White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

Are you disputing Drifter and Biss, you need to get your stories straight.

Athanasius68, post: 16523035
Yes--it does give preference to religious minorities in those seven countries. Because they are being persecuted for religious reasons in those seven countries. Religious persecution is in fact grounds for claiming refugee status. Why do you have an issue with that?

It can't give preference to any religion. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever. trump's EO didn't say that because it would equally and fairly let Muslims in by order of application.

Of course it can. How absurd to suggest otherwise. To continue your German themed posts, you would claim that a German Jew in 1943 could have no greater claim of persecution and refugee status to the USA than a non Jewish German. Its absolutely insane to make such a claim, yet that is what you ask.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16521715
It doesn't matter what he has SAID. The facts of the matter is that the ban as written includes all citizens regardless of religion.

Boss, post: 16522980
And it's not really a ban. It's a temporary hold, really just an extension of an automatic hold on ALL visas from abroad. But let's not let facts interfere with feelings.

Washington vs Trumpty Dumpty.

Whatever you want to call it, regardless of being temporary, it would set a precedent for discriminating against Muslims. Because it says minority religions will be given preference on reviewing visas..

It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

1. For 90 NO citizen from those 7 counntries can get a visa to travel to the USA. Religion doesnt matter.

2. When people are seeking to come to the USA as a refugee, religion will play a roll AS IT ALWAYS HAS. Religious persecution has been a legitimate claim for refugee status for decades.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16521715
It doesn't matter what he has SAID. The facts of the matter is that the ban as written includes all citizens regardless of religion.

It matters what Trump and Giulliani said about banning Muslims. I just finished listening to the 9th circuit of Apeals. Their statements were brought up several times by the judges and it is not looking good for Der Drumphf

The ban gives preference to minority religions in all seven countries. All the countries are majority Muslim. That is not regardless of religion it is favoring non-Muslims. Hence a Muslim ban.

They were stupid to shoot their mouths off, however, as I have said, as written, the ban is for ALL citizens of those seven countries.

Now do I believe the 9th Circus will rule for Trump ? Fuck no, but that still doesn't mean it's a Muslim ban when you include ALL citizens.
Pretty simple, but I know you guys and this court will twist it the way you want it.
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16523561
Now do I believe the 9th Circus will rule for Trump ? Fuck no, but that still doesn't mean it's a Muslim ban when you include ALL citizens.

You are an illiterate moron. You have been advised of this before.

The order says to prioritize.....

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
....,on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

What religion in those seven predominately Muslim nations do you think will be prioritized.
How absurd to suggest otherwise. To continue your German themed posts, you would claim that a German Jew in 1943 could have no greater claim of persecution and refugee status to the USA than a non Jewish German.

Are you saying no Germans, non/jews. were persecuted during WWII?

The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.

You are such an illiterate ignorant fool. Here is what I wrote:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16523231

. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever.

Are all Trumpees this unable to comprehend basic language?
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.
How absurd to suggest otherwise. To continue your German themed posts, you would claim that a German Jew in 1943 could have no greater claim of persecution and refugee status to the USA than a non Jewish German.

Are you saying no Germans, non/jews. were persecuted during WWII?

The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.

You are such an illiterate ignorant fool. Here is what I wrote:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16523231

. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever.

Are all Trumpees this unable to comprehend basic language?
How absurd to suggest otherwise. To continue your German themed posts, you would claim that a German Jew in 1943 could have no greater claim of persecution and refugee status to the USA than a non Jewish German.

Are you saying no Germans, non/jews. were persecuted during WWII?

The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.

You are such an illiterate ignorant fool. Here is what I wrote:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16523231

. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever.

Are all Trumpees this unable to comprehend basic language?
provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Athanasius68, post: 16523367
It says no such thing. You are confusing the two.

stop lying. I have confused nothing. Read what the order says:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. ,

When that freeze ends the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law...

.... to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

We all know what minority religion in those countries will be prioritized.

No lies. Its called differing of opinion.
How absurd to suggest otherwise. To continue your German themed posts, you would claim that a German Jew in 1943 could have no greater claim of persecution and refugee status to the USA than a non Jewish German.

Are you saying no Germans, non/jews. were persecuted during WWII?

The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.

You are such an illiterate ignorant fool. Here is what I wrote:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16523231

. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever.

Are all Trumpees this unable to comprehend basic language?

In nazi Germany, do you really think there was much of a question as to who faced greater persecution? Yet you would have dissalowed that factor.
Today, ISIS is targeting Christians. Not to say some Muslims arent, but they can grow a beard and put on a burlap sack. Not so the Christians. The EO recognizes this problem.

You are free, of course, to disagree that religious persecution can be a justification for claiming refugee status in the USA.
The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.


The Constitutional basis would be based upon what the Executive and Legislative Dept agree upon. Constitutionally, it has nothing to do with the Judiciary.

The immediate practical matter is that Christians are being targeted because they are in a minority. That is the basis of the EO.
The constitutional basis would be to allow entry to the US on a basis of physical need and freedom from prosecution. Not based upon being a minority religion.


The Constitutional basis would be based upon what the Executive and Legislative Dept agree upon. Constitutionally, it has nothing to do with the Judiciary.

The immediate practical matter is that Christians are being targeted because they are in a minority. That is the basis of the EO.[/QUOTE]

Trying to get some to understand many of our issues, is like trying to talking someone dead and asking them to come back to life. :eek-52:
Are you disputing Drifter and Biss, you need to get your stories straight.

