White House To Spin Failure Of Health Care Bill As A Success

There is NO healthcare bill, so what are you ignorant lying liberals posting about?
In Donald Trump's mind, losing is not an option. Whatever happens, when it goes well it is because he is clever and when it goes badly it is someone else's fault. The man is mental.
Losing is not an option on this one. It's not even a possibility, unless by some miracle Obamacare is successful.

Good luck!
Trump is now claiming it wasn't his idea to lead with healthcare as the first major initiative.

By the time Trump gets done finger pointing and blame shifting he may end up with fewer friends among the GOP than among the Democrats.

It wasn't.
Paul Ryan was the one who pushed for it.
You don't pay attention much
In Donald Trump's mind, losing is not an option. Whatever happens, when it goes well it is because he is clever and when it goes badly it is someone else's fault. The man is mental.
Losing is not an option on this one. It's not even a possibility, unless by some miracle Obamacare is successful.

Good luck!
52000000 uninsured Americans does not look good to some Republicans.
In Donald Trump's mind, losing is not an option. Whatever happens, when it goes well it is because he is clever and when it goes badly it is someone else's fault. The man is mental.
Losing is not an option on this one. It's not even a possibility, unless by some miracle Obamacare is successful.

Good luck!
52000000 uninsured Americans does not look good to some Republicans.
You're not very good at math, eh? Black?
In Donald Trump's mind, losing is not an option. Whatever happens, when it goes well it is because he is clever and when it goes badly it is someone else's fault. The man is mental.
Losing is not an option on this one. It's not even a possibility, unless by some miracle Obamacare is successful.

Good luck!
52000000 uninsured Americans does not look good to some Republicans.
You're not very good at math, eh? Black?
We all know your type.
Trump is now claiming it wasn't his idea to lead with healthcare as the first major initiative.

By the time Trump gets done finger pointing and blame shifting he may end up with fewer friends among the GOP than among the Democrats.

It wasn't.
Paul Ryan was the one who pushed for it.
You don't pay attention much

See how quickly they fall in line?

No, see how quickly someone points out you are wrong.
I Could care less whose idea it was to do this first, but anyone who knows much knows it was Ryan and company that pushed this to the front. If you want to blame Trump for going along - then more power to you.
It's a lose lose for the gop. Trump ran as the guy who could fix things. No fix.

And the dems quandary is sort of the same - their base would love to fillubuster Gorsuch, no matter the merit or cost - and the cost would be not just losing the fillubuster but losing non-base support. It's sort of the same for the gop.

The WH is absolutely right they should not have started off on an ideological divide ... unless Trump was prepared to expend his personal cred on forcing a non-partisan compromise/fix. Now Trump is stuck between fiscal conservatives who want to protect their state's budgets after medicare expansion .. and the state's residents who have gotten care ... and the "get gummit out of HC" ideologues. But the PRESIDENT'S JOB is to tell his party's legislators he priorities, esp when they control the Senate House and SC
Donald, You Are Not In Manhattan Anymore

In Washington, the construction company doesn’t work for you.

WASHINGTON ― If this was The Art of the Deal in action, then Donald Trump needs to write a new book.

In his first, and therefore crucial, foray into presidential negotiating, the prince of New York real estate failed miserably because he was dealing with a world and a way of doing things he never faced when he was buying and building.

In Washington, legislating, and leading the country as president, require more than simply bullying people or buying them off with borrowed cash. As a result, Trump had to postpone a vote Friday on the GOP health care plan he tried to bully through Congress, after it became clear that the legislation could not secure enough votes.

As a harbinger of the future, the situation could not have been more devastating.

More: Donald, You Are Not In Manhattan Anymore

Trump is learning a valuable lesson - at taxpayer expense!
Obamacare needs to be flushed for NO OTHER reason than to remove all of benefit for those who are strapping on feedbags and chowing down at the trough of Washington corruption.

Obamacare is a MASSIVE slush fund for MANY shithead bureaucrats and also medical supply companies and the like.

It's a giant piece of shit. We all know it.

The LYING Dems have even moved away from trying to defend it beyond just screaming that people will love their healthcare if it's repealed....well....lots of people lost their healthcare when Obamacare was passed so we can see what's in it.

My only conclusion is that ANY pub not voting for the repeal is part of the corruption of Obamacare and should NOT be re-elected. They are part fo the Washington gravy train.

Corrupt Pubs make me even MORE disgusted than corrupt Dems. We know Dems are pieces of shit...it's a shame to see how many Pubs are also pieces of shit.

535 people making decisions for 330 million people. It's important those 535 people are not shitheads.
But Colonel anal cavity was just fine with Trumpcare as another republican giveaway to the obscenely rich and another beat down of the poor.
You suck monkey balls.
Trump went in front of the GOP Congress people and tried his "Dominance Submission" schtick....he gave them an Ultimatum and they did this to the ultimatum :9:
Lawrence O'Donnell @Lawrence
And now we know what a @realDonaldTrump ultimatum means to Congressional Republicans. Nothing.

3:58 PM - 24 Mar 2017

Trump is getting "Boffo Reviews"...

‘Worst 100 days we’ve ever seen’: David Gergen slams Trump’s ‘delusional’ response to Trumpcare fail

Fox News’ Bret Baier tallies the score on Trumpcare fail: ‘Today is a win for President Barack Obama’
Trump believes the opposition party should have given him votes to dismantle their legacy.

Trump Blames Obamacare Defeat On Democrats Whom He Never Asked For Help

Trump sounds truly deranged.

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