White House Fence-jumper Made It Into Wh

I appears a "wetback" became a "fenceback," but was really a "brokeback" looking for "action" with Barry!

That's what I figured too. He's probably another scorned lover from Barry's past. Seriously though, how ironic would it be if a Mexican illegal assassinated Buckwheat? It'd serve him right. In short order, the democrats would have a forty foot high wall of solid cement running the entire length of our southern border...and ten thousand new border guards packing assault rifles to man it.

If this president was assassinated, there's probably a very good chance the assassin would be a foreigner, probably a radical Muslim, who got into the country across our southern border. I'm sure Bammy and the Secret Service are mulling over that very prospect as I type.

Love him or hate him, Obama was democratically elected, and you wish death upon him. You are scum.

Up your ass. I'm a white, Catholic, conservative, Republican, heterosexual. There's nothing that little motherfucker in the White House would love more than to see me and all my kind dead. If the little bastard wasn't out inciting race riots, what else could he possibly do? I mean besides trying to murder 3000 armed forces personnel by sending them into an ebola epidemic. He's a racist pig, and anyone who supports him is a racist pig.

BTW jerk. What have you ever done for this country? Let's hear it. Where the fuck do you get off calling others unAmerican?
White House Partially Evacuated as Fence Jumper Gets Into Executive Mansion - ABC News

"Part of the White House had to be evacuated Friday evening after a North Lawn fence jumper briefly eluded security and made it all the way inside the executive mansion.

Omar Gonzalez, 42, was unarmed when he was arrested after jumping the fence and entering the White House through the North Portico doors, Secret Service Spokesman Ed Donovan told ABC News. Gonzales ignored commands from Secret Service, Donovan added."

My first thought is is this a test or probe for a suicide bombing mission? See how far you can get and if a suicide bombing is possible.
More likely it's a dry run for an orchestrated event to ultimately end up with the president (and I use that term loosely) declaring martial law. He's not planning to leave when his term is up.
Tin foil hat a little too tight?
Not as tight as the butt cheeks around your neck. Wake up, your president is a tyrant.

Some of the least educated people in America always seem to think Obama is a Tyrant, but they can't find a bill that made him one. They get their information from a News Source operated by an actual Tyrant and don't know it. That news source also relies on cutting education to keep people from noticing their stupidity.

Or perhaps you can name the bill that Obama passed that made him a Tyrant? I'm all ears kiddo :) (P.S. Before you say healthcare, notice what you are saying. . If you try to say an abundance of Health is a form of Tyranny, that's on you. Spooky stuff. There should have been a better method, but the method used was lawful.)
Love him or hate him, Obama was democratically elected, and you wish death upon him. You are scum.

Up your ass. I'm a white, Catholic, conservative, Republican, heterosexual. There's nothing that little motherfucker in the White House would love more than to see me and all my kind dead. If the little bastard wasn't out inciting race riots, what else could he possibly do? I mean besides trying to murder 3000 armed forces personnel by sending them into an ebola epidemic. He's a racist pig, and anyone who supports him is a racist pig.

BTW jerk. What have you ever done for this country? Let's hear it. Where the fuck do you get off calling others unAmerican?

Jeez. Americans should be smarter than this.........."Up your ass. I'm a white, Catholic, conservative, Republican, heterosexual. There's nothing that little motherfucker in the White House would love more than to see me and all my kind dead."

Fox News has 1 Tyrant filling the heads of thousands with this kind of garbage.

America has to be smarter than this...
Love him or hate him, Obama was democratically elected, and you wish death upon him. You are scum.

Up your ass. I'm a white, Catholic, conservative, Republican, heterosexual. There's nothing that little motherfucker in the White House would love more than to see me and all my kind dead. If the little bastard wasn't out inciting race riots, what else could he possibly do? I mean besides trying to murder 3000 armed forces personnel by sending them into an ebola epidemic. He's a racist pig, and anyone who supports him is a racist pig.

BTW jerk. What have you ever done for this country? Let's hear it. Where the fuck do you get off calling others unAmerican?

Jeez. Americans should be smarter than this.........."Up your ass. I'm a white, Catholic, conservative, Republican, heterosexual. There's nothing that little motherfucker in the White House would love more than to see me and all my kind dead."

Fox News has 1 Tyrant filling the heads of thousands with this kind of garbage.

America has to be smarter than this...

Tell that to your race-riot instigating, white-hating racist in the White House...and his America-hating wife. He's skated through life on the color of his skin. He doesn't get a pass anymore. The left's protected token doesn't get a pass anymore. He's open to every bit of criticism all the white presidents who preceded him were open to. He doesn't get to be the left's Buckwheat anymore.

The world situation dictates that we need a man in the White House, not a token, not a moron whose college grades were so deplorable they're a state secret...like his birth certificate. This is your "leader", this oaf? This very stupid and dangerous oaf? Or is it is tireless racism that appeals to you?
White House Partially Evacuated as Fence Jumper Gets Into Executive Mansion - ABC News

"Part of the White House had to be evacuated Friday evening after a North Lawn fence jumper briefly eluded security and made it all the way inside the executive mansion.

Omar Gonzalez, 42, was unarmed when he was arrested after jumping the fence and entering the White House through the North Portico doors, Secret Service Spokesman Ed Donovan told ABC News. Gonzales ignored commands from Secret Service, Donovan added."

My first thought is is this a test or probe for a suicide bombing mission? See how far you can get and if a suicide bombing is possible.
More likely it's a dry run for an orchestrated event to ultimately end up with the president (and I use that term loosely) declaring martial law. He's not planning to leave when his term is up.
Tin foil hat a little too tight?
Not as tight as the butt cheeks around your neck. Wake up, your president is a tyrant.

