White House Won't Fire Mueller

That's just a lie. That Flynn was wiretapped at Trump Tower is not in question. Even the Democrats aren't disputing that. They are just saying Flynn wasn't the target

ok idiot, prove it.

You seriously do not know what the fuck you are talking about. There was no wiretapp on Flynn's lines.

Kysliak's lines were wiretapped, which is how his conversation wit Kysliak was recorded. At that time he was in WASHINGTON, no where NEAR Trump fucking tower.

While CNN argues your point that Trump administration officials weren't the target of wiretaps, even the fakest of fake news don't make your claim that they weren't not at Trump tower when they did it

ok, I can't find exactly where he was when he was making the call, but it doesn't even matter - his conversation was recorded legally because he called Kysliak's tapped line, and he was unmasked legally when he compromised himself by lying about that conversation.

Thank you for admitting you couldn't confirm he wasn't at Trump tower. I can't prove he was either.

But he was legally supposed to be masked. Not only was he not masked, but he was unmasked and there was no warrant in place. It was Unconstitutional. That we know

Legally he was not supposed to be masked, he was supposed to be unmasked because he compromised himself when he was lying to the whole world while Russians knew it and could leverage it against him.

Further, it was legal for a whistle blower (presumably Sally Yates) to then take the matter public when this was reported to Trump admin and they did nothing for 3 weeks.

Indeed. Unmasking is a legal, normal, and required in many, many cases. Those worrying about unmasking are either stupid, or lying, or both. Unmasking has been normal operation for intelligence services for decades.
That's just a lie. That Flynn was wiretapped at Trump Tower is not in question. Even the Democrats aren't disputing that. They are just saying Flynn wasn't the target

ok idiot, prove it.

You seriously do not know what the fuck you are talking about. There was no wiretapp on Flynn's lines.

Kysliak's lines were wiretapped, which is how his conversation wit Kysliak was recorded. At that time he was in WASHINGTON, no where NEAR Trump fucking tower.

While CNN argues your point that Trump administration officials weren't the target of wiretaps, even the fakest of fake news don't make your claim that they weren't not at Trump tower when they did it

ok, I can't find exactly where he was when he was making the call, but it doesn't even matter - his conversation was recorded legally because he called Kysliak's tapped line, and he was unmasked legally when he compromised himself by lying about that conversation.

Thank you for admitting you couldn't confirm he wasn't at Trump tower. I can't prove he was either.

But he was legally supposed to be masked. Not only was he not masked, but he was unmasked and there was no warrant in place. It was Unconstitutional. That we know

Legally he was not supposed to be masked, he was supposed to be unmasked because he compromised himself when he was lying to the whole world while Russians knew it and could leverage it against him.

Further, it was legal for a whistle blower (presumably Sally Yates) to then take the matter public when this was reported to Trump admin and they did nothing for 3 weeks.
They didn't get a warrant. It was illegal to unmask him without one. You'd suddenly get that if it wasn't a Republican politician
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The good news

is some criminals are going down. If Trump is one of them it will be impossible to protect his accusers from public opinion, not what you hear on the news, actual opinion. It will end seeing Americans electing someone just like him in his place first chance they get.
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The good news

is some criminals are going down. If Trump is one of them it will be impossible to protect his accusers from public opinion, not what you hear on the news, actual opinion. It will end seeing Americans electing someone just like him in his place first chance they get.
Thank you Jebbus
You have no sense of proportion. You believe when a guy tells you that his four inches are ten, don't you?

Proportion is a terrible argument when your conclusion is totally self serving. Obama was lying racist scum. Yes, trashing white people is racist too. Didn't know that, did ja?

Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.
You have no sense of proportion. You believe when a guy tells you that his four inches are ten, don't you?

Proportion is a terrible argument when your conclusion is totally self serving. Obama was lying racist scum. Yes, trashing white people is racist too. Didn't know that, did ja?

Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.

There's nothing racist about Trump. That's just you being typical lying leftist vermin that you are who can't defend your ideas with actual arguments so you jump into your native habitat, an open septic tank
Do some reading Kaz Trumps racism reaches back many years up to the present times A black hating scum

Give me a Trump quote that's racist without a fake news spin

• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”
• In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

  • A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

A former hotel executive said .... When you need to include that on your short list, not what Trump said, you know you're floundering here


• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”

You need to establish three more things

- Did they send in a black executive to rent in in the investigation?
- What was Trump's personal role?
- Was there a monetary benefit to selling to whites over blacks for their other properties?

On the third one, you can argue it's immoral, but being focused on money isn't racism.


