White History Month?

And I remain on the record that while it doesn't bother me, I don't think "Black History Month" is a good idea. It isn't a good idea because it reinforces people seeing people as black first, and Americans second. It should be the other way around.

The history of the black race in America should of course be part of AMERICAN history, and presented openly, honestly, and fairly with all the good and the bad. But we need to stop emphasizing dividing people by race and rather focus on treating skin color as of no more importance than hair or eye color.
That's the whole point of this.....You have to be living under a rock to NOT know the suffering blacks went through......But designating months to certain races, while excluding others, only feeds the racist loons, which in turn feeds the race baiter loons (they're just as idiotic as the racists, imho), only causing further division.

Fact of the matter is, i've never oppressed, or enslaved ANYBODY, nor have my ancesters, and i'm damn tired of having the shit thrown in my face by the white guilt inflicted race baiters, and many blacks......I FEEL NO GUILT, PERIOD!

So, in summation, enough with the BS....Enough with feeding the racists and race baiter loons.

And for the racists out their, THE BLACKS AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE, as much as you all wish they would......Grow a pair and deal with it!

And for you race baiters out there, who run around screaming, "YOUR RACIST, YOU'RE A BIGOT!"......STFU already. You're not helping the situation, and only make yourselves look like paranoid morons.

Case closed, friggin' PERIOD!

I'm disappointed High Gravity gave you thanks on this because as a black man, I feel that since the creation of the United States it is important to understand our past history as a country as far as the injustices that affected Native Americans, Irish, Chinese, Africans that helped build this nation. How you feel as a white person and the feeling that you think "Black History Month is shoving it down your throat" is a reflection of your unsympathetic attitude towards a people who have for centuries been persecuted. Not to long ago Blacks weren't able to vote, nor could they drink out of the same water fountain as whites or eat in the same restaurant.

To forget those things that became apart of the evolution of the United States American history is to turn a blind eye of the elements of what made this nation great.

Please refer to my previous post (#120)

Why do you continue to live in the past?

Blacks do not have the corner on being enslaved.

It's my opinion that blacks will forever see themselves as victims.

I would say that slavery is over but the Democrats have found a way to keep most blacks on the plantation.

Democrats said Romney didn't care about the 47%, he keeps his money overseas, he pays less taxes then most Americans, he wants to bring immigrants with degrees here to take jobs, he wants fewer police, firemen and teachers, wants to cut benefits for the elderly.

Clearly, these are people who took a careful look at Mitt Romney and rejected what they felt didn't represent them.

GOP calls Obama a thug, pals around with terrorists, Kenyan, unAmerican, Muslim, drug addicted gay, not Christian, Hitler, Fascist, Socialist, not born here, dictator, lazy, basketball player, lived on public money, never had a "real" job.

The GOP doesn't feel comfortable coming right out and saying, "He's BLACK". So they use these words. Especially the "code words". When they go after his policies like Health Care and Education, Republicans just look like plain stupid fucks.

Note, listening to Rand Paul talking about Obama and Hitler while I'm writing this.
Why do you continue to live in the past?

Blacks do not have the corner on being enslaved.

It's my opinion that blacks will forever see themselves as victims.

I would say that slavery is over but the Democrats have found a way to keep most blacks on the plantation.

How often am I here?

Better yet how often have you've seen me post anything about victimhood? Actually you, Matthew, and Squeezeberry complain more about race than anyone on the forum. I see you guys as the pot calling the kettle black. You guys talk about blacks and victimhood but as you can see in thread after thread after thread, all you guys do is complain.

"The white man is the victim"

"The white man is this."

You and racist cowards like you have no sense of yourself. You're a white male who has privilege yet you want to retain victimhood to suppress the reality that historically white males are a privileged bunch. Feminism has exposed it. Historical literature has shown it.

You ask "why do you live in the past?"

Nobody lives in the past. That question is as bad as asking why do schools teach history? As I said its about recognizing the elements that contribute to the evolution of the United States. But the more you racist cowards bring up race the more we all dwell in the so-called past.

we get it.

You feel inferior to white men and for good reason.

I feel inferior to whites? LOL nice bait but I don't eat cheese
why should anyone feel sympathy toward those that have never been persecuted?

Are you dumb enough to say slavery never happened?

your sorry ass has never been persecuted and neither has any of your ilk that constantly play the slavery card and constantly bitch about poor suffering black folks


Dingleberry I feel sorry for the level headed whites that read what you write. You're as pathetic as a bad movie.
I'm disappointed High Gravity gave you thanks on this because as a black man, I feel that since the creation of the United States it is important to understand our past history as a country as far as the injustices that affected Native Americans, Irish, Chinese, Africans that helped build this nation. How you feel as a white person and the feeling that you think "Black History Month is shoving it down your throat" is a reflection of your unsympathetic attitude towards a people who have for centuries been persecuted. Not to long ago Blacks weren't able to vote, nor could they drink out of the same water fountain as whites or eat in the same restaurant.

To forget those things that became apart of the evolution of the United States American history is to turn a blind eye of the elements of what made this nation great.

Please refer to my previous post (#120)

Why do you continue to live in the past?

Blacks do not have the corner on being enslaved.

It's my opinion that blacks will forever see themselves as victims.

I would say that slavery is over but the Democrats have found a way to keep most blacks on the plantation.

How often am I here?

Better yet how often have you've seen me post anything about victimhood? Actually you, Matthew, and Squeezeberry complain more about race than anyone on the forum. I see you guys as the pot calling the kettle black. You guys talk about blacks and victimhood but as you can see in thread after thread after thread, all you guys do is complain.

"The white man is the victim"

"The white man is this."

