'White History Month' Sign Stirs Up Flemington, NJ.

I'm German and I live in Alabama. I do own a Confederate battle flag which I fly proudly next to the Stars and Stripes on Robert E. Lee Day.

Back to my question which you didn't answer: What would be racist about White History Month?

You proudly fly a flag of someone who fought for the rights of rich people (not people like you) to own other people, and only has his own holiday because your cracker state didn't want to honor a good and decent man who fought for equal rights (Dr. King) and gave the asshole a holiday instead?

Yup, you are not at all racist.

David Duke called. He asked you to tone it down.
Listen to me Asshole! I asked you a question! Why the fuck can't you give me a direct answer? What would be racist about White History Month? I get it. You think I'm a racist. I really don't give a shit, but you were asked a question twice and evaded answering it by calling me names.
Grow a set, Joe. Answer the fucking question.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
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building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...
Building jets, space stations, shuttles all were done with the help of people of color and based on the scientific conceptual foundations taught to you by other cultures. Pick something exclusively white.

Bridges stadiums hospitals and especially universities were around before you were even self aware.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
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Birthing Christy Brinkley
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building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...
Building jets, space stations, shuttles all were done with the help of people of color and based on the scientific conceptual foundations taught to you by other cultures. Pick something exclusively white.

Bridges stadiums hospitals and especially universities were around before you were even self aware.

almost everything you own is made by white people pal, next....
I'm German and I live in Alabama. I do own a Confederate battle flag which I fly proudly next to the Stars and Stripes on Robert E. Lee Day.

Back to my question which you didn't answer: What would be racist about White History Month?

You proudly fly a flag of someone who fought for the rights of rich people (not people like you) to own other people, and only has his own holiday because your cracker state didn't want to honor a good and decent man who fought for equal rights (Dr. King) and gave the asshole a holiday instead?

Yup, you are not at all racist.

David Duke called. He asked you to tone it down.
Listen to me Asshole! I asked you a question! Why the fuck can't you give me a direct answer? What would be racist about White History Month? I get it. You think I'm a racist. I really don't give a shit, but you were asked a question twice and evaded answering it by calling me names.
Grow a set, Joe. Answer the fucking question.
Blacks are the biggest and worse racists.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
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building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...
Building jets, space stations, shuttles all were done with the help of people of color and based on the scientific conceptual foundations taught to you by other cultures. Pick something exclusively white.

Bridges stadiums hospitals and especially universities were around before you were even self aware.

almost everything you own is made by white people pal, next....

NOPE! Stop lying:

Well perhaps we should let conservatives write the books instead of progressives. Then we will have less agenda driven racist books

They'd also be less accurate... but is history to tell you what happened or just make you feel better about yourself.

You know, like the guy who founded your cult really was a con-man who fucked teenage girls.

I don't see how educating people on the women and minorities who helped make our history along side of everyone else would be inaccurate comparesd to this progressive nonsense that divides history along racial and gender lines.

Can you please explain how just being factual about people in history would be less accurate than your racist make believe?
Except it hasn't despite your lies ape.
Its already proven cave chimp. You just mated with neanderthals. Thats why you are furry and have thin lips like monkeys.

What did blacks mate with to have such big lips and noses?
Each other. Thats why white women are doing their best to get our lips both for themselves with injections and for personal use by sexing Black men. Ask any white woman not afraid to show her love for the chocolate and they will tell you our lips are sexy. :bye1:

Any white woman willing to show her love for the chocolate is a piece of white trash not worth considering. Use the President's mother as an example.
You already have problems attracting women. You just cut your pool by millions. Whats funny is that you cant even attract the ones you consider trash.

I don't need to attract any women. I have a wife and she's the only one that matters.

I don't want to attract white trash. You n*ggers can have those pieces of shit.
Listen to me Asshole! I asked you a question! Why the fuck can't you give me a direct answer? What would be racist about White History Month? I get it. You think I'm a racist. I really don't give a shit, but you were asked a question twice and evaded answering it by calling me names.
Grow a set, Joe. Answer the fucking question.

I did. I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand the answer, Cleetus.

Anyone who talks about White History Month is a pathetic and sad racist.

This sad moment where white males, who only represent 35% of the population but control 90% of the positions of authority, and they feel pressed upon when a woman has a job of authority or we take a few minutes to remember black folks and their contributions to history, just shows a lot of racism and misogyny which is just sort of sad.
I don't see how educating people on the women and minorities who helped make our history along side of everyone else would be inaccurate comparesd to this progressive nonsense that divides history along racial and gender lines.

Can you please explain how just being factual about people in history would be less accurate than your racist make believe?

"History is the Lie that commonly agreed upon" - Voltaire.

Or to put it another way, when history books are written by white men, about white men, where you gloss over the nasty bits (slavery, native american genocide) and play up the good bits, maybe we aren't doing ourselves a service.

