White liberals vs white conservatives. Whats the real truth? Lets let Malcolm X share it

If I knew how to tag people Im2 would be the first.

Anyhow, what say you? Is he wrong?

Martin Luther King succeeded. Malcolm x was divisive and Democrats don't remember him fondly.

They both succeeded. X was only divisive to white racists. King and X were not the only black leaders during that time.

BET Founder (Thats BLACK Entertainment TV) endorses TRUMP for President :laughing0301:

Because he is Intelligent

No he's not intelligent. He's rich, and trump protects his interest. So just like he sold BET to whites, he's a sellout.

If I knew how to tag people Im2 would be the first.

Anyhow, what say you? Is he wrong?

Martin Luther King succeeded. Malcolm x was divisive and Democrats don't remember him fondly.

They both succeeded. X was only divisive to white racists. King and X were not the only black leaders during that time.

BET Founder (Thats BLACK Entertainment TV) endorses TRUMP for President :laughing0301:

Because he is Intelligent

No he's not intelligent. He's rich, and trump protects his interest. So just like he sold BET to whites, he's a sellout.

Whaa Whaa Whaa!
EVERY black who doesn't hate whites is a sellout. lmao
Lol. YOU....telling the founder of BET that HE is not intelligent?!?! Classic! :laughing0301:
Successful blacks would call you a useful idiot.

Imagine that...Trump protecting a BLACK man's interests......I thought you said he was a racist and hates blacks? Which is it Goober?

Here's the magic you will never in your sorry lifetime comprehend......
He's rich because unlike you......he didn't spend his life blaming and hating whitey.
That government check you suck on every month to get by....it's from WHITEY!!!

The ONLY blacks you consider worthwhile are the King Samir Shabazz's of the world.
Therefore your life is destined to be a sinking ship
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If I knew how to tag people Im2 would be the first.

Anyhow, what say you? Is he wrong?

Martin Luther King succeeded. Malcolm x was divisive and Democrats don't remember him fondly.

They both succeeded. X was only divisive to white racists. King and X were not the only black leaders during that time.

BET Founder (Thats BLACK Entertainment TV) endorses TRUMP for President :laughing0301:

Because he is Intelligent

No he's not intelligent. He's rich, and trump protects his interest. So just like he sold BET to whites, he's a sellout.

Whaa Whaa Whaa!
EVERY black who doesn't hate whites is a sellout. lmao
Lol. YOU....telling the founder of BET that HE is not intelligent?!?! Classic! :laughing0301:
Successful blacks would call you a useful idiot.

Imagine that...Trump protecting a BLACK man's interests......I thought you said he was a racist and hates blacks? Which is it Goober?

Here's the magic you will never in your sorry lifetime comprehend......
He's rich because unlike you......he didn't spend his life blaming and hating whitey.
That government check you suck on every month to get by....it's from WHITEY!!!

The ONLY blacks you consider worthwhile are the King Samir Shabazz's of the world.
Therefore your life is destined to be a sinking ship

No, sellouts are sellouts. A person can be an intelligent sellout, but the only reason you say he is intelligent is because he supports trump. Oprah makes him look like a beggar, owns her own network and does not support trump. Is she not intelligent?

Whites like you can suck my dick. I made my money and now work when I please. There ain't nothing sinking about this ship bitch. I hold whitey accountable for what whitey has done. What your opinion is about me doing so is meaningless. Because bitches like you are the first to cry about affirmative action when you didn't get a job due to the fact you were less qualified than the black person that did.
As this old Democrat ad proves...some things never change.
Is that why there are more blacks that hold an elected office as a Democrat than a Republican?
Well that answer requires you to do some research. Blacks vote democrat mostly because of the media. Unfortunately if you listen to blacks explain why it took them so long to become republicans, they say they just grew up thinking you had to vote democrat via family and friends, that's just the way it was AND that the media was corrupt.and when they saw how corrupt the media was they were shocked....hence the term red pilled....I talked to some that were at the Republican Party HQ in Memphis, TN and that's exactly what they said.

We were primarily republicans for 100 years before blacks left the party because of the nomination of Goldwater. They media has nothing to do with it. 100 years of broken promises and republican inaction about our civil rights is.

That is a lie, maybe you might want to do a google search. Many blacks voted for FDR and Kennedy......Jesus man how do I know more about black voting history than you do?

In the end, Kennedy received 68% of the African American vote

IT blows up the bullshit narrative man. The southern strategy is a farce and for some reason black people voted for a party of segregation.......weird.

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