WHITE man beaten to death by 14 year old BLACK

..keeping you up to date and for justice
..here a BLACK beats a WHITE man to death--no national MSM news because WLDM
14 years old!!
Girl, 14, is charged with murder of Philadelphia animal rescuer found beaten to death at his home | Daily Mail Online
It's in the NY Post, Newsweek, the Sun Sentinel, the Philadelphia Inquirer and NBC, as well as the Mirror in GB.
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
Victim much?

Your inability to seriously address his point, is noted.
Oh I disagree...I believe that I did, in fact, seriously address his point..in the most economical way possible. By noting, once again, the pervasive white victim-hood espoused by those who sublimate their deep-seated insecurities, in faux rage about cherry-picked incidents of their unequal treatment, in our press.

As I said..drama much?

HOw many cherrys do you have to see, before you admit a pattern?
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
Victim much?

Your inability to seriously address his point, is noted.
Oh I disagree...I believe that I did, in fact, seriously address his point..in the most economical way possible. By noting, once again, the pervasive white victim-hood espoused by those who sublimate their deep-seated insecurities, in faux rage about cherry-picked incidents of their unequal treatment, in our press.

As I said..drama much?
stop the stupid shit
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

blacks 13% of the population---whites 65%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500 !!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

but the MSM always promotes the whites are being EVIL-this is undeniable
even when a black MURDERS whites BECAUSE of race, they never mention race:
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia
etc etc
And I think you see this..because it is important to you..to see this. I find race irrelevant in such matters...violent crime is a tragedy. You are just looking for 'facts' to bolster an opinion that you would hold anyway..no matter what. I think race should not be mentioned at all..in any coverage. MSM does it..to sell papers..if it bleeds it leads..and these days..if you can buy into the current racial angst..it sell even better.

That being said..so what..do you take your self-view from news coverage?
..I'm pointing out the obvious hypocrisy/idiocy/biased/etc MSM and blacks--plain and simple
..maybe you don't care about injustice--but we do
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
Victim much?

Your inability to seriously address his point, is noted.
Oh I disagree...I believe that I did, in fact, seriously address his point..in the most economical way possible. By noting, once again, the pervasive white victim-hood espoused by those who sublimate their deep-seated insecurities, in faux rage about cherry-picked incidents of their unequal treatment, in our press.

As I said..drama much?
stop the stupid shit
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

blacks 13% of the population---whites 65%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500 !!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

but the MSM always promotes the whites are being EVIL-this is undeniable
even when a black MURDERS whites BECAUSE of race, they never mention race:
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia
etc etc
And I think you see this..because it is important to you..to see this. I find race irrelevant in such matters...violent crime is a tragedy. You are just looking for 'facts' to bolster an opinion that you would hold anyway..no matter what. I think race should not be mentioned at all..in any coverage. MSM does it..to sell papers..if it bleeds it leads..and these days..if you can buy into the current racial angst..it sell even better.

That being said..so what..do you take your self-view from news coverage?
wrong--if a black MURDERS a white, it does NOT lead--and/or does not lead as much as if a white DEFENDS himself against a black jackass criminal
..keeping you up to date and for justice
..here a BLACK beats a WHITE man to death--no national MSM news because WLDM
14 years old!!
Girl, 14, is charged with murder of Philadelphia animal rescuer found beaten to death at his home | Daily Mail Online
It's in the NY Post, Newsweek, the Sun Sentinel, the Philadelphia Inquirer and NBC, as well as the Mirror in GB.
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
In your kickoff post, you said, "no national MSM news" so I was just helping. It is in the national news.
Except for NBC, oddly enough a branch of the Democrat party, the rest cannot be considered national MSM,
..keeping you up to date and for justice
..here a BLACK beats a WHITE man to death--no national MSM news because WLDM
14 years old!!
Girl, 14, is charged with murder of Philadelphia animal rescuer found beaten to death at his home | Daily Mail Online
It's in the NY Post, Newsweek, the Sun Sentinel, the Philadelphia Inquirer and NBC, as well as the Mirror in GB.
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
In your kickoff post, you said, "no national MSM news" so I was just helping. It is in the national news.
Except for NBC, oddly enough a branch of the Democrat party, the rest cannot be considered national MSM,
Is it because we don't routinely hold up every murder in our country to national headlights? To Philadelphians, I'm sure it is big news. To the local papers there and to the papers who live for the grisly stuff, it's newsworthy. Up here, murders that happen in Pennsylvania rarely make it to the front page or our newscasts, either.
Not even grisly ones.
Is it because we don't routinely hold up every murder in our country to national headlights? To Philadelphians, I'm sure it is big news. To the local papers there and to the papers who live for the grisly stuff, it's newsworthy. Up here, murders that happen in Pennsylvania rarely make it to the front page or our newscasts, either.
Not even grisly ones.
Ah, then surely you should read up on Trayvon Martin, a nice little fellow who was assaulted by white Hispanic and most foully murdered. Or so the story went.
..keeping you up to date and for justice
..here a BLACK beats a WHITE man to death--no national MSM news because WLDM
14 years old!!
Girl, 14, is charged with murder of Philadelphia animal rescuer found beaten to death at his home | Daily Mail Online
It's in the NY Post, Newsweek, the Sun Sentinel, the Philadelphia Inquirer and NBC, as well as the Mirror in GB.
....o please---it's nothing compared to if a white cop defended himself from a black criminal jackass --no comparison whatsoever regarding coverage
....also---when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass black criminal--it's 24/7!!!!!--but this is an INNOCENT white being MURDERED!! HUGE HUGE HUGE difference
In your kickoff post, you said, "no national MSM news" so I was just helping. It is in the national news.
Except for NBC, oddly enough a branch of the Democrat party, the rest cannot be considered national MSM,
Is it because we don't routinely hold up every murder in our country to national headlights? To Philadelphians, I'm sure it is big news. To the local papers there and to the papers who live for the grisly stuff, it's newsworthy. Up here, murders that happen in Pennsylvania rarely make it to the front page or our newscasts, either.
Not even grisly ones.
....most of the time when a white shoots/etc a black, it's headlines all over...they don;t even have to be shot--like the Starbucks crap

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