White Male James Damore Goes After Google

All he has to do is prove they allowed others to do political activity of a progressive bent, and he has a slam dunk case, and I'm sure they can find plenty of that.

Nope. He signed a contract that specifically prohibited him from engaging in the activity he engaged in. Companies have employment contracts for a reason. Check your own employment contract; I bet it doesn't allow you to engage in political activity during work hours. And it also reserves the right for the company to fire you if you do.

Contracts might mean nothing to you, but they mean plenty to Google.

And you are wrong that it isn't a protected class in California.
But keep trying to move that goalpost....lol....

Protected class for hiring, but not for firing. Google's well within its rights to fire any employee that engages in behavior Google finds unsuitable. That's thanks to you all destroying unions which protect employee free speech. Wondering why you suddenly now have your panties in a twist about it.

If he can show they fired him for the policy but allowed progressives to conduct political work on company time, he proves bias based on content, and that overrides any contract he may have had with google.

And it's not just hiring discrimination, but thanks for trying to shore up your busted point and making yourself look more and more like an ass,.

I won, you lost, now slink away and deal with it.
So, you don't deny the discrimination is taking place,
your defense is that it is legal.
And from your spin, and his previous behavior, we can see that you support it.
Well, thanks for validating everything we cons though about liberals.
I hope some moderates see this, maybe so of those self deluding liberals that thought they were not bigoted scum.
Thanks for your help in this thread.
Please stick around for when the more mainstream libs show up and try denying that this discrimination occurred, or just try distracting from it.

Stop whining like a little bitch. He wasn't denied employment because of his political affiliations, he was fired because he expressed those positions on company time, which the Google employment contracts forbid.

Don't walk it back.

Did someone get to you already?

An honest lefty, even one just being honest for a little while, is so rare to find.

Your honesty on this would be a big help is moving the discussion forward,

normally when we see an issue like this, the whole discussion is just filthy lying lefties denying what we can all plainly see, and being such dishonest pricks that they hold to their lies, even when the Truth is rubbed in their faces.

Your honestly and open support of abuse of power and discrimination, could help us actually address the issue

of what vile discriminating and racist bigots lefties are and what we as a society should do about it.

When you sign a contract, you agree to what that contract says; you agree to the limitations put on you by the contract; you agree to your employer being able to fire you if you engage in behavior the company finds objectionable and damaging.

I know contracts mean nothing to you, but they mean a lot to Google.

The Company also has to hold up ITS end of the contract, by equally going after ANYONE who does political things while working. if they don't, then they are discriminating based on content, and in California that is illegal.

So, you don't deny the discrimination is taking place,
your defense is that it is legal.
And from your spin, and his previous behavior, we can see that you support it.
Well, thanks for validating everything we cons though about liberals.
I hope some moderates see this, maybe so of those self deluding liberals that thought they were not bigoted scum.
Thanks for your help in this thread.
Please stick around for when the more mainstream libs show up and try denying that this discrimination occurred, or just try distracting from it.

Stop whining like a little bitch. He wasn't denied employment because of his political affiliations, he was fired because he expressed those positions on company time, which the Google employment contracts forbid.

Don't walk it back.

Did someone get to you already?

An honest lefty, even one just being honest for a little while, is so rare to find.

Your honesty on this would be a big help is moving the discussion forward,

normally when we see an issue like this, the whole discussion is just filthy lying lefties denying what we can all plainly see, and being such dishonest pricks that they hold to their lies, even when the Truth is rubbed in their faces.

Your honestly and open support of abuse of power and discrimination, could help us actually address the issue

of what vile discriminating and racist bigots lefties are and what we as a society should do about it.

When you sign a contract, you agree to what that contract says; you agree to the limitations put on you by the contract; you agree to your employer being able to fire you if you engage in behavior the company finds objectionable and damaging.

I know contracts mean nothing to you, but they mean a lot to Google.

<sigh> fine, I guess you have been brought back into line.

SO, if the man's claims about the abuse and discrimination is true, would you support it?
All he has to do is prove they allowed others to do political activity of a progressive bent, and he has a slam dunk case, and I'm sure they can find plenty of that.

Nope. He signed a contract that specifically prohibited him from engaging in the activity he engaged in. Companies have employment contracts for a reason. Check your own employment contract; I bet it doesn't allow you to engage in political activity during work hours. And it also reserves the right for the company to fire you if you do.