I look at all these assholes like Ernie who fly Confederate Flags like that's something to be proud of.

It isn't. It should be a source of profound regional shame, the kind of shame Germans feel about the Nazis. but we've glamorized these assholes in movies and books when in fact, what they were fighting for was the right of a few rich people to brutalize and own other human beings.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
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building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...

You did that ? Or are you a self described fundy who is overweight an jerks off to porn as you stated in another thread
Listen to me Asshole! I asked you a question! Why the fuck can't you give me a direct answer? What would be racist about White History Month? I get it. You think I'm a racist. I really don't give a shit, but you were asked a question twice and evaded answering it by calling me names.
Grow a set, Joe. Answer the fucking question.

I did. I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand the answer, Cleetus.

Anyone who talks about White History Month is a pathetic and sad racist.

This sad moment where white males, who only represent 35% of the population but control 90% of the positions of authority, and they feel pressed upon when a woman has a job of authority or we take a few minutes to remember black folks and their contributions to history, just shows a lot of racism and misogyny which is just sort of sad.

The fuck you did! What would be racist about White History Month?

JoeB131 saying people are racist or misogynist doesn't make it so. My dislike of certain segments of society getting a free pass doesn't make me racist, or misogynistic OR homophobic. I simply feel that all Americans should enjoy all the same rights and responsibilities. If one group can have an entire month devoted to their heritage, it is not racist for another to ask for the same concessions.

I, personally have never seriously asked for white history month and I don't expect you to ask for Black History Month because THAT would be racist and I am not a racist. I'm a realist.
You, sir are the only racist involved in this discussion.
You argue that the rest of the year is all white history. Sadly, it pretty much is. The reason is not racism but the contributions historical figures have made. Sadly with few exceptions, most important contributors and even infamous people in American History have been white.
Celebrating Martin Luther King and not Thomas Jefferson, Thurgood Marshal and not William O Douglas, Jackie Robinson and not Babe Ruth is racist. All 6 were great men, but Marshal was no greater than Douglas, King less important than Jefferson and Ruth a superior ball play to Robinson.
Jefferson, Douglas and Ruth are significant because the were Americans, King, Marshal and Robinson are significant mainly due to skin color.

Now, you will again call me Cletus and tell me I'm racist, but what I've just typed out is simply truthful. If it offends you, that is due to your racism, not mine.
I don't see how educating people on the women and minorities who helped make our history along side of everyone else would be inaccurate comparesd to this progressive nonsense that divides history along racial and gender lines.

Can you please explain how just being factual about people in history would be less accurate than your racist make believe?

"History is the Lie that commonly agreed upon" - Voltaire.

Or to put it another way, when history books are written by white men, about white men, where you gloss over the nasty bits (slavery, native american genocide) and play up the good bits, maybe we aren't doing ourselves a service.

I look at all these assholes like Ernie who fly Confederate Flags like that's something to be proud of.

It isn't. It should be a source of profound regional shame, the kind of shame Germans feel about the Nazis. but we've glamorized these assholes in movies and books when in fact, what they were fighting for was the right of a few rich people to brutalize and own other human beings.
I fly the Stars and Bars once a year on Robert E. Lee Day.
In case you didn't know, REL day is the same day and Martin Luther King Day, which as far as I am concerned is a racially motivated pat on the forehead kind of thing so that blacks have someone to celebrate.
I find the concept disgusting and inappropriate. I counter that with an inappropriate response motivated by my States' rights sensibilities.

Does that make me an asshole? I guess, though in this instance, it is intentional and I can turn that off, unlike you, Bruce. Still, it doesn't make me a racist.
Arguing for BHM and against White History Month makes YOU the racist.
Listen to me Asshole! I asked you a question! Why the fuck can't you give me a direct answer? What would be racist about White History Month? I get it. You think I'm a racist. I really don't give a shit, but you were asked a question twice and evaded answering it by calling me names.
Grow a set, Joe. Answer the fucking question.

I did. I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand the answer, Cleetus.

Anyone who talks about White History Month is a pathetic and sad racist.

This sad moment where white males, who only represent 35% of the population but control 90% of the positions of authority, and they feel pressed upon when a woman has a job of authority or we take a few minutes to remember black folks and their contributions to history, just shows a lot of racism and misogyny which is just sort of sad.

The fuck you did! What would be racist about White History Month?
Ad hominum attacks are not answers. I asked a specific question and require a direct cogent answer.
JoeB131 saying people are racist or misogynist doesn't make it so. My dislike of certain segments of society getting a free pass doesn't make me racist, or misogynistic OR homophobic. I simply feel that all Americans should enjoy all the same rights and responsibilities. If one group can have an entire month devoted to their heritage, it is not racist for another to ask for the same concessions.

