White House Eyes John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped On Trump's Phone

I'll need a lot more actual EVIDENCE to be convinced. If it is the case then this is damning. If not? A vicious slur.

By using a great example of fake news. Lmao
Yeah... MCCain has access to the WH phones.
Morons one and all.
Crazy fake news, I guess Trump doesn't like leaks about him, we all know he is involved with Russians , nothing new about that.

Its called good investigation , not leaks.
The TRUE PUNDIT. Hilarious
Hasn't Alex Jones ' Infowars weighed in yet? Maybe Jones' lizard people he believes in told John MCCain.

The only reason this article exists is because MCCain ( and Graham) are two of the very few republicans with some guts to stand up to Putin's Puppet.
You want to talk about being paranoid. This describes the Trump White House. Bring in the local Gestapo.
I wouldn't count out Jeb and his entire Cartel. Better keep an eye on those real RICH nonagressive types.

By using a great example of fake news. Lmao
Yeah... MCCain has access to the WH phones.
Morons one and all.
well we're gonna find out now aren't we if it's fake.
From who? From Chaffetz who doesn't even want to investigate Trump's Russian connections or his tax returns but wants to investigate the state dept official who set up Hillary's private servers?

The fix has been in since day one.
I am positive that there is every bit as much proof for accusing McCain of this as there is Evidence for Accusing The Russians for making Hillary Lose The Election.

Heck, there might actually be more evidence regarding The McCain accusations.

If Lefty is already defending John McCain, then John McCain certainly is a legit suspect in this little bit of Espionage.
By using a great example of fake news. Lmao
Yeah... MCCain has access to the WH phones.
Morons one and all.
well we're gonna find out now aren't we if it's fake.
From who? From Chaffetz who doesn't even want to investigate Trump's Russian connections or his tax returns but wants to investigate the state dept official who set up Hillary's private servers?

The fix has been in since day one.

And certainly not from Jeff Sessions who was on the Trump campaign but won't recuse himself. Crooked, crooked, Donnie.

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