White Male Investment Banker Punches Black Female MTA Worker In Face And Is Released Without Bail

Because it was self defense.

New York City prosecutors are seeking to drop murder charges against a bodega worker for fatally stabbing a man who physically attacked him over a bag of chips.

And the only reason for that was pubic outrage. People protested in front of the store after this poor guy was arrested for murder. If not for that, they would have kept him behind bars and threw away the keys. But what the hell, the attacker was black so that would have been good for him.
The woman had to go to the hospital, so it wasn't a simple assault. He should have gotten charged with felony assault and save that democrat bullshit, I am tired of hearing that bullshit.
sorry you tried of hearing about what the demklan does

the demklan DA made the call…likely if he was a black attacker you’d better believe the demaklan DA would of thrown the book

if you want to solve rhe problem get off rbe plantation and stop supporting the demaklan
The woman had to go to the hospital, so it wasn't a simple assault. He should have gotten charged with felony assault and save that democrat bullshit, I am tired of hearing that bullshit.

You should be because it's the truth. This incident isn't racial, it's political. Democrats are disciples of Satan. They always support evil which is why they let people who commit crimes go regardless what race they are.
The woman had to go to the hospital, so it wasn't a simple assault. He should have gotten charged with felony assault and save that democrat bullshit, I am tired of hearing that bullshit.

He should have gotten charged with felony assault

Felony assault should be enough to deny bail?
Last week, a white investment banker punched a Black woman transit worker at a Brooklyn subway station. It happened at the Stillwell Avenue station on Coney Island. The accused, Jean-Francois Coste, 53, punched 56-year-old train operator Tanya McCray, in the face authorities confirmed Sunday.

McCray was at the beginning of her shift at the station when she was trying to leave the “crew room.” A TWY Local 100 spokesman explained that Coste, who works as a senior equity analyst at Tocqueville Asset Management, tried to enter.

“It’s not a public area. He was apparently drunk,” the rep said. “She pushed the door so it clicks and locks, and he punched her in the face at least twice.” The rep also explained that McCray “got in a few licks in herself, punching Coste in self-defense and swinging her lunch bag, which contained a thermos.”

Coste was arrested at the scene. However, according to police he was ordered released without bail. NYC Transit Chief Operating Officer Craig Cipriano gave a statement shortly after expressing gratitude to the NYPD for arresting Coste and another assailant who assaulted train workers in Times Square just a few days before.

“We have zero tolerance for attacks on transit workers and two senseless assaults days apart on employees just trying to do their jobs for the public is outrageous,” Cipriano explained. “We are grateful that the NYPD made immediate arrests in both cases, at Coney Island and Times Square, and hope the injured workers have a speedy recovery.”

Through a statement provided by The Transit Workers Union, McCray said: “I just hope justice is served. I hope he sees jail time. It’s not fair that people think they can just assault us and it’s ok. It’s not OK. We’re just here to do our job.”

A prime example of white privilege when it comes to the Justice System.

Now had a husband caught up with this cat and whooped his ass, he would be still sitting in jail today.
That no bail bullshit sucks. Don't it?
No you are trying to defend the white man that struck her, he is probably a republican that is why you are jumping on your knees to him. Then you come with the weak argument that republicans are your saviors and that everything bad that happens to black folks in America is democrats fault and blah, blah, blah. There is a difference between a Sell Out Negro and a Sell Out Coon and you are definitely a Sell Out Coon. Both parties are responsible for injustice and inequality that black folks have suffered in this country, the two parties flipped in the 70s and the republican party today has the mindset of the sheet wearers. Btw there are thousands across America.
I haven't seen a single person trying to defend this asshat.
Her murder was released from jail.
Because the investigators can't find anyone to identify the shooter and both the suspect and his current girlfriend claim the other one did it. That's reasonable doubt unless there is physical evidence or witnesses. Hopefully the investigators will uncover some evidence to charge one, the other or both that will stand up in court. Life isn't a TV show, DAs rarely take cases that aren't slam dunks to court as losing makes them look bad.
The woman had to go to the hospital, so it wasn't a simple assault. He should have gotten charged with felony assault and save that democrat bullshit, I am tired of hearing that bullshit.
Take it up with the Black New York DA's office who determines what charges are brought.
They probably didn't think they could get a conviction on a felony against the kind of defense a stockbroker could afford and someone who is as much an asshat and has as much money as most stockbrokers isn't going to take a plea deal.
Because the investigators can't find anyone to identify the shooter and both the suspect and his current girlfriend claim the other one did it. That's reasonable doubt unless there is physical evidence or witnesses. Hopefully the investigators will uncover some evidence to charge one, the other or both that will stand up in court. Life isn't a TV show, DAs rarely take cases that aren't slam dunks to court as losing makes them look bad.

Of course if they prosecute the man and he's found innocent, they can't bring charges against him again because of double jeopardy. If they get more evidence , I 'm sure they'll pick him up again.

Also, pending charges on this fellow adds up to "reasonable doubt" if they find out someone else did it.
The woman had to go to the hospital, so it wasn't a simple assault. He should have gotten charged with felony assault and save that democrat bullshit, I am tired of hearing that bullshit.

People get released on bail for felony charges all the time. That liberal fellow Bankman-Fried who was just extradited from the Bahamas apparently made bail on his charges, but that was a federal case with a lot more serious charges.

I agree that there should have been cash bail, but they don't do that in New York.
If racism in America was as bad as the nwo shillbots/NPCs say, the stories would be much much worse.

What Superracist is doing is taking a standard Democrat practice and turning it into a racial issue. The truth is NYC lets all minor offenders leave before they even see jail no matter what their race is or racial difference between the attacker and victim. This is just what Democrats do when they have total control over an area.
Right, instead they belong to a party who's President said the most racist things about blacks than any other modern presidential candidate of our time. But ignore that. Just claim Republicans are racist even though you have zero evidence to support your claim you've been brainwashed to believe.
You mean as compared to the President who was sued by the Federal Gov't for racial discrimination. The one who called the black NFL players mothers bitches. There is a mountain of evidence that shows republicans are in fact racist as hell. Just look at this forum for starters, hell we can start with you.

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