White Male Voter: Why Do I Have to Change?

yea! more gay jokes for you to tell you buddies at Wendy's about. They will be so proud of you.
Who the fuck told you I ever worked at Wendy’s?

It seems the best job someone with your limited intelligence could get. Am I giving you too much credit to assume you could actually get hired by Wendy's?

Are you more of Taco Bell loser?

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
Who the fuck told you I ever worked at Wendy’s?

It seems the best job someone with your limited intelligence could get. Am I giving you too much credit to assume you could actually get hired by Wendy's?

Are you more of Taco Bell loser?

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.

Nobody ever changes their minds or admits someone else might have a point.
Again, it was white males who set the framework that helped forge what this country is today. This modern-day demonization of white males to pay for sins from long ago is a crock of shit.

Who is demonizing you, exactly?

Democrats are desperately trying to expand the hate crime law .. they want to arrest on thought or what they think you think.
Thank god for the internet

When did this happen?
Red flag laws, Canada is arresting people for sayig the wrong gender.
Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.

Yes, you probably don't want anyone to tell you that you are fat, either. You just want to feel good about yourself. We get that.
I would not only run circles around you, I would also beat your ass man to man. I love you gym rats. Man, I would fuck you up.

I knew it was only a short matter of time before some ass clown like JoeB131 or IM2 came onto this thread to bleed with white envy. That is what it really is, you know. While all they talk about is the evils of whiteness and how whites have to reform and change, what they are really saying is that they are green with jealousy at what the White man has accomplished and know they can never compete on a level playing field. Fuck 'em all.
Who the fuck told you I ever worked at Wendy’s?

It seems the best job someone with your limited intelligence could get. Am I giving you too much credit to assume you could actually get hired by Wendy's?

Are you more of Taco Bell loser?

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .
Who the fuck told you I ever worked at Wendy’s?

It seems the best job someone with your limited intelligence could get. Am I giving you too much credit to assume you could actually get hired by Wendy's?

Are you more of Taco Bell loser?

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
Nope, I can just make you look like an idiot as much as I want.

You know how you claim both parties are equally bad but Republicans are racists?


This piece of shit is worse than anything or anyone who has ever called themselves a Republican, and not only is “she” a racist against white people, “she” is for child rape and torture. Someone who would be in the House right now if she didn’t run in conservative Texas.

The fact that this monster exists so casually as an author and a contributor to ABC means that Democrats are harboring untold numbers of these things.
But it was the black slaves that built this country and without pay as the white slave owners grew immensely rich
And then you actually read a history book and knew what the fuck you were talking about.

Picking cotton did not build skyscrapers dipshit.
Fuckface but the slaves DID build the mansions they did make america wealthy enough so we could split from England
They brought water to the Irish is no building lol Africans still live in mud huts.. they can’t build shit
Mud huts:

This is an area that China is kicking our ass in, they understand that Africa is the last emerging market left, and they are investing heavily there. Americans see mud huts and savages and the Chinese see a business opportunity. Our biases just kills us sometimes.

China is MUCH more biased against Africans than the US and it isn't even close. In general, they are a very homogeneous society and are not particularly fans of Africans or African Americans. I can assure you their interest in Africa is to take advantage of the entire continent minus S. Africa. They see a large number of poor uneducated people that will work cheaply...just what they like. Don't think they don't see many of those countries in the same light as you propose America sees them.
It seems the best job someone with your limited intelligence could get. Am I giving you too much credit to assume you could actually get hired by Wendy's?

Are you more of Taco Bell loser?

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
1. No, White Men, as a group, are under attack and you demonstrate that with your attack on me, for daring to have any concerns. Every other group, is allowed to have issues and voice their concerns about it. White men who do so, are viciously attacked. As you have demonstrated.

White men as a group are the most powerful, richest group in the country, by far.

2. I am fucking angry that the very act of stating that I, as a member of my group, might have problems, gets me attacked. That is fucking bullshit.

Hey, have all the problems you want, do not blame it on being a white male. Being a white male is not a problem.

