White House press secretary Jen Psaki accused of homophobia after calling Senator Lindsey Graham 'Lady G'

I'm not surprised at all.... Rules for thee but not for me..... that's the demonrats motto.

They can do and say all they want. They are above the Law, like the Clintons are like the Bidens are...you name it.

Sad times are these my friends.
I'm loving seeing the leftist morons getting hoisted upon their own PC petards.
Is she saying there's something bad about being homosexual?

Like homosexuals are really women?

replace her with liberal lesbian Maddow...and all is solved!
Lindsey Graham has been in the closet a long long time according to many. In SC, years ago they may not have elected him, but if he came out of the closet now---his base likely wouldn't hold it against him. Think this is why Graham was always a waffler--fear of the dems releasing his secret and oh look the Psaki is trying to send a message.
I'm not surprised at all.... Rules for thee but not for me..... that's the demonrats motto.

They can do and say all they want. They are above the Law, like the Clintons are like the Bidens are...you name it.

Sad times are these my friends.
I thought the article was about her getting called out for saying Lady G... how does your post make sense given that?
Democrats really don't like the homosexuals, they just want their votes.
I'm not surprised at all.... Rules for thee but not for me..... that's the demonrats motto.

They can do and say all they want. They are above the Law, like the Clintons are like the Bidens are...you name it.

Sad times are these my friends.
And zero consequences.

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