White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

WillowTree, post: 16498691 Abuse is against the law in the America where I live for all religions.

I don't agree with any of that. That's why organized religion of any brand turned me off when I learned to think for myself at 14 or 15 during the Vietnam War.

What made you think I agree with any of that?

Explain yourself, lying idiot.

Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
No one supports radical jihadist abuse than we do far right conservative abuse of everyone with whom they disagree. Do you understand that?
Yes you do! Stop denying it it makes you look stupid! Islam is not simply a religion. Wise up.
You are no judge of anything religious or moral, WillowTree. You are a lost little puppet whose strings are being pulled by those who care not about you in the slightest. Let the courts work it out.
Correct I am agnostic but even I know honor killings are wrong. Why don't ewe know that? Are you a Moron?
Ewe and I both know honor killings are wrong. We prosecuted one in my town and sent the killer to jail for life. You simply can't think clearly.
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed. We cannot have judges interfering with presidential authority to protect the citizens of the United States, it could be a matter of grave national security. What if a president receives classified information that someone is going to try to sneak a nuclear bomb into the country? Does a judge have the right to interfere with his duty to try and prevent that? This is a potentially dangerous situation to be allowed and Trump needs to nip this in the bud right here and now.

The AG cannot remove a sitting federal judge. They have to be impeached. Alcee Hastings of Florida became infamous when he was elected to Congress after being impeached and removed as a federal judge.
Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
No one supports radical jihadist abuse than we do far right conservative abuse of everyone with whom they disagree. Do you understand that?
Yes you do! Stop denying it it makes you look stupid! Islam is not simply a religion. Wise up.
You are no judge of anything religious or moral, WillowTree. You are a lost little puppet whose strings are being pulled by those who care not about you in the slightest. Let the courts work it out.
Correct I am agnostic but even I know honor killings are wrong. Why don't ewe know that? Are you a Moron?
Ewe and I both know honor killings are wrong. We prosecuted one in my town and sent the killer to jail for life. You simply can't think clearly.
Yes and I read about a man who murdered both his daughters and skipped his ass back to the ME. Why dew ewe want this ideology in America?
No one supports radical jihadist abuse than we do far right conservative abuse of everyone with whom they disagree. Do you understand that?
Yes you do! Stop denying it it makes you look stupid! Islam is not simply a religion. Wise up.
You are no judge of anything religious or moral, WillowTree. You are a lost little puppet whose strings are being pulled by those who care not about you in the slightest. Let the courts work it out.
Correct I am agnostic but even I know honor killings are wrong. Why don't ewe know that? Are you a Moron?
Ewe and I both know honor killings are wrong. We prosecuted one in my town and sent the killer to jail for life. You simply can't think clearly.
Yes and I read about a man who murdered both his daughters and skipped his ass back to the ME. Why dew ewe want this ideology in America?
Yep, I read about a man who killed his wife in your state and hid for nine years. How dew ewe tolerate ideology like that?
View attachment 110624

The White House issued a statement vowing to file for an emergency stay of a federal judge’s order to block President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration and refugees from high risk countries from the Middle East.

White House Vows ‘Emergency Stay’ of Judicial Order Thwarting President’s Immigration Order

There is one thing that is showing for sure if you go over to the MSM like MSN and read the comments on articles lets say a leftist dem would get off on, you would begin to see how many people are waking up to the bs lies, and you wold also recognize how much people are really beginning to hate those who are radical leftist Trump haters. There is a difference among people who might not like him, then there is the other group that will stoop low enough to say , write, or do anything working the propaganda pushing.

Like some tard writes how much Trump spent on Vacation WTF planet are you on, Trump hasn't even been on a vacation yet.

Sooner or later Freedom, Rights, and Liberty trump your security and communist ways, wants, and desires.
We're not as weak minded as other Countries who are lead by dictators who tell them to cry for the Camera there are serious mental issues with people who do n ot want WHAT OUR AMERICA USE TO BE!
In 1831 and 1832, the Supreme Court took up what became the "Cherokee Cases." Then president, Andrew Jackson, wanted to forcibly remove the Cherokee nation, west of the Mississippi by force. The Supreme court, under Chief John Marshall, ruled that the Cherokee nation was a domestic dependent nation and thus could not be forced by a state to give up their lands willingly. The president's response was "Chief Justice Marshall made his decision, now let us see him enforce it." The federal courts do not have the authority to enforce their decisions, that rests with the president and by extension, his federal law enforcement and military. Trump only needs to ignore the idiot ruling and have Homeland Security and Immigration enforce his policy. If anyone refuses, he can fire them and replace them with compliant staff.

How did that work for Nixon?
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed. We cannot have judges interfering with presidential authority to protect the citizens of the United States, it could be a matter of grave national security. What if a president receives classified information that someone is going to try to sneak a nuclear bomb into the country? Does a judge have the right to interfere with his duty to try and prevent that? This is a potentially dangerous situation to be allowed and Trump needs to nip this in the bud right here and now.

I do believe that this is the most absurd post I have read on this board in at least a week.
boss worried about Trump for months, but now is happy that the man is a wannabee tyrant.
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

No, they don't need to obey the court order... it's unconstitutional.

It's no different than if the court issued a ruling saying you can't post on a message board!
The orange clown damned well better obey the judge's order. Should he choose to try to power through it, you are going to see a Constitutional Crisis that may result in his impeachment or the exercise of the 25th Amendment.
I expect this to seriously backfire on the liberals and activist judges who've used this tactic to enact their will before. I can definitely see Trump's administration using this opportunity to puncture this fantasy bubble.
Oh, yeah, Trump might use this to further expand POTUS power by overturning it in the courts and having a conservative majority SCOTUS rule on it.

