White Male James Damore Goes After Google

So you are saying a contract can override employment laws or laws in general?

He wasn't fired because he's Conservative, he was fired because he wrote and distributed an internal company memo, in violation of the Code of Conduct, that found its way to social media that reflected poorly on Google.

You make it sound like this guy was picked on unfairly. No. He wrote the memo first, distributed it internally, then distributed it externally. And that's why he was fired.

Do contracts not mean anything to you now?

A person can contract themselves to become a slave despite the 13th amendment? Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, cocksucker.

Now you're reaching. Why would someone sign an employment contract to be a slave? Being a slave means you don't have an employment contract. Wow.

Where is your proof he is the one that distributed it externally?
What part was violated by saying men and women are different?

Section 5.II

II. Support Each Other
We are committed to a supportive work environment, where employees have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Googlers are expected to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination.

Section 5

Outside Communications
You probably know that our policy is to be extremely careful about disclosing confidential proprietary information. Consistent with that, you should also ensure your outside communications (including online and social media posts) do not disclose confidential proprietary information or represent (or otherwise give the impression) that you are speaking on behalf of Google unless you’re authorized to do so by the company. The same applies to communications with the press. Finally, check with your manager and Corporate Communications before accepting any public speaking engagement on behalf of the company. In general, before making any external communication or disclosure, you should consult our Employee Communications Policy and our Communications and Disclosure Policy.
What part of stating scientific fact that men and women are different violated that, Dufus.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

Then he should have gone through the proper legal channels to sue them while he was working there. Not written some ridiculous email to his colleagues.

He's only suing now because his 15 minutes of fame was fading.
Google CANNOT enforce it however they want. if they don't enforce it in a content neutral basis, they are violating the employment law.

Yes, they certainly can enforce their employment contracts however they want. You agree to that when you sign on the line.

So if they have a policy saying "no sex at work" and when they catch heterosexual sex acts they ignore it, but fire people caught doing homosexual sex acts, that would be OK?
he was asked to provide feedback, and he did. he was fired for the content of it, due to his politics.

No, he was fired because his manifesto violated Google's stated Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct Damore agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.
You haven't known anything, and you're making that up to lend your flailing argument credibility it doesn't have.
Shut up, Gimpy. I know more than you and always will. Even if I were dead, I'd have more knowledge than your dumb ass, you autistic faggot.

What you know is all made up, off the top of your head, intended to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.
Says the Dufus claiming people can be fired for their politics.

I never said that. He was fired for breaking the Code of Conduct he agreed to when he accepted employment at Google. It's not Google's fault Damore didn't thoroughly read the contracts he was signing, and didn't bother asking for clarity before he signed them.
Being a worthless Conservative nobody isn't a protected class.

Liar gets busted in his own lies. Calif law says you cannot be discriminated against for your political views.

And he wasn't. He was fired because the actions he took directly violated Google's Code of Conduct.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

Then he should have gone through the proper legal channels to sue them while he was working there. Not written some ridiculous email to his colleagues.

He's only suing now because his 15 minutes of fame was fading.
Another cheerleader for mega corporations.
He was asked to give input, it upset their politically correct sensibilities.

No he wasn't. He wrote that manifesto and posted it on the internal company message board. Then the memo "found" its way to Gizmodo and broader social media when Damore didn't get the reaction at Google he had hoped, and the resulting fallout led Google to fire him.

If it turns out that he is the one who leaked his own memo to Gizmodo, then that's it. He's got no legal legs to stand on.

You are a moron and I hope you're not going to be representing Google in court....because if so, they'll lose big time.

When they don't, and the judge dismisses this, are you going to screech more?
It's not going to be dismissed. Believe that.
When is Damore and conservabrats going to realize what he did was wrong? You can't use a company email to spread your social or political views. And then on top of that he critized the company he works for.

If I did some crap like that I'd be fired within the hour.

Shut up, Gimpy. I know more than you and always will. Even if I were dead, I'd have more knowledge than your dumb ass, you autistic faggot.

