White House Garden Overgrown With Weeds

Amazing the lengths our pinhead apologists will go to defend Moochelle's contempt for her own garden. The replies started with denial, then acceptance with mulitple caveats, then counter-attacks on the "GOP shutting down the government" being to blame. This is how the leftist mind functions in all it's childish, lying, excuse-making, hateful ways. They don't even realize how jealous and spiteful they are of normal Americans. One can only imagine how embarrassed their partents must be of them.

WTF ? :eusa_shifty:

Lighten up Francis

Its just some tomatoes

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Amazing the lengths our pinhead apologists will go to defend Moochelle's contempt for her own garden. The replies started with denial, then acceptance with mulitple caveats, then counter-attacks on the "GOP shutting down the government" being to blame. This is how the leftist mind functions in all it's childish, lying, excuse-making, hateful ways. They don't even realize how jealous and spiteful they are of normal Americans. One can only imagine how embarrassed their partents must be of them.

WTF ? :eusa_shifty:

Left a mark did it? :eusa_angel:

Your ilk never changes...you could easily be the anal-retentive leftist "TC3" from years ago in BallotBox@Slate. Claimed to be a lawyer...misquoted his sources, sent those who bothered to dead links, decided he could call blacks "niggras" because he voted democrat and didn't feel constrained by PC although he demanded us to be....had to get in the last word, even if it involved postiing at 3am to do it. And humorless.....just when you thought wishing him a Merry Christmas might lighten him up, he'd scream about us not being bright enough to be atheists and go on rants about the Crusades. I figured he might have hanged himself after BB went belly-up, but now I think you may be him. :eusa_shifty:
Before my husband's death we always raised a large garden. We never let food rot in the garden when we were finished with it. What we didn't eat or can we gave away to people who would come pick it. And there were plenty of takers. Turnips and turnip greens are in season now. Oh, I guess our first (ugly) princess is too good to eat turnip greens.

Where do you see food rotting? Unless you can produce a picture with food rotting on the vine it looks like the fake marine has led all the complainers astray with one photo that shows nothing but a squirrel eating a tomato. Take that as a metaphor showing how your party does the same.

Do you think you're worthy of further "proof" of the state of her garden, asshole? Maybe you should reconsider how worthless your opinons are and temper your expectations. :eusa_hand:

Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady? That is the better question you sorry sack of human waste. Consider how worthless your opinion is to her day. She is in the white house clown. What you think has no effect on her.
Amazing the lengths our pinhead apologists will go to defend Moochelle's contempt for her own garden. The replies started with denial, then acceptance with mulitple caveats, then counter-attacks on the "GOP shutting down the government" being to blame. This is how the leftist mind functions in all it's childish, lying, excuse-making, hateful ways. They don't even realize how jealous and spiteful they are of normal Americans. One can only imagine how embarrassed their partents must be of them.

WTF ? :eusa_shifty:

Left a mark did it? :eusa_angel:

Your ilk never changes...you could easily be the anal-retentive leftist "TC3" from years ago in BallotBox@Slate. Claimed to be a lawyer...misquoted his sources, sent those who bothered to dead links, decided he could call blacks "niggras" because he voted democrat and didn't feel constrained by PC although he demanded us to be....had to get in the last word, even if it involved postiing at 3am to do it. And humorless.....just when you thought wishing him a Merry Christmas might lighten him up, he'd scream about us not being bright enough to be atheists and go on rants about the Crusades. I figured he might have hanged himself after BB went belly-up, but now I think you may be him. :eusa_shifty:


Ever see Apocalypse Now? You got some Brando in you

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Where do you see food rotting? Unless you can produce a picture with food rotting on the vine it looks like the fake marine has led all the complainers astray with one photo that shows nothing but a squirrel eating a tomato. Take that as a metaphor showing how your party does the same.

Do you think you're worthy of further "proof" of the state of her garden, asshole? Maybe you should reconsider how worthless your opinons are and temper your expectations. :eusa_hand:

Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady? That is the better question you sorry sack of human waste. Consider how worthless your opinion is to her day. She is in the white house clown. What you think has no effect on her.

You mean the tranny hag providing Barry with a "beard" while he romances Reggie Love? :lol: "She" is a militant moron with an ass as wide as an ax handle, who straightens her hair and wears designer clothes on Sam's credit card. I fully expect the pair of them to steal everythng not bolted down when they're thrown out of the WH same as Willy and Hilly did. Carnival freaks don't deserve or get respect, boy. You've spent your whole life learning that I'm sure.

Ever see Apocalypse Now? You got some Brando in you.

Nope...did "your side win" in it? I mean, everything you know about the war in Vietnam that you ducked comes in from the Gollywood version of it, right?

It covered the impact of stress on Commanding Officers and how they flip out

Kind of like those who go ape shit crazy over a bunch of tomatoes


And then there was the strawberries
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Ever see Apocalypse Now? You got some Brando in you.

Nope...did "your side win" in it? I mean, everything you know about the war in Vietnam that you ducked comes in from the Gollywood version of it, right?

It covered the impact of stress on Commanding Officers and how they flip out

Kind of like those who go ape shit crazy over a bunch of tomatoes

According to who, Coppola and Martin Sheen? :lol: One has declared bankruptcy half a dozen times and the other has been arrested half a dozen times and produced Charlie Sheeen who'd be locked up in a nuthouse but for his money and lawyers. Do you find it ironic my name is Kurtz?
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Nope...did "your side win" in it? I mean, everything you know about the war in Vietnam that you ducked comes in from the Gollywood version of it, right?

