White male kills girlfriend, her two kids and her mother, time for the Wall?

So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course I do. I am just not down with using his lifeless corpse as a political football. I leave such disgraceful behavior to the ghouls.
Indeed. One of the many things they share in common with Republicans.

What you say makes no sense

Sure it does. Like Democrats, Republicans are not skittish about using dead bodies to further their political agenda. They like to pretend otherwise, but any honest person can see through the bias and bullshit.
So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?
Show us where he actually said that.
So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course I do. I am just not down with using his lifeless corpse as a political football. I leave such disgraceful behavior to the ghouls.

You mean like your "ghouls" in Parkland in the quest to revoke the rights of law abiding Americans over the act of one crazed leftist maniac?

Glad you clarified what you meant.

Cause ONLY Republicans would EVER do such a Ghastly thing huh ? :rolleyes:
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So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course I do. I am just not down with using his lifeless corpse as a political football. I leave such disgraceful behavior to the ghouls.

You mean like your "ghouls" in Parkland in the quest to revoke the rights of law abiding Americans over the act of one crazed leftist maniac?

Glad you clarified what you meant.

Cause ONLY Republicans would EVER do such a Ghastly thing huh ? :rolleyes:

Yes. Just like them. I never implied or stated that only Republicans would do such a ghastly thing. In fact, I said quite the opposite.
So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course I do. I am just not down with using his lifeless corpse as a political football. I leave such disgraceful behavior to the ghouls.

You mean like your "ghouls" in Parkland in the quest to revoke the rights of law abiding Americans over the act of one crazed leftist maniac?

Glad you clarified what you meant.

Cause ONLY Republicans would EVER do such a Ghastly thing huh ? :rolleyes:

Also, these are not “my ghouls” at all. I’ve never once called for more meaningless gun control here.
It’s gross when people use dead bodies to advance their potlical agenda. The ghouls will gladly dance on a thousand graves if it allows them to get their way.
If these folks wanted to, they could come up with at least as many stories of illegal immigrants doing something heartwarming and positive for their community or American society generally.
If you idiots wanted too you could see that if the illegals weren't here they couldn't murder anyone!
Indeed. One of the many things they share in common with Republicans.

What you say makes no sense

Sure it does. Like Democrats, Republicans are not skittish about using dead bodies to further their political agenda. They like to pretend otherwise, but any honest person can see through the bias and bullshit.
So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course he doesn't.... He's keeping score.
One legal white guy goes nuts so we now
Have to have 28 illegal guys kill cops so we can be even!! See it's um social justice
And if we put up a wall well then the ratio
Has to go up to 117 to 1 instead of 28 to 1.
You getting any of this??? Cz I sure as hell

Indeed. One of the many things they share in common with Republicans.

What you say makes no sense

Sure it does. Like Democrats, Republicans are not skittish about using dead bodies to further their political agenda. They like to pretend otherwise, but any honest person can see through the bias and bullshit.
So you have no problem an illegal murdered that California cop?

Of course he doesn't.... He's keeping score.
One legal white guy goes nuts so we now
Have to have 28 illegal guys kill cops so we can be even!! See it's um social justice
And if we put up a wall well then the ratio
Has to go up to 117 to 1 instead of 28 to 1.
You getting any of this??? Cuz I sure as hell

It’s gross when people use dead bodies to advance their potlical agenda. The ghouls will gladly dance on a thousand graves if it allows them to get their way.
If these folks wanted to, they could come up with at least as many stories of illegal immigrants doing something heartwarming and positive for their community or American society generally.
so that evens out a murder????!!!!!!!
It’s gross when people use dead bodies to advance their potlical agenda. The ghouls will gladly dance on a thousand graves if it allows them to get their way.
If these folks wanted to, they could come up with at least as many stories of illegal immigrants doing something heartwarming and positive for their community or American society generally.
If you idiots wanted too you could see that if the illegals weren't here they couldn't murder anyone!

See the thing is, Dimocrats do not see any difference between American citizens and illegals.
I was going to start a thread yesterday but I wanted to see if the Drumpfsexuals would ignore it. Sure enough they did.
Doesn’t fit into the fear mongering agenda thus doesn’t merit recognition. Stay scared freinds
Of course he doesn't.... He's keeping score.
One legal white guy goes nuts so we now
Have to have 28 illegal guys kill cops so we can be even!! See it's um social justice
And if we put up a wall well then the ratio
Has to go up to 117 to 1 instead of 28 to 1.
You getting any of this??? Cz I sure as hell

What a delightfully retarded straw man you’ve crafted.
Why would they do that? The last thing they want to do is humanize illegal immigrants.