1. Being powerful as a group, does not mean that the group is not under attack. That you dishonestly pretend it does, proves that you know you have to lie to make your case.

2. White men are the only group, that are not allowed to have problems as a group, nor discuss them. That BY ITSELF, demonstrates the validity of the OP and proves your position to be bullshit.


I seriously and honestly addressed your points. YOu dismiss mine.

You do not allow the validity of white males as a group, having any issues nor speaking of them.

Only White Males get this treatment.

Thus you prove the complaint of the OP to be true.
1. No, White Men, as a group, are under attack and you demonstrate that with your attack on me, for daring to have any concerns. Every other group, is allowed to have issues and voice their concerns about it. White men who do so, are viciously attacked. As you have demonstrated.

White men as a group are the most powerful, richest group in the country, by far.

2. I am fucking angry that the very act of stating that I, as a member of my group, might have problems, gets me attacked. That is fucking bullshit.

Hey, have all the problems you want, do not blame it on being a white male. Being a white male is not a problem.

1. Being powerful as a group, does not mean that the group is not under attack. That you dishonestly pretend it does, proves that you know you have to lie to make your case.

2. White men are the only group, that are not allowed to have problems as a group, nor discuss them. That BY ITSELF, demonstrates the validity of the OP and proves your position to be bullshit.


I seriously and honestly addressed your points. YOu dismiss mine.

You do not allow the validity of white males as a group, having any issues nor speaking of them.

Only White Males get this treatment.

Thus you prove the complaint of the OP to be true.

So, the only thing you can point to in order to show how mistreated white men are is the fact they get made fun of for whining about being mistreated?

In this case then millionaire sports stars are mistreated as well because they get made fun of for saying how mistreated they are as well.

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
The astronauts on the ISS are getting worried. And that includes the Japanese.
I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
The astronauts on the ISS are getting worried. And that includes the Japanese.

are you still drunk this morning? I figured after that insane rant last night you posted that you would have slept it off by now.
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
The astronauts on the ISS are getting worried. And that includes the Japanese.

are you still drunk this morning? I figured after that insane rant last night you posted that you would have slept it off by now.
There are many insane rants. They need to be numbered.

You literally believe it is impossible for white people to be oppressed or be abused when white people are the minority of the planet, that is easily a confirmed below 70 IQ. WAY too retarded for Wendy’s.

I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.

My white wife, who legally immigrated from Europe with her parents when she was 8 years old, didn't get into Yale medical school while her black college friend, who had the same GPA, a little lower MCAT scores, attended the same upper level college had and ONE of the TWO majors my wife had, did. We all know why that happened. Granted, my wife did get into another medical school, but the point is that Yale is one of the top and they have a "diversity" agenda that discriminates. Colleges all of the country do the same thing. I would call that a "bad thing" that happened to her because of her skin color...and she is a female.
I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.

My white wife, who legally immigrated from Europe with her parents when she was 8 years old, didn't get into Yale medical school while her black college friend, who had the same GPA, a little lower MCAT scores, attended the same upper level college had and ONE of the TWO majors my wife had, did. We all know why that happened. Granted, my wife did get into another medical school, but the point is that Yale is one of the top and they have a "diversity" agenda that discriminates. Colleges all of the country do the same thing. I would call that a "bad thing" that happened to her because of her skin color...and she is a female.
Many white women don’t understand that this stuff does happen to them with increasing frequency.

They assume that when diversity consultants want “women” and “minorities” that the “women” are white women, but that is not really the case anymore. Now they can knock two birds out with one stone with their “diversity” agenda by making the “women” candidate non-white.
I do not think that it is impossible for individual White people to be abused, I said we are not abused as a group in this country.

Now go drop the fries, they will not cook themselves
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.

My white wife, who legally immigrated from Europe with her parents when she was 8 years old, didn't get into Yale medical school while her black college friend, who had the same GPA, a little lower MCAT scores, attended the same upper level college had and ONE of the TWO majors my wife had, did. We all know why that happened. Granted, my wife did get into another medical school, but the point is that Yale is one of the top and they have a "diversity" agenda that discriminates. Colleges all of the country do the same thing. I would call that a "bad thing" that happened to her because of her skin color...and she is a female.

