White, Hetrosexual, Christian Male, and Family...About to be Attacked by Democrats

“Thou shall not kill”
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...

LOL, source?

History. Try it sometime...

Infanticide - Wikipedia

Reading, try it sometime. As I stated it was the Romans who practiced it, not the Jews. I feel sorry for people like you, you are so filled with hatred you are blind to everything but your own little echo chambers.

From your source Seabytch….
Judaism prohibits infanticide, and has for some time, dating back to at least early Common Era. Roman historians wrote about the ideas and customs of other peoples, which often diverged from their own. Tacitus recorded that the Jews "regard it as a crime to kill any late-born children".[41] Josephus, whose works give an important insight into 1st-century Judaism, wrote that God "forbids women to cause abortion of what is begotten, or to destroy it afterward".[42]

And the Greeks and everyone else. It was COMMON PRACTICE at the time Jesus allegedly walked the planet. That might be why the Bible sets forth different penalties for killing a person and killing a fetus...


Exodus 21:22-24 22"If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. "23But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,"

The Jews didn't practice it. You've been proven wrong, go quietly into the night. Did you want to try again?
Believe it or not, there are white, hetrosexual, conservative, Christian males who find Trump disgusting. The mystery is how many don't.
Believe it or not, there are white, hetrosexual, conservative, Christian males who find Trump disgusting. The mystery is how many don't.
Has to be embarrassing....it most certainly will be embarrassing for them in the history books.
And yet it was common practice, at the time Jesus walked the earth, to leave deformed children to die of exposure.

Funny he never mentioned that...

LOL, source?

History. Try it sometime...

Infanticide - Wikipedia

Reading, try it sometime. As I stated it was the Romans who practiced it, not the Jews. I feel sorry for people like you, you are so filled with hatred you are blind to everything but your own little echo chambers.

From your source Seabytch….
Judaism prohibits infanticide, and has for some time, dating back to at least early Common Era. Roman historians wrote about the ideas and customs of other peoples, which often diverged from their own. Tacitus recorded that the Jews "regard it as a crime to kill any late-born children".[41] Josephus, whose works give an important insight into 1st-century Judaism, wrote that God "forbids women to cause abortion of what is begotten, or to destroy it afterward".[42]

And the Greeks and everyone else. It was COMMON PRACTICE at the time Jesus allegedly walked the planet. That might be why the Bible sets forth different penalties for killing a person and killing a fetus...


Exodus 21:22-24 22"If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. "23But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,"

The Jews didn't practice it. You've been proven wrong, go quietly into the night. Did you want to try again?

Exactly, right there in Exodus...if you kill the child you pay a fine, you kill the woman, you die. Different penalties.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News
Unfortunately for your kind, there are many white, heterosuxual, Chrisian Males in the Democratic party.

But they actually practice Christianity. They believe in keeping a family together. They believe in helping the poor and people who are sick. They believe billionaires should pay their fair share. They believe in equal rights.

And they don't hate gays or Muslims or blacks or Hispanics or any of those those your kind wants dead.

They are for everything moral and good your kind is against. Just being white and male and hetrosexual and Christian, as you have demonstrated, doesn't make a person good.
Sure. Yep...that’s why a heterosexual white male will never get DNC nomination for President.
Clinton did he went to church as much as Strumpet does.
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News
Unfortunately for your kind, there are many white, heterosuxual, Chrisian Males in the Democratic party.

But they actually practice Christianity. They believe in keeping a family together. They believe in helping the poor and people who are sick. They believe billionaires should pay their fair share. They believe in equal rights.

And they don't hate gays or Muslims or blacks or Hispanics or any of those those your kind wants dead.

They are for everything moral and good your kind is against. Just being white and male and hetrosexual and Christian, as you have demonstrated, doesn't make a person good.
Sure. Yep...that’s why a heterosexual white male will never get DNC nomination for President.
Like Kennedy, Carter or Clinton?

Gawd you're dumb.
1960, 1976, 1992/96....hmmmm, post Obama? Fucking laughable to think heterosexual white male will get nominated. It’s 2018 dummy.
Does the GOP recognize anything but rich old white pasty looking fat balding men for president?
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Better to hate white, heterosexual Christian males than to hate women, homosexuals, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews.......
Democrats hate white, heterosexual, Christian males. The confirmation fight over judge Kavenaugh is about to show that.
Fox News

Quite impressive the way you made this fight over something it's not. The fight is over Kavenaugh's assertion that Presidents should be above the law while serving (obviously the reason why Trump likes him).

But if you just want to play victim and make it about race, religion, gender, and everything else you can whine about, then that's on you.

Horse Hockey, he just agrees with the precedent. That doesn't mean that he is "above the law", it simply that another route has to be taken. It must go through Congress.

If a President does something blantantly illegal, then I dont want them sitting there continuing to serve because our legislature is full partisan pussies.

And of course I hold the same standard for any president. I'm not one to give a shit what letter is next to their name.
We are the ones who made the country so great that all the liberal darlings illegals are flocking to get here. Yet according to libs we are bad and done bad. Can’t be both

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