The Dimms are being stupid yet again, and their shopping this case around to various federal judges was totally predictable and I am sure that the Trump administration has serious reactions already in the works.

These Dimmocrats are playing checkers by 1968 tactics, while Trump is playing 3D chess with state of the art AI advising his every move.

Dimms lose again!

Maybe, or being Trump, he might just flat-out deny this judge's jurisdiction and order the appropriate agencies - who work for the Executive Branch, not the Judicial, after all - to follow his order and dare the judge to try to do something about it.

I can see a number of ways this could play out, and most of them result in this judge being informed that he doesn't get to make decisions for the entire nation.
Homeland Security is already acting as if the EO is non-existant.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

Andrew Jackson, a very famous Democrat once ignored a SCOTUS decision telling them that they "made their ruling, now try to enforce it!"
And then proceeded to order the murder of thousands of Native Americans. And this is not the 19th Century. Today, Jackson would have been impeached and removed from the Presidency.
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed.

So you're going full metal Stalinist on us.

Can you show us where the Constitution authorizes a dictatorship of the executive, like you're demanding? My copy of the Constitutional talks about 3 branches of government.

You kind of stink as an American. Why don't you leave? Your type of totalitarian is not wanted here. That goes for all of you Stalinist Trump-thugs.

I posted the actual STATUTE that the president is following and it gives him plenary power. It says nothing about any other branch of government in this situation.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

14 (f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.​

Now, can you show me where the statute gives the courts oversight? Does it say anywhere in the statute that courts have the authority to overrule the president's decision?

Trump is not acting "above the law" here, he is adhering TO the law as it is written. The court which ordered a "stay" IS acting unconstitutionally and overstepping it's authority under the law.
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed. We cannot have judges interfering with presidential authority to protect the citizens of the United States, it could be a matter of grave national security. What if a president receives classified information that someone is going to try to sneak a nuclear bomb into the country? Does a judge have the right to interfere with his duty to try and prevent that? This is a potentially dangerous situation to be allowed and Trump needs to nip this in the bud right here and now.

The AG cannot remove a sitting federal judge. They have to be impeached. Alcee Hastings of Florida became infamous when he was elected to Congress after being impeached and removed as a federal judge.

Yes, I am aware of this. That's what I meant.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

Andrew Jackson, a very famous Democrat once ignored a SCOTUS decision telling them that they "made their ruling, now try to enforce it!"
And then proceeded to order the murder of thousands of Native Americans. And this is not the 19th Century. Today, Jackson would have been impeached and removed from the Presidency.

Thomas Jefferson was still alive when Jackson ran for the presidency, and told his friends that the man was dangerous, and should not be elected. The Native Americans who own a casino in Maine, seriously considered banning the use of $20 bills in their casino. Jackson was the closest we ever came to a dictator, before Trump, and was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent native Americans.
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed. We cannot have judges interfering with presidential authority to protect the citizens of the United States, it could be a matter of grave national security. What if a president receives classified information that someone is going to try to sneak a nuclear bomb into the country? Does a judge have the right to interfere with his duty to try and prevent that? This is a potentially dangerous situation to be allowed and Trump needs to nip this in the bud right here and now.
My, my, aren't you just the little nazi prick. Well, this will play out in court. In the meantime, the ban is now not in force. LOL
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

No, they don't need to obey the court order... it's unconstitutional.

It's no different than if the court issued a ruling saying you can't post on a message board!
The orange clown damned well better obey the judge's order. Should he choose to try to power through it, you are going to see a Constitutional Crisis that may result in his impeachment or the exercise of the 25th Amendment.

Well no, the president is not obligated to obey an illegal order by a rouge judge acting unconstitutionally. The 25th will not be exercised and you have nowhere near the votes to bring articles of impeachment.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

Andrew Jackson, a very famous Democrat once ignored a SCOTUS decision telling them that they "made their ruling, now try to enforce it!"
And then proceeded to order the murder of thousands of Native Americans. And this is not the 19th Century. Today, Jackson would have been impeached and removed from the Presidency.

Thomas Jefferson was still alive when Jackson ran for the presidency, and told his friends that the man was dangerous, and should not be elected. The Native Americans who own a casino in Maine, seriously considered banning the use of $20 bills in their casino. Jackson was the closest we ever came to a dictator, before Trump, and was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent native Americans.

Yes, and he also adopted a Native American boy and raised him as his son. You obviously never studied American history enough to hear of Jacksonian Democrats.

Jackson is like Trump in many ways. He loved the American people and did not give two shits about who knew it.

Jackson ran in 1824 and was cheated out of the election by Henry Clay. Jefferson died before Jackson was elected, so I have no idea what your point was.
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boss worried about Trump for months, but now is happy that the man is a wannabee tyrant.

He's not a tyrant, he is acting in accordance with US Law.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

14 (f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.​
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

Andrew Jackson, a very famous Democrat once ignored a SCOTUS decision telling them that they "made their ruling, now try to enforce it!"
And then proceeded to order the murder of thousands of Native Americans. And this is not the 19th Century. Today, Jackson would have been impeached and removed from the Presidency.

Thomas Jefferson was still alive when Jackson ran for the presidency, and told his friends that the man was dangerous, and should not be elected. The Native Americans who own a casino in Maine, seriously considered banning the use of $20 bills in their casino. Jackson was the closest we ever came to a dictator, before Trump, and was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent native Americans.

Yes, and he also adopted a Native American boy and raised him as his son. You obviously never studied American history enough to hear of Jacksonian Democrats.

Jackson is like Trump in many ways. He loved the American people and did not give two shits about who knew it.

...and Hitler was good to his dog, too.....

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