White Male Voter: Why Do I Have to Change?

Well you’re racist attitude is on full display. Perhaps Mika and Joe will invite you to their estate for wine and cheese? Or just whine.

You are the one who is whining. Just what is it that you want the rest of us to do? Worship you? We are all here, boy, just like you.
Support the United States of America with our national defense, our economy, and our President. Pretty simple to me. I love my nation and it’s people. Liberals live and thrive on hate an animosity.

The rest of us support our country, our defense, our economy. But don't ask me to support the slut in the Oval Office and the sex-obsessed trash in the vice president's office. I want this country to be here for my descendants when I am gone. These two are bent on destroying it.
This country is guaranteed to die before your descendants are born if Democrats continue to be elected.

My, my...Snowflakes AND drama queens.
Well you’re racist attitude is on full display. Perhaps Mika and Joe will invite you to their estate for wine and cheese? Or just whine.

You are the one who is whining. Just what is it that you want the rest of us to do? Worship you? We are all here, boy, just like you.
Support the United States of America with our national defense, our economy, and our President. Pretty simple to me. I love my nation and it’s people. Liberals live and thrive on hate an animosity.

The rest of us support our country, our defense, our economy. But don't ask me to support the slut in the Oval Office and the sex-obsessed trash in the vice president's office. I want this country to be here for my descendants when I am gone. These two are bent on destroying it.
This country is guaranteed to die before your descendants are born if Democrats continue to be elected.

My, my...Snowflakes AND drama queens.
And dick sucks...my,my,my, Democrats all.
I'm a white male voter and nobody has asked me to change my vote.....3rd party all the way here. I can't vote for either major party and feel right about it.
Because none of these idiots can.

Destroying the dogma of white privilege is what I have been doing since I was a teenager.

So, since last year?
Do you actually think you are funny?

Only to those with an IQ above 50.

The question still stands. It is a common dishonest tactic by lefties to change the subject of a thread, to the person they are attacking, instead of the actual issue.

Why are you doing that?

Why are you in the thread, if you have no intention of addressing the topic?

The answer is obvious. The only question it, do you have the moral courage to admit it.

The question still stands. It is a common dishonest tactic by lefties to change the subject of a thread, to the person they are attacking, instead of the actual issue.

Why are you doing that?

Why are you in the thread, if you have no intention of addressing the topic?

The answer is obvious. The only question it, do you have the moral courage to admit it.
Not even close because you are lumping all white men together as though they are a hive mind that looks out for it's own.

So did the OP, yet you have no problem with it happening. Your bias is strong today.

"Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? "

Nobody is asking anyone to do any fucking thing. Nobody has asked your or any other white dude to change your political or societal beliefs. You are free to have whatever political or societal beliefs you wish to hold.

Nobody is abusing you, nobody is being mean to you. For god's sake, grow a set of balls and quit this whining.

Your denial of the obvious is noted.
Please explain this, go look up a picture of the members of the senate how many are men how many are white. do the same for congress, then go look up the boards & heads of major corporations, banks, goverment offices any where there is a lot of Money.
then get back to me.
So then is this about low income white men?
They're ALL victims! Why are you being so mean to the poor white man?
I am already a decent person and I treat everyone the same; regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, or religion. Calling bullshit on people who blame white males on everything and anything when it comes to racism, oppression, etc. does not make me a non-decent person.

Um, the fact you spend so much time denying we have a problem does...


I still have my 1980 12" black and white...

It still works

That's nice. How often do you use it?
Again, it was white males who set the framework that helped forge what this country is today. This modern-day demonization of white males to pay for sins from long ago is a crock of shit.

Who is demonizing you, exactly?

Democrats are desperately trying to expand the hate crime law .. they want to arrest on thought or what they think you think.
Thank god for the internet

When did this happen?
Start with changing your shorts, everything else is up for discussion.
Please explain this, go look up a picture of the members of the senate how many are men how many are white. do the same for congress, then go look up the boards & heads of major corporations, banks, goverment offices any where there is a lot of Money.
then get back to me.
So then is this about low income white men?
They're ALL victims! Why are you being so mean to the poor white man?

Your denial that white men might have any valid interests is just you being a racist asshole.
Not even close because you are lumping all white men together as though they are a hive mind that looks out for it's own.

So did the OP, yet you have no problem with it happening. Your bias is strong today.

"Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? "

Nobody is asking anyone to do any fucking thing. Nobody has asked your or any other white dude to change your political or societal beliefs. You are free to have whatever political or societal beliefs you wish to hold.

Nobody is abusing you, nobody is being mean to you. For god's sake, grow a set of balls and quit this whining.

