White House Garden Overgrown With Weeds

Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady?

Of course he is. He's an American citizen with First Amendment rights, and she's NOT the queen, no matter how much the left insists the Obamas should be treated like royalty.

I said worthy. He is a fake grunt. The First Lady is the wife of the commander in chief. I assume he has forgotten the respect you accord the office no matter your political leanings. More proof he was never in the military or a basic training drop out.
This whole thing about the garden is outragous, and obviously grounds for impeachment!

Considering that Clinton committed multiple acts of treason and is thought to be behind the murders of several past enablers in Arkansas, a simple lie to a grand jury about his mauling an intern got him impeached. It's the little things that end up catching criminals, son.:eusa_eh:

Personally, I think having an overgrown garden is bigger grounds for impeachment than a blowjob

But thats just me
Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady?

Of course he is. He's an American citizen with First Amendment rights, and she's NOT the queen, no matter how much the left insists the Obamas should be treated like royalty.

I said worthy. He is a fake grunt. The First Lady is the wife of the commander in chief. I assume he has forgotten the respect you accord the office no matter your political leanings. More proof he was never in the military or a basic training drop out.

:lol: Being called a "fake grunt" by this JheriCurl twerp is hilarious but she's right about one thing; I do have no respect for the OFFICE of the presidency. I've served under enough criminal POTUS to know better. And if JheriCurl here knew anything about the Marine Corps she'd know we begin wtih boot camp not basic training. :cool:
Of course he is. He's an American citizen with First Amendment rights, and she's NOT the queen, no matter how much the left insists the Obamas should be treated like royalty.

I said worthy. He is a fake grunt. The First Lady is the wife of the commander in chief. I assume he has forgotten the respect you accord the office no matter your political leanings. More proof he was never in the military or a basic training drop out.

:lol: Being called a "fake grunt" by this JheriCurl twerp is hilarious but she's right about one thing; I do have no respect for the OFFICE of the presidency. I've served under enough criminal POTUS to know better. And if JheriCurl here knew anything about the Marine Corps she'd know we begin wtih boot camp not basic training. :cool:

Like I said earlier you will pay your taxes as proof of your respect boy. You will support this president monetarily if not emotionally. Dont make the POTUS have to make an example of you. Boot camp and basic is the same thing boy. Just because you read Soldier of Fortune doesnt prove anything.
Personally, I think having an overgrown garden is bigger grounds for impeachment than a blowjob

But thats just me

Do you charge more for one than the other? :eusa_eh:

p.s. you show your true colors with "thanks" to your faux-coon pal here, dipshit.


They teach you that one in the Marine Corps?

He wasnt in the marines talking like that. They would have given him a blanket party with the quickness. More likely he was one of the racist rednecks that kept a low profile and never made it past e-3.
Do you charge more for one than the other? :eusa_eh:

p.s. you show your true colors with "thanks" to your faux-coon pal here, dipshit.


They teach you that one in the Marine Corps?

He wasnt in the marines talking like that. They would have given him a blanket party with the quickness. More likely he was one of the racist rednecks that kept a low profile and never made it past e-3.

You mean he is not the bad ass he portrays on the interweb?
BTW, I'll try to do a follow-up report on the state of Moochelle's former garden now that the "slimdown" is over and her legions of lackeys return to duty. We might even see the surly hag herself out there if she's been informed of Col. Kurtz (Ret) reporting her dereliction of duty and squirrel-abuse. I suggest she be waterboarded and sent to GITMO for an attitude-adjustment PDQ.

As you were.
Where do you see food rotting? Unless you can produce a picture with food rotting on the vine it looks like the fake marine has led all the complainers astray with one photo that shows nothing but a squirrel eating a tomato. Take that as a metaphor showing how your party does the same.

The ripe tomatoes in the photo are rotting. You clearly do not recognize overripe vegetables. I guess now you want tax money to pay someone to do your grocery shopping so you can buy better food. Oh wait, chips and candy don't rot on the vine. They are sealed in cellophane.

You imbecile, tomatoes are food for people. They should be harvesting it. But that lazy cow won't lift a finger.