Contracts might mean nothing to you, but they mean plenty to Google.

And you are wrong that it isn't a protected class in California.
But keep trying to move that goalpost....lol....

Protected class for hiring, but not for firing. Google's well within its rights to fire any employee that engages in behavior Google finds unsuitable. That's thanks to you all destroying unions which protect employee free speech. Wondering why you suddenly now have your panties in a twist about it.

If he can show they fired him for the policy but allowed progressives to conduct political work on company time, he proves bias based on content, and that overrides any contract he may have had with google.

And it's not just hiring discrimination, but thanks for trying to shore up your busted point and making yourself look more and more like an ass,.

I won, you lost, now slink away and deal with it.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Google has a strict code of conduct all its employees must follow, and all employees agree to follow it when they accept employment with Google.

From that link:

Who Must Follow Our Code?

We expect all of our employees and Board members to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for Google employees and Board members, we expect Google contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Google to follow the Code in connection with their work for us. Failure of a Google contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with Google.​
So, you don't deny the discrimination is taking place,
your defense is that it is legal.
And from your spin, and his previous behavior, we can see that you support it.
Well, thanks for validating everything we cons though about liberals.
I hope some moderates see this, maybe so of those self deluding liberals that thought they were not bigoted scum.
Thanks for your help in this thread.
Please stick around for when the more mainstream libs show up and try denying that this discrimination occurred, or just try distracting from it.

Stop whining like a little bitch. He wasn't denied employment because of his political affiliations, he was fired because he expressed those positions on company time, which the Google employment contracts forbid.

Don't walk it back.

Did someone get to you already?

An honest lefty, even one just being honest for a little while, is so rare to find.

Your honesty on this would be a big help is moving the discussion forward,

normally when we see an issue like this, the whole discussion is just filthy lying lefties denying what we can all plainly see, and being such dishonest pricks that they hold to their lies, even when the Truth is rubbed in their faces.

Your honestly and open support of abuse of power and discrimination, could help us actually address the issue

of what vile discriminating and racist bigots lefties are and what we as a society should do about it.

When you sign a contract, you agree to what that contract says; you agree to the limitations put on you by the contract; you agree to your employer being able to fire you if you engage in behavior the company finds objectionable and damaging.

I know contracts mean nothing to you, but they mean a lot to Google.

The Company also has to hold up ITS end of the contract, by equally going after ANYONE who does political things while working. if they don't, then they are discriminating based on content, and in California that is illegal.


Google has a strict code of conduct it expects all its workers to follow. Not adhering to that code of conduct can result in termination.
So, you don't deny the discrimination is taking place,
your defense is that it is legal.
And from your spin, and his previous behavior, we can see that you support it.
Well, thanks for validating everything we cons though about liberals.
I hope some moderates see this, maybe so of those self deluding liberals that thought they were not bigoted scum.
Thanks for your help in this thread.
Please stick around for when the more mainstream libs show up and try denying that this discrimination occurred, or just try distracting from it.

Stop whining like a little bitch. He wasn't denied employment because of his political affiliations, he was fired because he expressed those positions on company time, which the Google employment contracts forbid.

Don't walk it back.

Did someone get to you already?

An honest lefty, even one just being honest for a little while, is so rare to find.

Your honesty on this would be a big help is moving the discussion forward,

normally when we see an issue like this, the whole discussion is just filthy lying lefties denying what we can all plainly see, and being such dishonest pricks that they hold to their lies, even when the Truth is rubbed in their faces.

Your honestly and open support of abuse of power and discrimination, could help us actually address the issue

of what vile discriminating and racist bigots lefties are and what we as a society should do about it.

When you sign a contract, you agree to what that contract says; you agree to the limitations put on you by the contract; you agree to your employer being able to fire you if you engage in behavior the company finds objectionable and damaging.

I know contracts mean nothing to you, but they mean a lot to Google.

<sigh> fine, I guess you have been brought back into line.

SO, if the man's claims about the abuse and discrimination is true, would you support it?

It doesn't fucking matter how badly you want this guy to be a victim.

His e-mail violated Google's Code of Conduct. Google reserves the right to terminate any employee who breaks that code of conduct. It's in the freakin' employment agreement these people sign before working at Google.