I, personally have never seriously asked for white history month and I don't expect you to ask for Black History Month because THAT would be racist and I am not a racist. I'm a realist.
You, sir are the only racist involved in this discussion.
You argue that the rest of the year is all white history. Sadly, it pretty much is. The reason is not racism but the contributions historical figures have made. Sadly with few exceptions, most important contributors and even infamous people in American History have been white.
Celebrating Martin Luther King and not Thomas Jefferson, Thurgood Marshal and not William O Douglas, Jackie Robinson and not Babe Ruth is racist. All 6 were great men, but Marshal was no greater than Douglas, King less important than Jefferson and Ruth a superior ball play to Robinson.
Jefferson, Douglas and Ruth are significant because the were Americans, King, Marshal and Robinson are significant mainly due to skin color.

Now, you will again call me Cletus and tell me I'm racist, but what I've just typed out is simply truthful. If it offends you, that is due to your racism, not mine.
The fuck you did! What would be racist about White History Month?

The question kind of answers itself, doesn't it?
JoeB131 saying people are racist or misogynist doesn't make it so. My dislike of certain segments of society getting a free pass doesn't make me racist, or misogynistic OR homophobic. I simply feel that all Americans should enjoy all the same rights and responsibilities. If one group can have an entire month devoted to their heritage, it is not racist for another to ask for the same concessions.

What "Free Pass" are the blacks and the gays getting? You mean they are getting the same things you get?

Hey, today's International Women's Day. Those dang women insisting on recognizing their accomplishments...

Celebrating Martin Luther King and not Thomas Jefferson, Thurgood Marshal and not William O Douglas,

I'm all for Celebrating Thomas Jefferson. His home is a national monument. His face appears on the Nickel and the Two Dollar Bill (which we never see many of). There's a shitload of stuff named after him. and he completely deserves it. Yes, he was also a slave-rapist. But he did good stuff, too. But no one is rubbing shit in his face by declaring a "Sally Hemmings Day", l like you Cleetuses declared a Robert E. Lee day.

I fly the Stars and Bars once a year on Robert E. Lee Day.
In case you didn't know, REL day is the same day and Martin Luther King Day, which as far as I am concerned is a racially motivated pat on the forehead kind of thing so that blacks have someone to celebrate.
I find the concept disgusting and inappropriate. I counter that with an inappropriate response motivated by my States' rights sensibilities.

Isn't that like a Nazi saying he only flies his Swastika Flag on Hitler's Birthday?

Yes, I am aware that in Cleetus Land, you all decided to make that the same day as MLK day because you just can't STAND the thought of a black man having a national holiday. It just makes you SOOOOOOO angry that we do that.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
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Giving women the vote
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Birthing Christy Brinkley
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building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...
Building jets, space stations, shuttles all were done with the help of people of color and based on the scientific conceptual foundations taught to you by other cultures. Pick something exclusively white.

Bridges stadiums hospitals and especially universities were around before you were even self aware.

almost everything you own is made by white people pal, next....
false! that would be Chinese, south American,etc....
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
... Plenty more ...

building jets, space stations, shuttles, universities, bridges, stadiums, hospitals etc...
Building jets, space stations, shuttles all were done with the help of people of color and based on the scientific conceptual foundations taught to you by other cultures. Pick something exclusively white.

Bridges stadiums hospitals and especially universities were around before you were even self aware.

almost everything you own is made by white people pal, next....
Almost everything I own was made by Mexicans and Asians pal., next
What white culture would white peoples history month feature?
English? Irish, Spanish ? Iranian?
Iranians? What nonsense is this?

They aren't White.
ignorance in action....

just the facts:
WOW!! I never saw so many uninformed people in my life. Iranians/Persians are Indo-European Aryan Whites as in Hitler. Arabs(including ancient and modern Egyptians(excluding the Black Nubians/people of kemit) and other parts of North Africa) and the closely related Jews are Semitic Whites verses European Whites (including swarthy ones-Italians, Greeks, Southern Germans, Iranians, and others compromising southern Europe and the more Nordic types).

Selma Hayek is half Semitic White-father Lebanese-half Mexican-mother.

Middle Easterners include all peoples of the Mediterranean basin, not just Arabs and Jews. The Indians(people from India) classify themselves as nonoriental Asians-there is a diverse mix there from all the subclaasifications.

Their is only one race-human-Homo sapiens sapiens to be exact-- with the following sub classifications: Black(N*egroid), Brown(Malay and Australoid),Red (American Indian),Yellow(Mongoloid- Asians), White(Causcoid,hey everybody, Arabs as are the closely related Semitic verses European White(including southern European/ Mediterranean peoples-Greeks, Italians, Southern Germans, Iranians/Persians(IndoEuropean Aryans-same as in Hitler)), and the admixtures. Many classify the Brown, Red, and Yellow as Mongloid. The people of India are too diversified,but classify themselves as nonoriental Asians, but consist of all the above groups and their admixtures. The same with Filipinos and Pacific Islander, though these consist mainly of Asian (Mongoloid) extract.

you are truly a dumb fuck....

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