What you know is all made up, off the top of your head, intended to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.
Says the Dufus claiming people can be fired for their politics.

I never said that. He was fired for breaking the Code of Conduct he agreed to when he accepted employment at Google. It's not Google's fault Damore didn't thoroughly read the contracts he was signing, and didn't bother asking for clarity before he signed them.
Being a worthless Conservative nobody isn't a protected class.

Liar gets busted in his own lies. Calif law says you cannot be discriminated against for your political views.

And he wasn't. He was fired because the actions he took directly violated Google's Code of Conduct.
Dufus again offers no evidence.
Gimp is too stupid to understand that. I have known people who sued CA businesses out of business for illegal politically motivated firings.

You haven't known anything, and you're making that up to lend your flailing argument credibility it doesn't have.
Shut up, Gimpy. I know more than you and always will. Even if I were dead, I'd have more knowledge than your dumb ass, you autistic faggot.

What you know is all made up, off the top of your head, intended to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.
You are a retard. Period and end of story.

Take your pills and go back to sleep, you fucking kook.
So, the black list that managers allegedly keep, to discriminate against conservatives, that is cool with you?

Sounds like a fevered right-wing conspiracy to me.

No, it doesn't, and by lying you tacitly admit that it is cool with you.


Yes, it is. Firstly, you use the word "allegedly"...so who is making the allegation?

If you would have seriously addressed some doubt about it, or just wanted to wait until there was proof, that would have one thing.

But you instead lied.

YOu have only to look into your own heart to know that lefties like you would abuse power to discriminate against people you hate with a fiery passion.

It is a completely credible accusation.

By lying about that, you show that you are dishonestly siding with the company, even if it is discriminating.

YOu are a bigot.

Damore broke the contract he signed when he violated the Code of Conduct he also agreed to abide by when he accepted employment.

Conservatives need to learn personal responsibility, and stop getting so emotional.
So you are saying a contract can override employment laws or laws in general?

He wasn't fired because he's Conservative, he was fired because he wrote and distributed an internal company memo, in violation of the Code of Conduct, that found its way to social media that reflected poorly on Google.

You make it sound like this guy was picked on unfairly. No. He wrote the memo first, distributed it internally, then distributed it externally. And that's why he was fired.

Do contracts not mean anything to you now?

A person can contract themselves to become a slave despite the 13th amendment? Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, cocksucker.

Now you're reaching. Why would someone sign an employment contract to be a slave? Being a slave means you don't have an employment contract. Wow.

Where is your proof he is the one that distributed it externally?

It found its way to Gizmodo somehow, and his name was all over it.
If the Google code of conduct has political motivations in their code of conduct ...their code of conduct is illegal in CA.

Then he should have gone through the proper legal channels to sue them while he was working there. Not written some ridiculous email to his colleagues.

He's only suing now because his 15 minutes of fame was fading.
Another cheerleader for mega corporations.

It has nothing to do with corporations. It is basic work ethic. You can't bad mouth your employer in an email and then send it to everyone at work. You also can't spread your social and political ideologies. It's unprofessional.
What part was violated by saying men and women are different?

Section 5.II

II. Support Each Other
We are committed to a supportive work environment, where employees have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Googlers are expected to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination.

Section 5

Outside Communications
You probably know that our policy is to be extremely careful about disclosing confidential proprietary information. Consistent with that, you should also ensure your outside communications (including online and social media posts) do not disclose confidential proprietary information or represent (or otherwise give the impression) that you are speaking on behalf of Google unless you’re authorized to do so by the company. The same applies to communications with the press. Finally, check with your manager and Corporate Communications before accepting any public speaking engagement on behalf of the company. In general, before making any external communication or disclosure, you should consult our Employee Communications Policy and our Communications and Disclosure Policy.
What part of stating scientific fact that men and women are different violated that, Dufus.

It's scientific fact that women aren't as good coders as men? Where is that established?

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