Athanasius68, post: 16523035
Yes--it does give preference to religious minorities in those seven countries. Because they are being persecuted for religious reasons in those seven countries. Religious persecution is in fact grounds for claiming refugee status. Why do you have an issue with that?

It can't give preference to any religion. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever. trump's EO didn't say that because it would equally and fairly let Muslims in by order of application.

Trump wanted a Muslim ban not written as a Muslim ban but he failed. Because he is an idiot trying to use code words for anti/Muslum bigot base.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
The statute give him authority on any basis he deems necessary. He can define his own criteria, there are no restrictions. You're trying to claim some Constitutional right on behalf of the foreign person wanting to come here. They have no Constitutional protection.

And if it's a "Muslim Ban" it's a pretty shitty ban, it doesn't effect 85% of the Muslims abroad. The truth is, it's not even really a ban. It's a temporary travel restriction. The only legitimate legal argument presented against the EO so far is a later statute dealing with the issuance of visas. This isn't about issuing visas. This is a restriction on people who already have visas.

I'm going to tell you people something and you can take it or leave it... I am a Constitutional Conservative who didn't vote for Trump. If the man were attempting to overstep his authority and violate the Constitution, I would be leading your fucking charge. The fact is, he is adhering to the very letter of the Constitution and his authority as Commander in Chief. You may not like that he has that power... take that up with Congress and change the law.
It can't give preference to any religion. It could give preference to those being persecuted Muslim or Christian or whatever. trump's EO didn't say that because it would equally and fairly let Muslims in by order of application.

The President's EO, in accordance with 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens can draw whatever criteria the president establishes. He is not restricted.

Again, you are talking about the issuance of visas and that's not in question here. Once a visa is obtained, there is a mandatory waiting period to travel to the US. The EO extends that wait so proper vetting can occur. Technically, the president could say no one from ANY country can travel here. In fact, for quite a while, the US had this very restriction.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16523561
Now do I believe the 9th Circus will rule for Trump ? Fuck no, but that still doesn't mean it's a Muslim ban when you include ALL citizens.

You are an illiterate moron. You have been advised of this before.

The order says to prioritize.....

NotfooledbyW, post: 16507740
....,on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

What religion in those seven predominately Muslim nations do you think will be prioritized.


Obviously Muslims are the ones MOST affected, and they should be, since around the world today the extremist nutbars that get violent ARE Muslims.

Nevertheless, the ban is for ALL citizens of those seven countries.

What about this are you having trouble understanding? You do realize that not every CITIZEN in these countries are Muslim, right?
Nevertheless, the ban is for ALL citizens of those seven countries.

The ban started out for all citizens but it ends with direct discrimination against Muslims by giveing preferential treatment for minority religions.

It in the EO IDIOT. Read it.
Nevertheless, the ban is for ALL citizens of those seven countries.

The ban started out for all citizens but it ends with direct discrimination against Muslims by giveing preferential treatment for minority religions.

It in the EO IDIOT. Read it.


Once the ban is over, the persecuted MINORITY religions will be given preference. Until then, the ban is for ALL citizens. Once again, you guys are on the wrong side.
he immediate practical matter is that Christians are being targeted because they are in a minority. That is the basis of the EO

You are wrong. Muslims from different sects. are being persecuted as well. Particularly in Syria where Christians have been protected by the Assad government.
Nevertheless, the ban is for ALL citizens of those seven countries.

The ban started out for all citizens but it ends with direct discrimination against Muslims by giveing preferential treatment for minority religions.

It in the EO IDIOT. Read it.


Once the ban is over, the persecuted MINORITY religions will be given preference. Until then, the ban is for ALL citizens. Once again, you guys are on the wrong side.

Give it up. The guy is arguing that religious persecution, or fear of such persecution, should not be grounds upon which to claim refugee status to come to the USA. Its a whole different issue.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16525068
Once the ban is over, the persecuted MINORITY religions will be given preference.

That is religious discrimination. It defies the Establishnent Clause in the Constitution.

The Feds have to look at all persecuted persons equally and fairly. That is not what the Muslim ban says. There is no equal protection under the law.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16525068
Once the ban is over, the persecuted MINORITY religions will be given preference.

That is religious discrimination. It defies the Establishnent Clause in the Constitution.

The Feds have to look at all persecuted persons equally and fairly. That is not what the Muslim ban says. There is no equal protection under the law.

The establishment clause doesn't apply to a Syrian sitting in an airport in Syria. Nor does it apply to his wife sitting next to him who has probably had her clitoris removed so she doesn't experience sexual gratification. It's utter stupidity that people outside our country, who aren't even on a path to become citizens, have any kind of constitutional right.
Boss, post: 16525780
The establishment clause doesn't apply to a Syrian sitting in an airport in Syria. Nor does it apply to his wife sitting next to him who has probably had her clitoris removed so she doesn't experience sexual gratification. It's utter stupidity that people outside our country, who aren't even on a path to become citizens, have any kind of constitutional right.

No foreign national has a constitutional right to enter the USA.

But when our immigration policy is to issue visas for visitation and work and for refugee situations, the Constitution forbids allowing persons in based upon religion.

Trump's EO is written to show minority religion entrance in those seven majority Muslim countries, therefore it viojates the establishment clause plain and simple.

They can be based upon ability to verify identity documents and deny anyone that fails to provide them. But they can't put Christians "only" or Christians "first" on the door and expect to be constitutional.

Trump's EO declares that is exactly what they intend to do.

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