Your denial of the obvious is noted.

you poor little snowflakes, so very abused! How do you get out of bed with such a heavy weight upon your poor little souls?

As I said, you snowflakes are even more pathetic than the Christians crying "persecution"
Not even close because you are lumping all white men together as though they are a hive mind that looks out for it's own.

So did the OP, yet you have no problem with it happening. Your bias is strong today.

"Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? "

Nobody is asking anyone to do any fucking thing. Nobody has asked your or any other white dude to change your political or societal beliefs. You are free to have whatever political or societal beliefs you wish to hold.

Nobody is abusing you, nobody is being mean to you. For god's sake, grow a set of balls and quit this whining.

Your denial of the obvious is noted.

you poor little snowflakes, so very abused! How do you get out of bed with such a heavy weight upon your poor little souls?

As I said, you snowflakes are even more pathetic than the Christians crying "persecution"
All you are doing is projecting your pathetic beta male traits on completely rational people who have nothing to lose by becoming more radical.
All you are doing is projecting your pathetic beta male traits on completely rational people who have nothing to lose by becoming more radical.

and all you are doing is whining like a 12 year old girl who just got her first period.

Man up dude, you are not abused, you are not mistreated, nobody is trying to make you do a damn fucking thing.

Do you whine this much when you are dropping the fries at Wendy's?
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Not even close because you are lumping all white men together as though they are a hive mind that looks out for it's own.

So did the OP, yet you have no problem with it happening. Your bias is strong today.

"Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? "

Nobody is asking anyone to do any fucking thing. Nobody has asked your or any other white dude to change your political or societal beliefs. You are free to have whatever political or societal beliefs you wish to hold.

Nobody is abusing you, nobody is being mean to you. For god's sake, grow a set of balls and quit this whining.

Your denial of the obvious is noted.

you poor little snowflakes, so very abused! How do you get out of bed with such a heavy weight upon your poor little souls?

As I said, you snowflakes are even more pathetic than the Christians crying "persecution"

Your inability to make your case, is noted. Your being an ass instead of even trying, is accepted as an admission that you know that you are in the wrong.
Well you’re racist attitude is on full display. Perhaps Mika and Joe will invite you to their estate for wine and cheese? Or just whine.

You are the one who is whining. Just what is it that you want the rest of us to do? Worship you? We are all here, boy, just like you.
Support the United States of America with our national defense, our economy, and our President. Pretty simple to me. I love my nation and it’s people. Liberals live and thrive on hate an animosity.

The rest of us support our country, our defense, our economy. But don't ask me to support the slut in the Oval Office and the sex-obsessed trash in the vice president's office. I want this country to be here for my descendants when I am gone. These two are bent on destroying it.
This country is guaranteed to die before your descendants are born if Democrats continue to be elected.

My, my...Snowflakes AND drama queens.

Who has asked for safe spaces?
Your inability to make your case, is noted. Your being an ass instead of even trying, is accepted as an admission that you know that you are in the wrong.

I already made the case about 100 post back, do try and keep up.

White males dominate this country, they hold most of the power and most of the wealth.

Nobody is being mean to you, nobody is making you change a damn fucking thing.

As a white male I find it embarrassing to have so many other white males that are such pussies.

Could you not just once man up? Is that too much to ask for?
You are the one who is whining. Just what is it that you want the rest of us to do? Worship you? We are all here, boy, just like you.
Support the United States of America with our national defense, our economy, and our President. Pretty simple to me. I love my nation and it’s people. Liberals live and thrive on hate an animosity.

The rest of us support our country, our defense, our economy. But don't ask me to support the slut in the Oval Office and the sex-obsessed trash in the vice president's office. I want this country to be here for my descendants when I am gone. These two are bent on destroying it.
This country is guaranteed to die before your descendants are born if Democrats continue to be elected.

My, my...Snowflakes AND drama queens.

Who has asked for safe spaces?

Who is whining about being abused and mistreated and forced to "change"?
Your inability to make your case, is noted. Your being an ass instead of even trying, is accepted as an admission that you know that you are in the wrong.

I already made the case about 100 post back, do try and keep up.

White males dominate this country, they hold most of the power and most of the wealth.

Nobody is being mean to you, nobody is making you change a damn fucking thing.

As a white male I find it embarrassing to have so many other white males that are such pussies.

Could you not just once man up? Is that too much to ask for?

That other white men have power and wealth, does not mean that they are looking out for me or mine.

That you pretend that it does, in order to not only dismiss any and all concerns I have, but to go further and viciously ridicule me and even question my manhood,

proves the point of the OP that white men are indeed under attack.

It also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are a fucking asshole.

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