You and racist cowards like you have no sense of yourself. You're a white male who has privilege yet you want to retain victimhood to suppress the reality that historically white males are a privileged bunch. Feminism has exposed it. Historical literature has shown it.

You ask "why do you live in the past?"

Nobody lives in the past. That question is as bad as asking why do schools teach history? As I said its about recognizing the elements that contribute to the evolution of the United States. But the more you racist cowards bring up race the more we all dwell in the so-called past.

For an alleged educated man you sure are stupid.

I never stated YOU claimed victimhood.

You are far more racist than I will ever be and the fact that you bow up and call me a coward while behind the safety of anonymity shows your cowardice.

I don't live in the past.

I don't bring up the past the way you blacks do.

And yes, you and most other blacks live in the past.
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Why do you continue to live in the past?

Blacks do not have the corner on being enslaved.

It's my opinion that blacks will forever see themselves as victims.

I would say that slavery is over but the Democrats have found a way to keep most blacks on the plantation.

How often am I here?

Better yet how often have you've seen me post anything about victimhood? Actually you, Matthew, and Squeezeberry complain more about race than anyone on the forum. I see you guys as the pot calling the kettle black. You guys talk about blacks and victimhood but as you can see in thread after thread after thread, all you guys do is complain.

"The white man is the victim"

"The white man is this."

You and racist cowards like you have no sense of yourself. You're a white male who has privilege yet you want to retain victimhood to suppress the reality that historically white males are a privileged bunch. Feminism has exposed it. Historical literature has shown it.

You ask "why do you live in the past?"

Nobody lives in the past. That question is as bad as asking why do schools teach history? As I said its about recognizing the elements that contribute to the evolution of the United States. But the more you racist cowards bring up race the more we all dwell in the so-called past.

For an alleged educated man you sure are stupid.

I never stated YOU claimed victimhood.

You are far more racist than I will ever be and the fact that you bow up and call me a coward while behind the safety of anonymity shows your cowardice.

I don't live in the past.

I don't bring up the past the way you blacks do.

And yes, you and most other blacks live in the past.

This should be good....

Prove with demonstrable evidence I am racist...

Please put one post that I have written that has shown I am racist. No response just show me and everyone else here I am racist....This should be good
Public awareness of “Irish-American Heritage Month” remains obscure. Forty-four million Americans proudly share their Irish ancestry, especially in celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with parades, family gatherings, Masses, dances, etc. The American Foundation for Irish Heritage wants to have the same national recognition as other ethnic cultural celebrations, such as; National African American History/Black History Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Asia/Pacific American Heritage Month. This same national celebration and recognition can and will only happen with all Irish Americans taking action to succeed in that goal by appropriately commemorating our heritage, history and culture. Irish Americans have done so much to shape and form virtually all areas of life in the United States throughout our country’s great history. We must act now and speak up in order to be heard.


Celebrating Irish-American Heritage Month
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How often am I here?

Better yet how often have you've seen me post anything about victimhood? Actually you, Matthew, and Squeezeberry complain more about race than anyone on the forum. I see you guys as the pot calling the kettle black. You guys talk about blacks and victimhood but as you can see in thread after thread after thread, all you guys do is complain.

"The white man is the victim"

"The white man is this."

You and racist cowards like you have no sense of yourself. You're a white male who has privilege yet you want to retain victimhood to suppress the reality that historically white males are a privileged bunch. Feminism has exposed it. Historical literature has shown it.

You ask "why do you live in the past?"

Nobody lives in the past. That question is as bad as asking why do schools teach history? As I said its about recognizing the elements that contribute to the evolution of the United States. But the more you racist cowards bring up race the more we all dwell in the so-called past.

we get it.

You feel inferior to white men and for good reason.

I feel inferior to whites? LOL nice bait but I don't eat cheese

you really should see a shrink about your persecution complex
How often am I here?

Better yet how often have you've seen me post anything about victimhood? Actually you, Matthew, and Squeezeberry complain more about race than anyone on the forum. I see you guys as the pot calling the kettle black. You guys talk about blacks and victimhood but as you can see in thread after thread after thread, all you guys do is complain.

"The white man is the victim"

"The white man is this."

You and racist cowards like you have no sense of yourself. You're a white male who has privilege yet you want to retain victimhood to suppress the reality that historically white males are a privileged bunch. Feminism has exposed it. Historical literature has shown it.

You ask "why do you live in the past?"

Nobody lives in the past. That question is as bad as asking why do schools teach history? As I said its about recognizing the elements that contribute to the evolution of the United States. But the more you racist cowards bring up race the more we all dwell in the so-called past.

For an alleged educated man you sure are stupid.

I never stated YOU claimed victimhood.

You are far more racist than I will ever be and the fact that you bow up and call me a coward while behind the safety of anonymity shows your cowardice.

I don't live in the past.

I don't bring up the past the way you blacks do.

And yes, you and most other blacks live in the past.

This should be good....

Prove with demonstrable evidence I am racist...

Please put one post that I have written that has shown I am racist. No response just show me and everyone else here I am racist....This should be good

I dunno could it be your constant whining about whitey keein' you down, white privilege and slavery?

Why not?

I mean, why not have a month designated to celebrate all the great things whites have done for this great country?

We have a Black History Month, no problem, where the accomplishments of blacks are celebrated, where we see commercials and whatnot, pointing out what that/those black man/men & woman/women have done to make this country great.

What would be the problem with having a month designated to celebrate the accompishments of whites, where we see commercials and whatnot, pointing out the accomplsments of that/those white man/men & woman/women?


So who do you consider white? Would you consider Jews white? or other Non Christians? :eusa_whistle:

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