This thread is about white males being abused. We will have to discuss females at a later date.

But I do not agree with AA or forced diversity.
Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
The astronauts on the ISS are getting worried. And that includes the Japanese.

are you still drunk this morning? I figured after that insane rant last night you posted that you would have slept it off by now.
There are many insane rants. They need to be numbered.

you do have a nice collection of them, that is for sure
That is an equally stupid belief. Correll and myself have pointed out why you are an idiot for saying that multiple times. When the most fearful thing that could happen for both sides of the political spectrum is a simple equalizing political force via white identity politics and the most moral position is the aggressive and non-stop inflation of extreme identity politics from non white people into every day life you end up with deep and serious oppression of white people just on the most simple level of society.

Sorry kid, but you are still very much a retard who has no business doing whatever the fuck they are paying you to do.

Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.

My white wife, who legally immigrated from Europe with her parents when she was 8 years old, didn't get into Yale medical school while her black college friend, who had the same GPA, a little lower MCAT scores, attended the same upper level college had and ONE of the TWO majors my wife had, did. We all know why that happened. Granted, my wife did get into another medical school, but the point is that Yale is one of the top and they have a "diversity" agenda that discriminates. Colleges all of the country do the same thing. I would call that a "bad thing" that happened to her because of her skin color...and she is a female.

This thread is about white males being abused. We will have to discuss females at a later date.

But I do not agree with AA or forced diversity.

Obviously the same thing and to an even greater extent happens to white males on a daily basis. This is goverment sponsored racism against many people, with white males being the most affected. This affects college entrance and job prospects. In addition to AA, the government also has benefits for minority owned companies which gives way more than a leg up when bidding on government contracts. A white owned company bidding against a minority owed company better come in far, far under the bid of the minority owned company and even then would likely lose. There are many examples of government sponsored racism which disproportionately affects white males.
Yes, you two little pussies have tired to convince me how abused you are just for being a white males, and I still call bullshit and tell you to quit whining and man up.

Yet you do not seem capable of doing so.
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.

My white wife, who legally immigrated from Europe with her parents when she was 8 years old, didn't get into Yale medical school while her black college friend, who had the same GPA, a little lower MCAT scores, attended the same upper level college had and ONE of the TWO majors my wife had, did. We all know why that happened. Granted, my wife did get into another medical school, but the point is that Yale is one of the top and they have a "diversity" agenda that discriminates. Colleges all of the country do the same thing. I would call that a "bad thing" that happened to her because of her skin color...and she is a female.

This thread is about white males being abused. We will have to discuss females at a later date.

But I do not agree with AA or forced diversity.

Obviously the same thing and to an even greater extent happens to white males on a daily basis. This is goverment sponsored racism against many people, with white males being the most affected. This affects college entrance and job prospects. In addition to AA, the government also has benefits for minority owned companies which gives way more than a leg up when bidding on government contracts. A white owned company bidding against a minority owed company better come in far, far under the bid of the minority owned company and even then would likely lose. There are many examples of government sponsored racism which disproportionately affects white males.

List how you are suffering from these things?

Do you go hungry at night because of them?
I can’t wait until you are shanked through your invisible armor and all you see are brown faces looking away as you bleed to death in the middle of the street.

That is the going to be the fate of all idiots like you.

At that moment you will understand that everything you thought you believed was childish nonsense and everything I told you wasn’t right enough to save you .

Let's try this...

list all the bad things that have happened to you because you are a white male.
The astronauts on the ISS are getting worried. And that includes the Japanese.

are you still drunk this morning? I figured after that insane rant last night you posted that you would have slept it off by now.
There are many insane rants. They need to be numbered.

you do have a nice collection of them, that is for sure
This one deals with a lesbian astronaut and a potential crime. Her name is McClain . Another female astronaut a dozen years ago had an incident. And a black female astronaut who was mysteriously pulled from an ISS flight in January of 2018 and we still do not know why. These are plum jobs. But we have "qualified" people now under quotas. Space is no place for someone to spaz.

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