You might not think contracts mean anything, but they certainly do.
Conservatives have absolutely no respect for contracts they sign and are expected to follow. Conservatives agree to these terms, then whine like infants when they violate those terms and suffer consequences.

Get. Over. Yourselves.

This guy won't win his case; he signed and agreed to Google's own stated Code of Conduct. He violated that code of conduct. When you break a contract, you don't get to be the victim. This guy knowingly broke that contract. So he deserves nothing.
Oh good. I can humiliate then fire every leftist on staff.

LOL! Well, you need a job and a company first, which you don't have because you're a loser.

Google didn't fire the guy because he was a Conservative, they fired him because he didn't conform to the employment contract he signed.

I know Conservatives don't take signed contracts seriously, but Google sure as shit does.
Poor baby needs pathetic lies.

He is going to end up owning Google.

Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit | Diversity (Business) | Class Action
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checked whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class

Oh good. I can humiliate then fire every leftist on staff.

LOL! Well, you need a job and a company first, which you don't have because you're a loser.

Google didn't fire the guy because he was a Conservative, they fired him because he didn't conform to the employment contract he signed.

I know Conservatives don't take signed contracts seriously, but Google sure as shit does.
Poor baby needs pathetic lies.

He is going to end up owning Google.

Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit | Diversity (Business) | Class Action

poor idiot trumptard.... :rofl:
All he has to do is prove they allowed others to do political activity of a progressive bent, and he has a slam dunk case, and I'm sure they can find plenty of that.

Nope. He signed a contract that specifically prohibited him from engaging in the activity he engaged in. Companies have employment contracts for a reason. Check your own employment contract; I bet it doesn't allow you to engage in political activity during work hours. And it also reserves the right for the company to fire you if you do.

Contracts might mean nothing to you, but they mean plenty to Google.

And you are wrong that it isn't a protected class in California.
But keep trying to move that goalpost....lol....

Protected class for hiring, but not for firing. Google's well within its rights to fire any employee that engages in behavior Google finds unsuitable. That's thanks to you all destroying unions which protect employee free speech. Wondering why you suddenly now have your panties in a twist about it.

If he can show they fired him for the policy but allowed progressives to conduct political work on company time, he proves bias based on content, and that overrides any contract he may have had with google.

And it's not just hiring discrimination, but thanks for trying to shore up your busted point and making yourself look more and more like an ass,.

I won, you lost, now slink away and deal with it.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Google has a strict code of conduct all its employees must follow, and all employees agree to follow it when they accept employment with Google.

From that link:

Who Must Follow Our Code?

We expect all of our employees and Board members to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for Google employees and Board members, we expect Google contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Google to follow the Code in connection with their work for us. Failure of a Google contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with Google.​

Again, it DOES matter, because if he can show they apply their policy arbitrarily, as a protected activity it falls under the employment laws of California.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checked whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


read cali's employment walls you dumb twat.

Political affiliation is a protected class.
Conservatives have absolutely no respect for contracts they sign and are expected to follow. Conservatives agree to these terms, then whine like infants when they violate those terms and suffer consequences.

Get. Over. Yourselves.

This guy won't win his case; he signed and agreed to Google's own stated Code of Conduct. He violated that code of conduct. When you break a contract, you don't get to be the victim. This guy knowingly broke that contract. So he deserves nothing.

Same tired point over and over, you fucking pathetic loser.
Oh good. I can humiliate then fire every leftist on staff.

LOL! Well, you need a job and a company first, which you don't have because you're a loser.

Google didn't fire the guy because he was a Conservative, they fired him because he didn't conform to the employment contract he signed.

I know Conservatives don't take signed contracts seriously, but Google sure as shit does.
Poor baby needs pathetic lies.

He is going to end up owning Google.

Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit | Diversity (Business) | Class Action

poor idiot trumptard.... :rofl:

They want to be perpetual victims. That dude signed an employment contract that included a Code of Conduct. He violated that Code of Conduct, and Google fired him because of it.

He's got no ground to stand on...the judge will simply ask; "did you read the employment contract you signed?"
All he has to do is prove they allowed others to do political activity of a progressive bent, and he has a slam dunk case, and I'm sure they can find plenty of that.