Tomatoes dont look like that when they are rotting on the vine. Youre either blind or stupid. They have brown spots on them and are wilted when rotting. I have a garden and i let one of my tomatoes do that so I could get the seeds. Face it. You've jumped through a hoop placed in front of you without seeing where you were going to land again. You arent very bright.

Take it up with the Washington Times. They reported the veggies were rotting. And the liberal media would never lie.
BTW, I'll try to do a follow-up report on the state of Moochelle's former garden now that the "slimdown" is over and her legions of lackeys return to duty. We might even see the surly hag herself out there if she's been informed of Col. Kurtz (Ret) reporting her dereliction of duty and squirrel-abuse. I suggest she be waterboarded and sent to GITMO for an attitude-adjustment PDQ.

As you were.

Instead of focusing on that make sure you pay your taxes so the POTUS can retire in style. No one cares about the garden except angry hillbillies pretending to be marines. :lol: Get your ass at attention private! Dont make me take you to a sand pit and smoke your ass for an hour.
BTW, I'll try to do a follow-up report on the state of Moochelle's former garden now that the "slimdown" is over and her legions of lackeys return to duty. We might even see the surly hag herself out there if she's been informed of Col. Kurtz (Ret) reporting her dereliction of duty and squirrel-abuse. I suggest she be waterboarded and sent to GITMO for an attitude-adjustment PDQ.

As you were.

Instead of focusing on that make sure you pay your taxes so the POTUS can retire in style. No one cares about the garden except angry hillbillies pretending to be marines. :lol: Get your ass at attention private! Dont make me take you to a sand pit and smoke your ass for an hour.

Like you showed up behind the U-Haul that moonlit evening? :lol: There's sand fleas with bigger nads than you got, sister sludge.
BTW, I'll try to do a follow-up report on the state of Moochelle's former garden now that the "slimdown" is over and her legions of lackeys return to duty. We might even see the surly hag herself out there if she's been informed of Col. Kurtz (Ret) reporting her dereliction of duty and squirrel-abuse. I suggest she be waterboarded and sent to GITMO for an attitude-adjustment PDQ.

As you were.

Instead of focusing on that make sure you pay your taxes so the POTUS can retire in style. No one cares about the garden except angry hillbillies pretending to be marines. :lol: Get your ass at attention private! Dont make me take you to a sand pit and smoke your ass for an hour.

Like you showed up behind the U-Haul that moonlit evening? :lol: There's sand fleas with bigger nads than you got, sister sludge.

I was there. Where were you?
BTW, I'll try to do a follow-up report on the state of Moochelle's former garden now that the "slimdown" is over and her legions of lackeys return to duty. We might even see the surly hag herself out there if she's been informed of Col. Kurtz (Ret) reporting her dereliction of duty and squirrel-abuse. I suggest she be waterboarded and sent to GITMO for an attitude-adjustment PDQ.

As you were.

Sergeant Psycho reporting for duty
No its more like "its a garden in the middle of October. Why all the fuss?" Will the irrelevant nonsense ever end?
Look at all that food going to waste, when record numbers of people are on public assistance.

But you just sit there and defend the Obamas for not getting their hands dirty like the common folks they say they care about.

Personally I dont want my POTUS or his wife tending a garden right now. Its October. They donate money to feed the less fortunate and donate time in other areas as well. What other white house family has done this during a government shut down? Why is it a big deal when they do other things like affect legislation that is going to improve the lives of the less fortunate?
All Hail Obama!
Are you even worthy of remarking on the first lady?

Of course he is. He's an American citizen with First Amendment rights, and she's NOT the queen, no matter how much the left insists the Obamas should be treated like royalty.

I said worthy. He is a fake grunt. The First Lady is the wife of the commander in chief.
So? SHe is not above criticism. She's not royalty or a deity. Get over it.
I assume he has forgotten the respect you accord the office no matter your political leanings. More proof he was never in the military or a basic training drop out.
Proves nothing, actually. Well, it proves you know nothing about the First Amendment.

Say, did you similarly criticize your fellow lefties for their attacks on Laura Bush?

I kinda doubt it.

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