs objecting to different nominees because when they printed them they didn't know who the nominee would be! Sad.

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