Nope. He signed a contract that specifically prohibited him from engaging in the activity he engaged in. Companies have employment contracts for a reason. Check your own employment contract; I bet it doesn't allow you to engage in political activity during work hours. And it also reserves the right for the company to fire you if you do.

Contracts might mean nothing to you, but they mean plenty to Google.

And you are wrong that it isn't a protected class in California.
But keep trying to move that goalpost....lol....

Protected class for hiring, but not for firing. Google's well within its rights to fire any employee that engages in behavior Google finds unsuitable. That's thanks to you all destroying unions which protect employee free speech. Wondering why you suddenly now have your panties in a twist about it.

If he can show they fired him for the policy but allowed progressives to conduct political work on company time, he proves bias based on content, and that overrides any contract he may have had with google.

And it's not just hiring discrimination, but thanks for trying to shore up your busted point and making yourself look more and more like an ass,.

I won, you lost, now slink away and deal with it.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Google has a strict code of conduct all its employees must follow, and all employees agree to follow it when they accept employment with Google.

From that link:

Who Must Follow Our Code?

We expect all of our employees and Board members to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for Google employees and Board members, we expect Google contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Google to follow the Code in connection with their work for us. Failure of a Google contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with Google.​

Again, it DOES matter, because if he can show they apply their policy arbitrarily, as a protected activity it falls under the employment laws of California.

No, it doesn't matter. Google reserves the right to fire whoever they want if they violate the Google Code of Conduct all Google employees agree to abide by as a condition of their employment.

The judge will simply ask; "did you read your employment contract before signing it?" Then the case will be dismissed because, yes, he did read the contract and understood his liability. His signature on his employment contract is the proof.
read cali's employment walls you dumb twat.
Political affiliation is a protected class.

Maybe...but Damore signed an employment contract. One that has a strict Code of Conduct. A Code of Conduct he knowingly violated. So he doesn't get shit.
All he has to do is prove they allowed others to do political activity of a progressive bent, and he has a slam dunk case, and I'm sure they can find plenty of that.

Nope. He signed a contract that specifically prohibited him from engaging in the activity he engaged in. Companies have employment contracts for a reason. Check your own employment contract; I bet it doesn't allow you to engage in political activity during work hours. And it also reserves the right for the company to fire you if you do.

Contracts might mean nothing to you, but they mean plenty to Google.

And you are wrong that it isn't a protected class in California.
But keep trying to move that goalpost....lol....

Protected class for hiring, but not for firing. Google's well within its rights to fire any employee that engages in behavior Google finds unsuitable. That's thanks to you all destroying unions which protect employee free speech. Wondering why you suddenly now have your panties in a twist about it.

If he can show they fired him for the policy but allowed progressives to conduct political work on company time, he proves bias based on content, and that overrides any contract he may have had with google.

And it's not just hiring discrimination, but thanks for trying to shore up your busted point and making yourself look more and more like an ass,.

I won, you lost, now slink away and deal with it.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Google has a strict code of conduct all its employees must follow, and all employees agree to follow it when they accept employment with Google.

From that link:

Who Must Follow Our Code?

We expect all of our employees and Board members to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for Google employees and Board members, we expect Google contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Google to follow the Code in connection with their work for us. Failure of a Google contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with Google.​

Again, it DOES matter, because if he can show they apply their policy arbitrarily, as a protected activity it falls under the employment laws of California.

No, it doesn't matter. Google reserves the right to fire whoever they want if they violate the Google Code of Conduct all Google employees agree to abide by as a condition of their employment.

The judge will simply ask; "did you read your employment contract before signing it?" Then the case will be dismissed because, yes, he did read the contract and understood his liability. His signature on his employment contract is the proof.

Then his attorney will show proof that Google only applies its policy to CERTAIN politics, and the contract term will then be seen as content specific, not content neutral, and thus in violation of California's employment laws.

Stop, derpass, just stop.
read cali's employment walls you dumb twat.
Political affiliation is a protected class.

Maybe...but Damore signed an employment contract. One that has a strict Code of Conduct. A Code of Conduct he knowingly violated. So he doesn't get shit.

If it can be shown that Google only applies the term of the contract when it comes to CERTAIN politics, not ALL politics, it's actions violate California's employment laws.

Stop it you poor dumb simpleton.

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