And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

This is exactly what I said. Trump accused him of a conflict of interest, not racism


In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

OK, at least you added the DNA evidence. You still haven't established a race connection other than you want there to be one. There are lots of races in this country. Just saying Trump had a conflict with other races doesn't make it racism other than in your sick little mind. And then only for Republicans. You'd suddenly get that for a Democrat.

I did google for this, but every article I found started with the premise that Trump is a racist. Do you have one that just re-evaluates the facts of the case?
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The good news

is some criminals are going down. If Trump is one of them it will be impossible to protect his accusers from public opinion, not what you hear on the news, actual opinion. It will end seeing Americans electing someone just like him in his place first chance they get.

Nobody is going down, nobody ever goes down, have you not figured that out yet? I have been following this stuff since Reagan and I am still waiting on someone important to go down.
Bullshit, Trump tower was not wiretapped, Manafort was wiretapped (WHEREVER HE WAS). Well before election and after he left campaign.

Why? Because he was a foreign agent under investigation.

That's just a lie. That Flynn was wiretapped at Trump Tower is not in question. Even the Democrats aren't disputing that. They are just saying Flynn wasn't the target

ok idiot, prove it.

You seriously do not know what the fuck you are talking about. There was no wiretapp on Flynn's lines.

Kysliak's lines were wiretapped, which is how his conversation wit Kysliak was recorded. At that time he was in WASHINGTON, no where NEAR Trump fucking tower.

While CNN argues your point that Trump administration officials weren't the target of wiretaps, even the fakest of fake news don't make your claim that they weren't not at Trump tower when they did it

ok, I can't find exactly where he was when he was making the call, but it doesn't even matter - his conversation was recorded legally because he called Kysliak's tapped line, and he was unmasked legally when he compromised himself by lying about that conversation.

That's the truth of the matter - ZERO illegality or impropriety. On the contrary, these wiretaps were of great service to this country and led to justice served for Flynns reckless lying.
Please don't use words like truth justice ,the American way Republicans don't understand them
Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.
Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.

There's nothing racist about Trump. That's just you being typical lying leftist vermin that you are who can't defend your ideas with actual arguments so you jump into your native habitat, an open septic tank
Do some reading Kaz Trumps racism reaches back many years up to the present times A black hating scum

Give me a Trump quote that's racist without a fake news spin

• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”
• In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

  • A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

A former hotel executive said .... When you need to include that on your short list, not what Trump said, you know you're floundering here


• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”

You need to establish three more things

- Did they send in a black executive to rent in in the investigation?
- What was Trump's personal role?
- Was there a monetary benefit to selling to whites over blacks for their other properties?

On the third one, you can argue it's immoral, but being focused on money isn't racism.


And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

This is exactly what I said. Trump accused him of a conflict of interest, not racism


In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

OK, at least you added the DNA evidence. You still haven't established a race connection other than you want there to be one. There are lots of races in this country. Just saying Trump had a conflict with other races doesn't make it racism other than in your sick little mind. And then only for Republicans. You'd suddenly get that for a Democrat.

I did google for this, but every article I found started with the premise that Trump is a racist. Do you have one that just re-evaluates the facts of the case?
Ya know kaz you arguing that the orange anus isn't a racist is like some one maybe you, arguing those 19 molested women and stormy are liars
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

Tell us a story about how Hillary lost because of the Russians ...
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

We won and you lost in a humiliating defeat how do you like that story. :itsok:
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

We won and you lost in a humiliating defeat how do you like that story. :itsok:
Yes but how do you like being in bed with trump and his buddy Putin??? Comfortable?? Russians are scum trying to bring america down and you kiss trumps ass as he kisses putins ?? For shame
Trump tower was wiretapped. That has been clearly established. Whether it extended to him personally is doubtful.
The claim: Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama.

Flat out lie. By Trump. By the poster.

That is correct. Flynn and other Trump staffers who were wire tapped at Trump Towers were supposed to be shielded. Not only were they not, they were exposed. Obama's a criminal who should have gone straight from the East Wing to a jail cell
Okay so we have established that your claim:
Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama.
Was just another of your lies.

And to you Obama is a criminal for allowing his Justice Department to pursue foreign operatives in the United States.

Even CNN doesn't agree with that claim. You're making up your shit as you go
The claim: Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama.

Flat out lie. By Trump. By the poster.

That is correct. Flynn and other Trump staffers who were wire tapped at Trump Towers were supposed to be shielded. Not only were they not, they were exposed. Obama's a criminal who should have gone straight from the East Wing to a jail cell
Okay so we have established that your claim:
Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama.
Was just another of your lies.

