White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim

Be sure to run with this, kooks, about how awful Obama was for bringing a POW home. It's really going to play well with America.
When it is pointed out that for this one American, Obama has jeapordized nearly a million?

You and the left better pray that they have a way of tracking the released GITMO five and find themselves dead in the field soon after the American is on our soil.
holy smokes...this man is out of control
links in this at site

White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim “Exigent Circumstances”

We reported yesterday on the breaking of the law. Today they admit it, and claim ‘exigent circumstances’. Obama even has the temerity to say even though he signed the law, he has the right to ignore the notice part.

Via The Blaze:

In response, the White House says that officials considered what they called “unique and exigent circumstances” and decided to go ahead with the transfer despite the legal requirement.

Lawmakers weren’t notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred, according to the Washington Post.

More from the Post:

A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said, the Post noted. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the detainees transferred from Guantanamo to Qatar, where they are to stay for at least a year, the Post added, “are hardened terrorists who have the blood of Americans and countless Afghans on their hands. I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.”

ALL of it here
White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim ?Exigent Circumstances? | Weasel Zippers

Its okay, Obama is a Democrat and they are allowed to that sort of thing. Any Republican President does the same thing you hear an un-ending outcry.
Two years ago, when the Taliban opened their office in Qatar for peace talks with the U.S., there were prospects of an exchange of prisoners. The Haqqani network handed Bergdahl over to the Afghan Taliban because they wanted to exchange him for their top five commanders being held at Guantanamo Bay, the Taliban commander said.“U.S. officials had promised us that first they would exchange prisoners and then start peace talks. But it didn’t take place. And finally when there was no hope of prisoners’ swap, the soldier was returned to the Haqqani network,” the Taliban commander said.
Afghan Taliban: US soldier Bergdahl a 'precious bird' - World News
So the taliban consider them their top 5? Why suddenly the release? Did they threaten another 9/11? Or what? Understandable why they didn't inform Congress. Bet it had been spoken of previously to some and I bet the reaction was a big fat no. Only my opinion, though.
AKA republicans would rather let the POW stay a POW to please their power hungry ways...anything to spite Obama...
DESERTER. Republicans just don't like the idiot in charge breaking the law all the time. Time for the fool to be cuffed and stuffed, I would love to do the cuffing.
AKA republicans would rather let the POW stay a POW to please their power hungry ways...anything to spite Obama...

It looks like what they are saying. Those of us in the know understand you do not do this. Why? Because now more will be kidnapped and held for ransom. But that bullshit aside now we have a really big problem because this man was a deserter.

Oh and Obama just gave back the Taliban their total leadership on a silver no golden platter. For a deserter.
Oh! I wish the radical right would try to start impeachment proceedings. Please have them do that and let's see what happens.

Obama should be impeached and put into jail. HE has done so many things and the media and left wing nuts just give him a pass. If a REP president did remotely this they would have hung them from a tree.
holy smokes...this man is out of control
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White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim “Exigent Circumstances”

We reported yesterday on the breaking of the law. Today they admit it, and claim ‘exigent circumstances’. Obama even has the temerity to say even though he signed the law, he has the right to ignore the notice part.

Via The Blaze:

In response, the White House says that officials considered what they called “unique and exigent circumstances” and decided to go ahead with the transfer despite the legal requirement.

Lawmakers weren’t notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred, according to the Washington Post.

More from the Post:

A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said, the Post noted. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

ALL of it here
White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim ?Exigent Circumstances? | Weasel Zippers
Hopefully the right thing, obamashitforbrains kicked out of office as he should never have been in in the first place.
Be sure to run with this, kooks, about how awful Obama was for bringing a POW home. It's really going to play well with America.


Freeing five known terrorists back into the wild is a great idea! You're right!
Wonder how many drug cartel criminals it will cost us to get another Marine back home
Lets see how this plays into the amnesty for illegals. I AM SURE OBAMASHITFORBRAINS WILL MAKE THE WRONG DECISION, HE ALWAYS DOES.
Hey! Did you get the news. He won and won in a very big way.Not once but 2 TIMES!
Tough sh*t isn't it.
Take your crying and go home.
Start by writing your representative or senator and BEG him to start the impeachment proceedings.

Oh! I wish the radical right would try to start impeachment proceedings. Please have them do that and let's see what happens.

Obama should be impeached and put into jail. HE has done so many things and the media and left wing nuts just give him a pass. If a REP president did remotely this they would have hung them from a tree.
Hopefully the right thing, obamashitforbrains kicked out of office as he should never have been in in the first place.
Hey! Did you get the news. He won and won in a very big way.Not once but 2 TIMES!
Tough sh*t isn't it.
Take your crying and go home.
Start by writing your representative or senator and BEG him to start the impeachment proceedings.

Oh! I wish the radical right would try to start impeachment proceedings. Please have them do that and let's see what happens.
Hopefully the right thing, obamashitforbrains kicked out of office as he should never have been in in the first place.

Winning two elections doesn't make him any less retarded. But it does make you more retarded for voting for this stupidity.

The problem isn't obie, the problem is you that would vote for him and keep him in office.
AKA republicans would rather let the POW stay a POW to please their power hungry ways...anything to spite Obama...

stop with the dramatics

He just released FIVE high level TERRORIST that already had AMERICAN blood on their hands...maybe some can set aside your emotional selves and chew on THAT FACT

We got 9/11 because Bill Clinton refused to apprehend Bin Laden when he had a chance...so FRIKKEN think for a change
Last edited:
holy smokes..who's side is this President on?
links with video at site


Bob Bergdahl Praises Allah & Obama Hugs Him (Video) …Update: Bergdahl Praises Son’s Work to Help Afghan People(?)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, June 1, 2014, 4:46 PM
Yesterday, Jani Bergdahl and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, were invited to the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington DC. Bob Bergdahl spoke about the release of his son Bowe. Then he praised Allah and Obama hugged him.

Sgt. Bergdahl, 28, had been held prisoner by the Taliban since June 30, 2009.
The Daily Caller reported:

At the end of brief event, the soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran — “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

After Bergdahl finished his statement and his praise for Allah, Obama hugged him.

Then Bob Bergdahl went and deleted this tweet where he wrote “God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!”

Tweets and video HERE:
Bob Bergdahl Praises Allah & Obama Hugs Him (Video) ?Update: Bergdahl Praises Son?s Work to Help Afghan People(?) | The Gateway Pundit
Hey! Did you get the news. He won and won in a very big way.Not once but 2 TIMES!
Tough sh*t isn't it.
Take your crying and go home.
Start by writing your representative or senator and BEG him to start the impeachment proceedings.

Oh! I wish the radical right would try to start impeachment proceedings. Please have them do that and let's see what happens.
Hopefully the right thing, obamashitforbrains kicked out of office as he should never have been in in the first place.
Won with illegal and dead voting. STupid done twice, libtards can be real proud of their idiot in chief. ARREST HIS SORRY ASS!!!!!
Hey! Did you get the news. He won and won in a very big way.Not once but 2 TIMES!
Tough sh*t isn't it.
Take your crying and go home.
Start by writing your representative or senator and BEG him to start the impeachment proceedings.

Oh! I wish the radical right would try to start impeachment proceedings. Please have them do that and let's see what happens.
Hopefully the right thing, obamashitforbrains kicked out of office as he should never have been in in the first place.
You idiot voters that voted him in twice are the problem. If you had any brains you would have seen obamashitforbrains for what he is, a big fat liar!!!!

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