White House calls Benghazi 'phony' scandal, as lawmakers seek answers on probe


Senior Member
May 22, 2012

The White House said bluntly Wednesday that it considers the controversy over the Benghazi attack to be among the so-called "phony scandals" that President Obama has been complaining about in recent speeches -- even as new questions were being raised about the lack of progress in the investigation. Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked at the daily briefing about Obama's repeated claim -- which he asserted most recently during a speech in Tennessee on Tuesday -- that Washington is getting distracted by phony scandals. Asked what the president was referring to, Carney listed the scandals over the IRS targeting of...


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White House calls Benghazi 'phony' scandal, as lawmakers seek answers on probe | Fox News

Funny isn't it, a CNN reporter just interviewed the reputed ringleader that led the Benghazi attack. They spent two hours commiserating while the FBI Keystone cops are still searching.
Lawmaker: If CNN can interview Benghazi suspect, why can't FBI? - CNN.com
GOP Sources Altered Benghazi Emails to Suggest Cover-Up, Reporter Confirms

Since September, Republicans have claimed the Obama administration covered up the truth about the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya by altering the talking points Susan Rice used on the Sunday morning talk shows. To bolster the story, Republicans misquoted or significantly embellished the emails officials used to draft Rice’s remarks, the CBS Evening News reported Thursday.

CBS News’ Major Garrett confirmed that it was a GOP source who leaked the altered emails.
It is phony. A bad thing happened.......one of our diplomatic outposts was attacked and we lost 4 Americans.

Terrible event........yep.

It is phony. A bad thing happened.......one of our diplomatic outposts was attacked and we lost 4 Americans.

Terrible event........yep.


The scandal is Republicans committing fraud again. But as bad as this is, it doesn't come close to topping the Iraq fiasco.
GOP Sources Altered Benghazi Emails to Suggest Cover-Up, Reporter Confirms

Since September, Republicans have claimed the Obama administration covered up the truth about the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya by altering the talking points Susan Rice used on the Sunday morning talk shows. To bolster the story, Republicans misquoted or significantly embellished the emails officials used to draft Rice’s remarks, the CBS Evening News reported Thursday.

CBS News’ Major Garrett confirmed that it was a GOP source who leaked the altered emails.

If any news organization would know about altering or forging communications, it would be CBS. I am surprised they did not bring back Dan Rather to report on it. He knows how it's done
It is phony. A bad thing happened.......one of our diplomatic outposts was attacked and we lost 4 Americans.

Terrible event........yep.


The scandal is Republicans committing fraud again. But as bad as this is, it doesn't come close to topping the Iraq fiasco.

Yeah baby those damn Republicans pretending someone died in Benghazi, needlessly that is.

And yeah baby Rice was driven by Republican deceit when she told her wide ass stories on Sunday talks shows.

Yeah the whole thing is phony because of some emails.......please tell that to the families.
It is phony. A bad thing happened.......one of our diplomatic outposts was attacked and we lost 4 Americans.

Terrible event........yep.


Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?
Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?

Well if you are mixing apples and oranges then millions are killed by abortion every year and the Democrats don't care, oh wait they don't care about the four men needlessly killed in Benghazi either, bad example.

Maybe you need to review the definition of war, like the war or not, and the definition of an ambassador position. Both those in Iraq and those in Benghazi VOLUNTEERED for their duty, the difference is in Iraq they knew people would be shooting at them.
GOP Sources Altered Benghazi Emails to Suggest Cover-Up, Reporter Confirms

Since September, Republicans have claimed the Obama administration covered up the truth about the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya by altering the talking points Susan Rice used on the Sunday morning talk shows. To bolster the story, Republicans misquoted or significantly embellished the emails officials used to draft Rice’s remarks, the CBS Evening News reported Thursday.

CBS News’ Major Garrett confirmed that it was a GOP source who leaked the altered emails.

If any news organization would know about altering or forging communications, it would be CBS. I am surprised they did not bring back Dan Rather to report on it. He knows how it's done

When you watch them you C........BS
Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?

and yet your hero, obama, continued iraq, expanded afghanistan and didn't seek charges against bush

Nothing phony about the scandalous way Mittens tried to capitalize on the deaths of those four Americans in that attack on the Consulate building in Benghazi. But he paid for it.
Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?

Well if you are mixing apples and oranges then millions are killed by abortion every year and the Democrats don't care, oh wait they don't care about the four men needlessly killed in Benghazi either, bad example.

Maybe you need to review the definition of war, like the war or not, and the definition of an ambassador position. Both those in Iraq and those in Benghazi VOLUNTEERED for their duty, the difference is in Iraq they knew people would be shooting at them.

Oh yeah?!?!!? ABORTION! So there!
Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?
IDIOT alert. Benghazi is ten times worse. The lying left would love the fiasco to go away so they deny it. That is what happened to your brain, you denied you had one long enough it left.
Try as you guys might, Benghazi is not even close to the scandal that is Iraq. Tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Republicans care about 4 in Libya? Really?

and yet your hero, obama, continued iraq, expanded afghanistan and didn't seek charges against bush

Bush doesn't deserve charges, unlike the idiot in charge now.
Nothing phony about the scandalous way Mittens tried to capitalize on the deaths of those four Americans in that attack on the Consulate building in Benghazi. But he paid for it.

Bet you still believe the 9/11 attacks were due to a video.
Nothing phony about the scandalous way Mittens tried to capitalize on the deaths of those four Americans in that attack on the Consulate building in Benghazi. But he paid for it.

Bet you still believe the 9/11 attacks were due to a video.

On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo, Egypt a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.

On September 13, protests occurred at the U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, resulting in the deaths of four protesters and injuries to thirty-five protesters and guards. On September 14, the U.S. consulate in Chennai was attacked, resulting in injuries to twenty-five protesters.[14] Protesters in Tunis, Tunisia, climbed the U.S. embassy walls and set trees on fire. At least four people were killed and forty-six injured during protests in Tunis on September 15.[6] Further protests were held at U.S. diplomatic missions and other locations in the days following the initial attacks. Related protests and attacks resulted in numerous deaths and injuries across the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I believe it was a unjustified spontaneous assault on our compound based on the outrage whipped up by certain Mullahs over that stupid over-dubbed clip.

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