And to you Obama is a criminal for allowing his Justice Department to pursue foreign operatives in the United States.
I d say most of these republicans here should be hung as traitors

Yep. That's the answer to leftists. Fascism. You can't out argue your opposition because your ideas are stupid, illogical and poorly conceived. So you want to murder them and shut them down with violence.

This is why you're a leftist, not a liberal. You don't believe in freedom or free speech
No, me boy. This is why you are a well known and poorly paid con troll, who spends all of his time thinking up new conservative lies, and posting con talking points. Makes you irfellivent, me boy. Of absolutely no useful purpose.

You're the Trump supporter, Bubba. Why did you vote for the orange clown then? And no, it didn't make sense at the time
ok idiot, prove it.

You seriously do not know what the fuck you are talking about. There was no wiretapp on Flynn's lines.

Kysliak's lines were wiretapped, which is how his conversation wit Kysliak was recorded. At that time he was in WASHINGTON, no where NEAR Trump fucking tower.

While CNN argues your point that Trump administration officials weren't the target of wiretaps, even the fakest of fake news don't make your claim that they weren't not at Trump tower when they did it

ok, I can't find exactly where he was when he was making the call, but it doesn't even matter - his conversation was recorded legally because he called Kysliak's tapped line, and he was unmasked legally when he compromised himself by lying about that conversation.

Thank you for admitting you couldn't confirm he wasn't at Trump tower. I can't prove he was either.

But he was legally supposed to be masked. Not only was he not masked, but he was unmasked and there was no warrant in place. It was Unconstitutional. That we know

Legally he was not supposed to be masked, he was supposed to be unmasked because he compromised himself when he was lying to the whole world while Russians knew it and could leverage it against him.

Further, it was legal for a whistle blower (presumably Sally Yates) to then take the matter public when this was reported to Trump admin and they did nothing for 3 weeks.

Indeed. Unmasking is a legal, normal, and required in many, many cases. Those worrying about unmasking are either stupid, or lying, or both. Unmasking has been normal operation for intelligence services for decades.

You're just lying now. It's a violation of searching without a warrant
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

We won and you lost in a humiliating defeat how do you like that story. :itsok:
Yes but how do you like being in bed with trump and his buddy Putin??? Comfortable?? Russians are scum trying to bring america down and you kiss trumps ass as he kisses putins ?? For shame

I'm having a grand time watching the left have a meltdown. Today's meltdown OMG Ivanka got her hair done at a salon in Iowa and dumb ass liberals FREAKED OUT:auiqs.jpg:

Freaked out liberal hate spewed forth...

- will never book an appointment at this salon again
- salon should know better than to serve Ivanka Trump
- this just truly sucks
- won't ever be back
- you will never get my business based on this one post
Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.
Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.

There's nothing racist about Trump. That's just you being typical lying leftist vermin that you are who can't defend your ideas with actual arguments so you jump into your native habitat, an open septic tank
Do some reading Kaz Trumps racism reaches back many years up to the present times A black hating scum

Give me a Trump quote that's racist without a fake news spin

• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”
• In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

  • A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

A former hotel executive said .... When you need to include that on your short list, not what Trump said, you know you're floundering here


• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”

You need to establish three more things

- Did they send in a black executive to rent in in the investigation?
- What was Trump's personal role?
- Was there a monetary benefit to selling to whites over blacks for their other properties?

On the third one, you can argue it's immoral, but being focused on money isn't racism.


And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

This is exactly what I said. Trump accused him of a conflict of interest, not racism


In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

OK, at least you added the DNA evidence. You still haven't established a race connection other than you want there to be one. There are lots of races in this country. Just saying Trump had a conflict with other races doesn't make it racism other than in your sick little mind. And then only for Republicans. You'd suddenly get that for a Democrat.

I did google for this, but every article I found started with the premise that Trump is a racist. Do you have one that just re-evaluates the facts of the case?

LOL of course I haven't established a race connection- except of course Trump himself mentioning race.
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

Tell us a story about how Hillary lost because of the Russians ...

LOL we don't know that Hillary lost because of the Russians

We do know that the Russians did try to interfere in order to damage Hillary Clinton and benefit Donald Trump.

But tell us more about how the Russians never tried to interfere in the 2016 election.
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.

Is that record not getting old yet....

Tell us a story about the Deep State....

