White Male James Damore Goes After Google

Yes it does matter, you ignorant cum bubble. CA law prohibits firing people for their political beliefs.

He wasn't fired for his beliefs, he was fired because he violated the terms of his employment contract, specifically the Code of Conduct he agreed to follow when he signed.
He was asked to give input, it upset their politically correct sensibilities. You are a moron and I hope you're not going to be representing Google in court....because if so, they'll lose big time.

I hope he IS representing Google in court, for the same reasons.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

What Damore did was violate the terms of his employment agreement by first writing and sending out an internal company memo, then shared that memo across external social media when he didn't get the reaction at Google he was hoping to get.

Fuck that guy. You violate terms of an agreement, you pay the consequences.
Oh good. I can humiliate then fire every leftist on staff.

LOL! Well, you need a job and a company first, which you don't have because you're a loser.

Google didn't fire the guy because he was a Conservative, they fired him because he didn't conform to the employment contract he signed.

I know Conservatives don't take signed contracts seriously, but Google sure as shit does.
Poor baby needs pathetic lies.

He is going to end up owning Google.

Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit | Diversity (Business) | Class Action

poor idiot trumptard.... :rofl:

They want to be perpetual victims. That dude signed an employment contract that included a Code of Conduct. He violated that Code of Conduct, and Google fired him because of it.

He's got no ground to stand on...the judge will simply ask; "did you read the employment contract you signed?"

And again his Attorneys will tell google to prove it applied that policy fairly across the board.

And he will win, you poor retard.
Calif is a very pro employee state. Many cases of no wrong doing by companies have gone to employees just because it’s David vs Goliath and the courts like the underdogs.
If they can show arbitrary application, yes in violation of employment laws.

Which they're not going to be able to do, not because he was fired for his political beliefs, but because he wrote an internal company memo, then spread that memo across social media when he didn't get the reaction he expected. Is disseminating internal company memos externally something you're allowed to do at any company? No.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checked whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

What Damore did was violate the terms of his employment agreement by first writing and sending out an internal company memo, then shared that memo across external social media when he didn't get the reaction at Google he was hoping to get.

Fuck that guy. You violate terms of an agreement, you pay the consequences.
What agreement was that, shitforbrains? Agreement to be an unthinking parrot retard leftist like you?
Gimp is too stupid to understand that. I have known people who sued CA businesses out of business for illegal politically motivated firings.

You haven't known anything, and you're making that up to lend your flailing argument credibility it doesn't have.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

What Damore did was violate the terms of his employment agreement by first writing and sending out an internal company memo, then shared that memo across external social media when he didn't get the reaction at Google he was hoping to get.

Fuck that guy. You violate terms of an agreement, you pay the consequences.
Why are you such a cuckold?
Gimp is too stupid to understand that. I have known people who sued CA businesses out of business for illegal politically motivated firings.

You haven't known anything, and you're making that up to lend your flailing argument credibility it doesn't have.
Shut up, Gimpy. I know more than you and always will. Even if I were dead, I'd have more knowledge than your dumb ass, you autistic faggot.
So you are saying a contract can override employment laws or laws in general?

He wasn't fired because he's Conservative, he was fired because he wrote and distributed an internal company memo, in violation of the Code of Conduct, that found its way to social media that reflected poorly on Google.

You make it sound like this guy was picked on unfairly. No. He wrote the memo first, distributed it internally, then distributed it externally. And that's why he was fired.

Do contracts not mean anything to you now?

A person can contract themselves to become a slave despite the 13th amendment? Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, cocksucker.

Now you're reaching. Why would someone sign an employment contract to be a slave? Being a slave means you don't have an employment contract. Wow.
Google CANNOT enforce it however they want. if they don't enforce it in a content neutral basis, they are violating the employment law.

Yes, they certainly can enforce their employment contracts however they want. You agree to that when you sign on the line.
He was asked to give input, it upset their politically correct sensibilities.

No he wasn't. He wrote that manifesto and posted it on the internal company message board. Then the memo "found" its way to Gizmodo and broader social media when Damore didn't get the reaction at Google he had hoped, and the resulting fallout led Google to fire him.

If it turns out that he is the one who leaked his own memo to Gizmodo, then that's it. He's got no legal legs to stand on.

You are a moron and I hope you're not going to be representing Google in court....because if so, they'll lose big time.

When they don't, and the judge dismisses this, are you going to screech more?
What agreement was that, shitforbrains? Agreement to be an unthinking parrot retard leftist like you?

Google's employment agreement that every employee signs before working there.

See, you don't even know the first thing about this because apparently, you didn't know Google Employees sign a contract.

That contract includes a Code of Conduct, linked here.

Google has multiple arguments they can use for terminating Damore.
Google CANNOT enforce it however they want. if they don't enforce it in a content neutral basis, they are violating the employment law.

Yes, they certainly can enforce their employment contracts however they want. You agree to that when you sign on the line.
How come you can’t tell us what agreement he violated?
Because you’re just a typical Leftard supporting mega corporations.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

What Damore did was violate the terms of his employment agreement by first writing and sending out an internal company memo, then shared that memo across external social media when he didn't get the reaction at Google he was hoping to get.

Fuck that guy. You violate terms of an agreement, you pay the consequences.
Why are you such a cuckold?

Kill yourself if that post is the best you can do.
Gimp is too stupid to understand that. I have known people who sued CA businesses out of business for illegal politically motivated firings.

You haven't known anything, and you're making that up to lend your flailing argument credibility it doesn't have.
Shut up, Gimpy. I know more than you and always will. Even if I were dead, I'd have more knowledge than your dumb ass, you autistic faggot.

What you know is all made up, off the top of your head, intended to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.
SAN FRANCISCO — Google on Monday fired a software engineer who wrote an internal memo that questioned the company’s diversity efforts and argued that the low number of women in technical positions was a result of biological differences instead of discrimination.

The memo, called “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” angered many in Silicon Valley because it relied on certain gender stereotypes — like the notion that women are less interested in high-stress jobs because they are more anxious — to rationalize the gender gap in the tech industry. The memo quickly spread outside the company, as other Google employees railed against many of its assumptions.

In a companywide email, Google’s chief executive, Sundar Pichai, said portions of the memo had violated the company’s code of conduct and crossed the line “by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.

He said men and women are different.
Google is toast.

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