Some of the least educated people in America always seem to think Obama is a Tyrant, but they can't find a bill that made him one. They get their information from a News Source operated by an actual Tyrant and don't know it. That news source also relies on cutting education to keep people from noticing their stupidity.

Or perhaps you can name the bill that Obama passed that made him a Tyrant? I'm all ears kiddo :) (P.S. Before you say healthcare, notice what you are saying. . If you try to say an abundance of Health is a form of Tyranny, that's on you. Spooky stuff. There should have been a better method, but the method used was lawful.)
So much stupidity in one post, I don't know where to start. First of all, CONGRESS passes laws, not the president, idiot, which is what makes him a tyrant. He bypasses Congress and DECLARES laws through EOs. THAT is unconstitutional and THAT makes him a tyrant.
He is also a tyrant by the way he uses government agencies to go after his opponents. The IRS, the Justice Department, having governors arrested on trumped up charges (Rick Perry), inviting Mexicans and Central Americans into the country and threatening health officials with arrest if they warn the communities that the illegals (he invited in) are carrying communicable diseases. Useful idiots like you, however, will continue to defend him no matter HOW much he abuses his office or how much he puts Americans at risk. ISIS terrorists openly admit they are entering the U.S. through the southern border he is fighting so hard to keep open (the reason he's going after Rick Perry). You have your head so far up Obama's ass you can't see daylight.
White House Partially Evacuated as Fence Jumper Gets Into Executive Mansion - ABC News

"Part of the White House had to be evacuated Friday evening after a North Lawn fence jumper briefly eluded security and made it all the way inside the executive mansion.

Omar Gonzalez, 42, was unarmed when he was arrested after jumping the fence and entering the White House through the North Portico doors, Secret Service Spokesman Ed Donovan told ABC News. Gonzales ignored commands from Secret Service, Donovan added."

My first thought is is this a test or probe for a suicide bombing mission? See how far you can get and if a suicide bombing is possible.
More likely it's a dry run for an orchestrated event to ultimately end up with the president (and I use that term loosely) declaring martial law. He's not planning to leave when his term is up.
Tin foil hat a little too tight?
Not as tight as the butt cheeks around your neck. Wake up, your president is a tyrant.

Some of the least educated people in America always seem to think Obama is a Tyrant, but they can't find a bill that made him one. They get their information from a News Source operated by an actual Tyrant and don't know it. That news source also relies on cutting education to keep people from noticing their stupidity.

Or perhaps you can name the bill that Obama passed that made him a Tyrant? I'm all ears kiddo :) (P.S. Before you say healthcare, notice what you are saying. . If you try to say an abundance of Health is a form of Tyranny, that's on you. Spooky stuff. There should have been a better method, but the method used was lawful.)
obama does not need to create a law that makes him a tyrant, his use of by passing congress has
done this. Or assassinating American citizens without giving them Due Process of the Law. Using American troops without being given congressional authority striping a states right to defend itself from invasion
Wake the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch.
Mr. President tear down that fence.

Every liberals knows that walls and fences don't work.

That fence around the White House is a symbol of exclusion.

Shame on you Mr. President, shame on you. Exclusion and division is not what America is about.
You freaks are pretty damn funny but when I realize that crazy people are allowed to vote it ceases to be funny.

so you joined just for this? to tell people they're crazy
Crazy with seething hatred for a man who kicked your butts twice. Sorry to come here and ruin your circle jerk.

Right. Hitler was elected as well. So would you be on your knees gumming his pud too?
Please take your gay fantasies elsewhere. Thank you.
I think the guy should be put on the WH staff. After all, the only thing needed to stay in America is the ability to swim the Rio Grande so the man showing true initiative should be allowed to stay.

This is, in my opinion, a rather serious incident. Not one that reflects on Obama in any way but someone's head should roll.
I know where I would go if I got into the WH residence....
Right to the panty drawer....

Sure play to your pedestrian wants. I would go to the desk with the secret drawer so I could find out where the treasure is hidden.
Mr. President tear down that fence.

Every liberals knows that walls and fences don't work.

That fence around the White House is a symbol of exclusion.

Shame on you Mr. President, shame on you. Exclusion and division is not what America is about.
Yeah Shame on you Mr. President for not wanting a nut job to to walk in at will and slaughter your entire family, shame on you.
White House Partially Evacuated as Fence Jumper Gets Into Executive Mansion - ABC News

"Part of the White House had to be evacuated Friday evening after a North Lawn fence jumper briefly eluded security and made it all the way inside the executive mansion.

Omar Gonzalez, 42, was unarmed when he was arrested after jumping the fence and entering the White House through the North Portico doors, Secret Service Spokesman Ed Donovan told ABC News. Gonzales ignored commands from Secret Service, Donovan added."

My first thought is is this a test or probe for a suicide bombing mission? See how far you can get and if a suicide bombing is possible.
More likely it's a dry run for an orchestrated event to ultimately end up with the president (and I use that term loosely) declaring martial law. He's not planning to leave when his term is up.

Yep round up the rightwing white christian terrorists
You freaks are pretty damn funny but when I realize that crazy people are allowed to vote it ceases to be funny.

so you joined just for this? to tell people they're crazy
Crazy with seething hatred for a man who kicked your butts twice. Sorry to come here and ruin your circle jerk.

I guess you would know the butt burn after GWB of all people beat the crap out of your side, twice.

And President Obama shit all,over you rightwing crackers TWICE:laugh2::laugh2:

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