It covered the impact of stress on Commanding Officers and how they flip out

Kind of like those who go ape shit crazy over a bunch of tomatoes

According to who, Coppola and Martin Sheen? :lol: One has declared bankruptcy half a dozen times and the other has been arrested half a dozen times and produced Charlie Sheeen who'd be locked up in a nuthouse but for his money and lawyers. Do you find it ironic my name is Kurtz?

So tell us bout them tomatoes...
Do you think you're worthy of further "proof" of the state of her garden, asshole? Maybe you should reconsider how worthless your opinons are and temper your expectations. :eusa_hand:

Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady? That is the better question you sorry sack of human waste. Consider how worthless your opinion is to her day. She is in the white house clown. What you think has no effect on her.

You mean the tranny hag providing Barry with a "beard" while he romances Reggie Love? :lol: "She" is a militant moron with an ass as wide as an ax handle, who straightens her hair and wears designer clothes on Sam's credit card. I fully expect the pair of them to steal everythng not bolted down when they're thrown out of the WH same as Willy and Hilly did. Carnival freaks don't deserve or get respect, boy. You've spent your whole life learning that I'm sure.

Your respect isnt worth anything. When will you get that? :lol: Mrs POTUS and family has the reins now. Sit back boy and be quiet while they make decisions that effect your life. Ater they leave the office make sure you contribute to their retirement by paying your taxes. Thats how you will show your respect. Got that boy?
I think it's safe to summarize the Obamabots' feelings here:

"Obama and family can do whatever the hell they want, and it's okay with me...because Obama!"

No its more like "its a garden in the middle of October. Why all the fuss?" Will the irrelevant nonsense ever end?
Look at all that food going to waste, when record numbers of people are on public assistance.

But you just sit there and defend the Obamas for not getting their hands dirty like the common folks they say they care about.
Your respect isnt worth anything. When will you get that? :lol: Mrs POTUS and family has the reins now. Sit back boy and be quiet while they make decisions that effect your life. Ater they leave the office make sure you contribute to their retirement by paying your taxes. Thats how you will show your respect. Got that boy?

Nothin they do has any effect on my life, fool. Me and my family are long beyond their sticky fingers and jive-ass games and I doubt their "retirement" will be much other than a couple cells in Leavenworth once the truff is known about what's going on behind the scenes. You might also want to remember your idol Malcolm X was once a pimp named "Detroit Red", and much like your father, never spent a dime on raising his chillins. Whites understand your hatred of us.....it's why Planned Parenthood was created to keep your numbers down, and why they're letting in the illegals to take your jobs. Burn down another ghetto or two why doncha....We're building plenty of new prisons to keep up with you gangsta ways. :lol:
Ah, I hate to point out the obvious here folks but those tomatoes are not rotting on the vine...they aren't even fully ripe!

Look, the garden thing was a photo op...it's what politicians DO! Anyone who expected that some city folks from Chicago were going to put the hard work in that tending a garden requires is rather naive. That being said however...why would anyone waste time talking about a garden going to waste when you've got an entire country's economy that is still in the toilet six years after Barack Obama took office? Concentrate on what's important!

It looks like rightwinger agrees that Obama's policies have ruined the economy. :clap2:
This whole thing about the garden is outragous, and obviously grounds for impeachment!

Considering that Clinton committed multiple acts of treason and is thought to be behind the murders of several past enablers in Arkansas, a simple lie to a grand jury about his mauling an intern got him impeached. It's the little things that end up catching criminals, son.:eusa_eh:
I think it's safe to summarize the Obamabots' feelings here:

"Obama and family can do whatever the hell they want, and it's okay with me...because Obama!"

No its more like "its a garden in the middle of October. Why all the fuss?" Will the irrelevant nonsense ever end?
Look at all that food going to waste, when record numbers of people are on public assistance.

But you just sit there and defend the Obamas for not getting their hands dirty like the common folks they say they care about.

Personally I dont want my POTUS or his wife tending a garden right now. Its October. They donate money to feed the less fortunate and donate time in other areas as well. What other white house family has done this during a government shut down? Why is it a big deal when they do other things like affect legislation that is going to improve the lives of the less fortunate?
Your respect isnt worth anything. When will you get that? :lol: Mrs POTUS and family has the reins now. Sit back boy and be quiet while they make decisions that effect your life. Ater they leave the office make sure you contribute to their retirement by paying your taxes. Thats how you will show your respect. Got that boy?

Nothin they do has any effect on my life, fool. Me and my family are long beyond their sticky fingers and jive-ass games and I doubt their "retirement" will be much other than a couple cells in Leavenworth once the truff is known about what's going on behind the scenes. You might also want to remember your idol Malcolm X was once a pimp named "Detroit Red", and much like your father, never spent a dime on raising his chillins. Whites understand your hatred of us.....it's why Planned Parenthood was created to keep your numbers down, and why they're letting in the illegals to take your jobs. Burn down another ghetto or two why doncha....We're building plenty of new prisons to keep up with you gangsta ways. :lol:

Yes the POTUS has control over you fake marine. Unless you are saying you don't pay your taxes. If you dont the IRS will deal with you. Dont get mad and get off point. :lol: You will comply with the laws of this land boy. Best you get your attitude in shape to accomplish that. Dont make the POTUS have to send someone to look for you.

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