White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

We don't have an "administration" running this country. We have a three-ring circus, complete with clowns, a freak show, and a senile, old, incontinent ringmaster named Joe Biden.

Like P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to argue Thursday that the performance of White House staff and the Biden Administration should be judged on race, gender and sexual preference.

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history,” Jean-Pierre stated, adding “The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.”

She continued, “Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.”

“So again, this is something that the president prides himself on,” she concluded."

Video: White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

"Jean-Pierre: "The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+."

This explains how quickly went to a total clown show in such a short time.
Leftists are incredibly dim witted people when it comes to foreseeing consequences of stupid, PC decisions that prioritize institutionalized discrimination over merit
It's not surprising that racism has come back full circle to bite the asses of racist white people mainly in the south.

And white police officers just bite more and harder. And nobody in America with the ability to stop the biting, has any idea on what needs to be done to stop it.

Lest we not forget, every circus wouldn't be complete without its low-intelligence employees who walk behind the animals, shoveling up the dung. That would be you guys and girls. :laughing0301:

We don't have an "administration" running this country. We have a three-ring circus, complete with clowns, a freak show, and a senile, old, incontinent ringmaster named Joe Biden.

Like P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to argue Thursday that the performance of White House staff and the Biden Administration should be judged on race, gender and sexual preference.

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history,” Jean-Pierre stated, adding “The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.”

She continued, “Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.”

“So again, this is something that the president prides himself on,” she concluded."

Video: White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

"Jean-Pierre: "The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+."

The Biden Regime has to say something. If she said they were the most competent, or the most professional, Jean-Pierre would be laughed off the stage.
You should hire the best person for the job. But if you did that blacks would be unemployed.

When you hire someone based on gender, sexual orientation or skin color then you aren't hiring the right person for the job. You're just hiring a token employee.

Intelligence, ambition, experience, and skill is what you hire based on.

But if you had to hire the best person for the job blacks wouldn't have jobs. Because if blacks were on the whole as smart, intelligent, capable, savvy, and ambitious as whites then we wouldn't have to force companies to hire them.

Diversity is a scam. It's a nice way of saying "blacks aren't as good as whites. That's why we have to have affirmative action, we have to have colleges admint X amount of black students, and it's why companies have to hire blacks. Because on their own they can't accomplish as much so we have to force society as a whole to include them". That's what diversity really means.
All of their joy is really an “ism” or “ist” position that they are lauding.
We don't have an "administration" running this country. We have a three-ring circus, complete with clowns, a freak show, and a senile, old, incontinent ringmaster named Joe Biden.

Like P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to argue Thursday that the performance of White House staff and the Biden Administration should be judged on race, gender and sexual preference.

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history,” Jean-Pierre stated, adding “The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.”

She continued, “Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.”

“So again, this is something that the president prides himself on,” she concluded."

Video: White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

"Jean-Pierre: "The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+."

Good. As it turns out, most Americans are in one of those groups. Part of the reason they said it was to annoy the white wingers. Which always works.
They're just making a great case against their diversity policies.
Considering the fact that they've screwed everything up so much....bragging about their diversity is pretty deadly for prospects of it being in place in the future.
If the buttfuck and up-from-the-ghetto crowd can use race and sexual perversion as a standard for selection so can a future conservative administration

Wont the left scream when we replace the pet minorities with white males?
It is because you want to ban LGBT and make non-whites and woman into second class citizens. I am glad that the white house is fighting for our freedom against your repression. You want us to be like Russia or IRan.
Pretty well written, with one exception.
#16 - Women.
That should be written as "biological women"... or actual women.
And as that - definitely not #16. Trans women... yes #1. Real women... maybe #9
How do they know if they're a woman?
We don't have an "administration" running this country. We have a three-ring circus, complete with clowns, a freak show, and a senile, old, incontinent ringmaster named Joe Biden.

Like P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to argue Thursday that the performance of White House staff and the Biden Administration should be judged on race, gender and sexual preference.

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history,” Jean-Pierre stated, adding “The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.”

She continued, “Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.”

“So again, this is something that the president prides himself on,” she concluded."

Video: White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

"Jean-Pierre: "The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+."

It must suck to see an administration that looks like the country.
What the right is trying to do to LGBT people is nothing short of GENOCIDE. The white house needs to fight for our rights against the fundie control freaks. We should never allow such evil to take over this country and turn it into russia.
What the right is trying to do to LGBT people is nothing short of GENOCIDE. The white house needs to fight for our rights against the fundie control freaks. We should never allow such evil to take over this country and turn it into russia.
I think all the faggots and child molesters and tranny's need to dropped in a big hole. PinkWarrior can be their leader.
We don't have an "administration" running this country. We have a three-ring circus, complete with clowns, a freak show, and a senile, old, incontinent ringmaster named Joe Biden.

Like P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to argue Thursday that the performance of White House staff and the Biden Administration should be judged on race, gender and sexual preference.

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history,” Jean-Pierre stated, adding “The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.”

She continued, “Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.”

“So again, this is something that the president prides himself on,” she concluded."

Video: White House Brags About Most Staff Being Black, Female Or LGBTQ+

"Jean-Pierre: "The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+."

‘More than HALF of of the women on Brandon’s staff are women.’

Bragging rights to the first member who correctly identifies the source of that claim.

(Cue the Jeopardy 🎶 music)

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