Ya know, the solution is simple....people who oppose a nation wanting to remain a nation are free to move. Can we go fund this guy a one way ticket to somewhere nicer? Russia maybe?

After all, if your goal is to erase borders, the fastest way is to remove yourself there from.

I'm sure if people would stop normalizing and supporting ILLEGAL activities then other people would stop saying they are aiding and abetting criminals.

Why are people so desperate to release violent felons from prison and equally desperate to import as many disguised as asylum seekers as they can?

They must REALLY hate innocent people.
I was shocked, yes shocked that not one thread was started on this tragedy. Then I thought about it. It appears thatLittle Trumpsters only care about illegals killing people.
St. Charles man charged with fatally shooting girlfriend, her kids, her mother
How has a portion of America been driven to discount some violent crimes, yet in turn becomes outraged when a violent crime involves a illegal?
There were zero threads on the killing of four breathing human beings (including two children), yet the illegal who kill a police officer, there were multiple threads.
Both of these crimes, were totally disgusting, yet one made Big News.
What's up with America? Why has America sunk so low?
Kind of like there are zero threads when trigger happy cops kill innocent white people, innit?


Well played
I was shocked, yes shocked that not one thread was started on this tragedy. Then I thought about it. It appears thatLittle Trumpsters only care about illegals killing people.
St. Charles man charged with fatally shooting girlfriend, her kids, her mother
How has a portion of America been driven to discount some violent crimes, yet in turn becomes outraged when a violent crime involves a illegal?
There were zero threads on the killing of four breathing human beings (including two children), yet the illegal who kill a police officer, there were multiple threads.
Both of these crimes, were totally disgusting, yet one made Big News.
What's up with America? Why has America sunk so low?

Was he arrested? Cuz you know... They did build a wall for him.... So I really don't know what you are talking about...oh and guess what? Niether do you.


Then the same type of wall is great for someone here illegally.

If it's good enough for an American.

We don't need a wall at the southern border,
How much is spent supporting illegals every year, who contribute no tax dollars for Americans? That doesn’t even mention the crime generated. It’s got to be way more than he’s looking for, for border security. And it’s security, not just a wall. It includes agents, vehicles, cameras and other technologies, and yes walls or the equivalent. There aren’t many prison escapes yearly, because the areas are monitored and patrolled.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was shocked, yes shocked that not one thread was started on this tragedy. Then I thought about it. It appears thatLittle Trumpsters only care about illegals killing people.
St. Charles man charged with fatally shooting girlfriend, her kids, her mother
How has a portion of America been driven to discount some violent crimes, yet in turn becomes outraged when a violent crime involves a illegal?
There were zero threads on the killing of four breathing human beings (including two children), yet the illegal who kill a police officer, there were multiple threads.
Both of these crimes, were totally disgusting, yet one made Big News.
What's up with America? Why has America sunk so low?
So by your dumb logic you have a family member living in your home who is a murderer and you react by inviting someone else who is a murderer to live with you.

Otherwise it would not be fair.

The fact that we have criminals of our own is why we do not need illegals.

What a fucking fool.
Tard logic is why they create more problems every time the manage to con their way into power.
I was shocked, yes shocked that not one thread was started on this tragedy. Then I thought about it. It appears thatLittle Trumpsters only care about illegals killing people.
St. Charles man charged with fatally shooting girlfriend, her kids, her mother
How has a portion of America been driven to discount some violent crimes, yet in turn becomes outraged when a violent crime involves a illegal?
There were zero threads on the killing of four breathing human beings (including two children), yet the illegal who kill a police officer, there were multiple threads.
Both of these crimes, were totally disgusting, yet one made Big News.
What's up with America? Why has America sunk so low?
How would a wall have helped in this situation? :cuckoo:
Ain't it funny, how similar the two ends can be?

Two of a kind, but far too stubborn to ever admit it.

The outrage we feel about people killing innocent Americans WHO SHOULD NOT BE ON OUR STREETS if the government would do its job right, that is all just way over your two heads, huh?

If it was someone who killed a person because the murderer was released due to a clerical error would be just as outrageous.

But suppose a state out in crazy land decided if a clerical error lets someone out of prison erroneously, then it is their fate and they changed their laws to forbid anyone in the state government and counties from reporting that person to authorities, and then those accidentally released were killing people, you would be OK with all that?

These illegals are not supposed to be on our streets, so anything they do is due to the government FAILING US, the CITIZENS of this nation.

Does that makes sense to you two yet or do I have to draw you fucking pictures?

I have two relatives, a cousin and the fiance to my niece, dead due to illegals driving drunk and in both cases the bastards skipped off probably back to Mexico.



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