We won and you lost in a humiliating defeat how do you like that story. :itsok:
Yes but how do you like being in bed with trump and his buddy Putin??? Comfortable?? Russians are scum trying to bring america down and you kiss trumps ass as he kisses putins ?? For shame

I'm having a grand time watching the left have a meltdown. Today's meltdown OMG Ivanka got her hair done at a salon in Iowa and dumb ass liberals FREAKED OUT:auiqs.jpg:

Freaked out liberal hate spewed forth...

- will never book an appointment at this salon again
- salon should know better than to serve Ivanka Trump
- this just truly sucks
- won't ever be back
- you will never get my business based on this one post

I'm having a grand time watching the right have a meltdown. Today's meltdown- and everyday's melt down- is that a veteran Republican prosecutor and FBI agent dares to investigate their Dear Leader and dumb ass Trumpsters FREAK OUT!.

Freaked out Contard hate spews forth to destroy the Republicans that dare investigate- Comey- Mueller- anyone who dares even to consider investigating their Dear Leader.
While CNN argues your point that Trump administration officials weren't the target of wiretaps, even the fakest of fake news don't make your claim that they weren't not at Trump tower when they did it

ok, I can't find exactly where he was when he was making the call, but it doesn't even matter - his conversation was recorded legally because he called Kysliak's tapped line, and he was unmasked legally when he compromised himself by lying about that conversation.

Thank you for admitting you couldn't confirm he wasn't at Trump tower. I can't prove he was either.

But he was legally supposed to be masked. Not only was he not masked, but he was unmasked and there was no warrant in place. It was Unconstitutional. That we know

Legally he was not supposed to be masked, he was supposed to be unmasked because he compromised himself when he was lying to the whole world while Russians knew it and could leverage it against him.

Further, it was legal for a whistle blower (presumably Sally Yates) to then take the matter public when this was reported to Trump admin and they did nothing for 3 weeks.

Indeed. Unmasking is a legal, normal, and required in many, many cases. Those worrying about unmasking are either stupid, or lying, or both. Unmasking has been normal operation for intelligence services for decades.

You're just lying now. It's a violation of searching without a warrant
Unmasking by U.S. intelligence agencies - Wikipedia

There's nothing racist about Trump. That's just you being typical lying leftist vermin that you are who can't defend your ideas with actual arguments so you jump into your native habitat, an open septic tank
Do some reading Kaz Trumps racism reaches back many years up to the present times A black hating scum

Give me a Trump quote that's racist without a fake news spin

• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”
• In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

  • A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

A former hotel executive said .... When you need to include that on your short list, not what Trump said, you know you're floundering here


• Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans and preferring white tenants, such as “Jews and executives.”

You need to establish three more things

- Did they send in a black executive to rent in in the investigation?
- What was Trump's personal role?
- Was there a monetary benefit to selling to whites over blacks for their other properties?

On the third one, you can argue it's immoral, but being focused on money isn't racism.


And of course when he called an American citizen- a Mexican- talking about the American judge born in the Midwest:
I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico.

This is exactly what I said. Trump accused him of a conflict of interest, not racism


In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

OK, at least you added the DNA evidence. You still haven't established a race connection other than you want there to be one. There are lots of races in this country. Just saying Trump had a conflict with other races doesn't make it racism other than in your sick little mind. And then only for Republicans. You'd suddenly get that for a Democrat.

I did google for this, but every article I found started with the premise that Trump is a racist. Do you have one that just re-evaluates the facts of the case?
Ya know kaz you arguing that the orange anus isn't a racist is like some one maybe you, arguing those 19 molested women and stormy are liars

Why did you vote for an orange anus then? You voted for the clown, you own that. Stop blaming your stupid decisions on other people
Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

He DID change the language, dingleberry. investigation to matter, and gross negligence to extremely careless. WTF is wrong with you?

You are confused as usual, THAT language change had nothing to do with Lynch, it came from FBI internally. The only language change Lynch asked for was to refer publicly to investigation as "matter".

If we were talking about a Republican, you would suddenly get that Lynch is Comey's boss and that the timing was after she met with Slick

I don't give a shit how investigation is refereed to publicly - it has no substantive bearing on it.

If this would be the caliber of "undue influence" Trump was exerting I wouldn't care either. They are politicos, doing politics, but there is a line past which it becomes not just nudging around the edges and putting bows on packages, but serious obstruction. Trump has long ago crossed that line.

Really? How so?

Small sample:

Asking for personal loyalty from FBI leadership.
Have FBI Director come to a private dinner to ask him to close active investigation.
Firing of FBI Director and lying about the reasons for the firing.

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