White House Doctor with Combat Experience Blasts Wray for Doubting Trump's Bullet Wound, Sue Wray.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Now give Wray the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook treatment. And all the other leftist conspiratards who say Trump faked it.

"Dr. Jackson continued, “I have reviewed President Trump’s medical records from Butler Memorial Hospital, where he was initially evaluated and treated for a “Gunshot Wound to the Right Ear.” Having served as an Emergency Medicine physician for over 20 years in the United States Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield in Iraq. I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career. Based on my direct observations of the injury, my relevant clinical background, and my significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds, I completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by the doctors and nurses at Butler Memorial Hospital on the day of the shooting.”"
It originated out of the rifle barrel. It was the first shot.
Unfortunately Wry was unfamiliar with what a bullet looks like or acts like so he used the term shrapnel 😂
I'm not aligned with that, especially with the distance between the assassin and Trump. Shrapnel from the barrel isn't going to travel the 140-ish yards.
Now give Wray the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook treatment. And all the other leftist conspiratards who say Trump faked it.

"Dr. Jackson continued, “I have reviewed President Trump’s medical records from Butler Memorial Hospital, where he was initially evaluated and treated for a “Gunshot Wound to the Right Ear.” Having served as an Emergency Medicine physician for over 20 years in the United States Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield in Iraq. I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career. Based on my direct observations of the injury, my relevant clinical background, and my significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds, I completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by the doctors and nurses at Butler Memorial Hospital on the day of the shooting.”"
Lol, rear admiral, sorry. I mean capt ronny jackson is a useless pillmongering twit who would sell his own mother "if he had one" for another drink.

Lets here from a real dr.
There is not the slightest mark on Trump's unbandaged ear .
See his photos before some bright spark realises that they have made another monumental blunder and removes them.
Trump has already appeared without the bandage: Where's the 2cm loss to a bullet? Nothing. This is brazen in-your-face gaslighting.
Gateway Pundit has published this and then continues to sell the event as real!

Then there's the little problem about allowing him to stand up and do his little dance, gesturing to thecrowd and so on. They had to get the picture for the papers. But if this had been real they would have kept him down. He would never have been allowed to stand back up almost immediately, makinghimself a target again. That was against all protocol and logic.

From a Miles Mathis full report .

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