White man shoots innocent black teen....

Here Emm. I posted this a week ago:

From the moment he hung up the phone (7:14) to the time the police arrived (7:17). 3 minutes.

Zimmerman's call ended 7:14 p.m.
The first witness 911 call comes in at 7:16:11 p.m.

The call at 7:16:11 p.m is the one where in the background you can hear the struggle and then the sound of the pistol being fired.

At 7:17 p.m. the calls to 911 flood in with residents hearing gunshots.

"Records show Zimmerman's first call to authorities was at 7:09:34 p.m., followed by seven witness calls at 7:16:11, 7:16:41, 7:17:06, 7:17:15, 7:17:54, 7:18:00 and 7:19:04."
Lawyer: Trayvon Martin's girlfriend heard altercation | News - Home

The first Sanford police units arrive at that 7:17 mark.

Timeline. It matters.


Thank you so much. I was a bit confused by what he meant by 'dispatched', thinking that is when the officer received the call. This makes sense, as it was reported that police arrived within a minute or two of the shot. AND the later 911 callers were told that police were on scene. (IIRC, some said they saw the officers there)
You're welcome, Emm.

Have to leave soon. Have a great day with the cute lil potato. :)

Yes I see where that is going :doubt:

Partly as a result, the Martin case — involving a black teenager and man described as white or Hispanic — has unleashed a roaring national dialogue on racial profiling and prejudice. In the Seay case, the fighters were all black.

Seay could not use STAND YOUR GROUND though HE was attacked; why Zimmerman?
In that case, it appears the shooter shot when his three attackers were already retreating, according to witnesses, so the fight was over at that time and no danger of life or bodily harm.

However, the entry wound on the deceased shows differently - that the deceased (one of the three who fought with the shooter) was not retreating at the time.
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Yup, I posted that a few days ago.

Timelines: Important.

There were only a couple minutes the EMT's could have treated him...I've done the timeline, figured out how long it would take the police to get to the station (6.2 miles) (that's about a 10, 14 min ride) ... then, approx. time for police to apprise the situation, tend to the dead boy, get Zimm's statements, handcuff Zimm, etc: Not much.


------> 7:17pm

------> 7:52PM

That's just a little over a half an hour from the time the boy took his last breath to when Zimm man was carted all jauntily, bloodlessly clean to the PD.
I was surprised that they got him there that fast, too.

The one question I have is the 7:17 arrival time at the scene. The police report says they were dispatched at that time, and the log of Zimmerman's 911 calls (this one being his last) seems to indicate that Smith arrived at 1920:54.

Let's retrace who has the link were this timeline came from? And the link better fucking be from Sanford PD.
The timeline Paperview shows looks pretty accurate to me, based on the cop report and the times of the phone calls we've seen.
Not paid, just encouraged them along a certain line of questioning and kept the ones that supported Zimmerman while ignoring others who supported Martin.
So, this is all a grand conspiracy without any foundation to believe it is other than the fact that Zimmerman's father is a retired magistrate.

Well, even magistrate's offspring are allowed equal treatment under the law.

Conspiracy. That's a new approach. And, it's often the approach of those whose minds are convinced one way, yet the facts contradict that idea. 911ers, birthers, moon landers, etc. - all the same.

I'm not so sure his father being a retired VA magistrate is significant, other than he'd know the system and be able to advise his son. Not to offend anyone here, but magistrates here are pretty low on the judicial ladder.
Yeah, Virginia magistrates are VERY low on the judicial ladder here. If one tries dropping the name of a magistrate around here in some legal matter or to cops, I think folks would just laugh.

But, wasn't Zimmerman's father a magistrate in Florida (Orange County, FL) and retired from that? I don't know if those are low on the ladder there, or not.
EXACTLY. There are some taking evidence that was obtained by the police and trying to show Zimmerman is guilty. Wouldn't you agree that's bad form?

There you are.

You were asking about when Zimmerman arrived at the station (and in that video?)

The time stamp on the video was 1952, so within 35 minutes after police arrived on scene. I read that last night on my break ... I think that was on either the Orlando Sentinel or Miami Herald site. I'll see if I can hunt that down again.
My only gripe is people using evidence that was not collected or used by to police to show guilty or innocence of Zimmerman

no.... I'm just giving you the time he was brought in. I would have thought at least an hour, especially considering they didn't attend to Zimmerman until after 1930.
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How far is the station from the complex ... I'll have to check paperview's post again. So considering however long it took to get to the PD, that left VERY little time for Zimmerman to be evaluated and cleaned up. That's surprising too, considering he was claiming a severe beating to include a head injury.
How far is the station from the complex ... I'll have to check paperview's post again. So considering however long it took to get to the PD, that left VERY little time for Zimmerman to be evaluated and cleaned up. That's surprising too, considering he was claiming a severe beating to include a head injury.
According to Google maps, 14 minutes from 1111 Retreat Circle, Sanford, FL.
Yeah, Virginia magistrates are VERY low on the judicial ladder here. If one tries dropping the name of a magistrate around here in some legal matter or to cops, I think folks would just laugh.

But, wasn't Zimmerman's father a magistrate in Florida (Orange County, FL) and retired from that? I don't know if those are low on the ladder there, or not.

I've never been able to figure that one out for certain. Some articles read as if he retired to Florida, period. Others make it sound as if he was a magistrate in Florida, too. My own opinion is that he wasn't ...
How far is the station from the complex ... I'll have to check paperview's post again. So considering however long it took to get to the PD, that left VERY little time for Zimmerman to be evaluated and cleaned up. That's surprising too, considering he was claiming a severe beating to include a head injury.
According to Google maps, 14 minutes from 1111 Retreat Circle, Sanford, FL.


Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah, Virginia magistrates are VERY low on the judicial ladder here. If one tries dropping the name of a magistrate around here in some legal matter or to cops, I think folks would just laugh.

But, wasn't Zimmerman's father a magistrate in Florida (Orange County, FL) and retired from that? I don't know if those are low on the ladder there, or not.

I've never been able to figure that one out for certain. Some articles read as if he retired to Florida, period. Others make it sound as if he was a magistrate in Florida, too. My own opinion is that he wasn't ...
Good point. The papers showing that Zimmerman said his dad was a retired judge and his mom a court clerk were a statement George Zimmerman made on a legal paper to demonstrate that he has respect for the law, and that statement was made in Florida. Thus, you are correct; that doesn't mean Zimmerman's father was a magistrate in Florida.

And, he definitely was a magistrate in Virginia (probably Manassas County).

Good catch!
How far is the station from the complex ... I'll have to check paperview's post again. So considering however long it took to get to the PD, that left VERY little time for Zimmerman to be evaluated and cleaned up. That's surprising too, considering he was claiming a severe beating to include a head injury.
According to Google maps, 14 minutes from 1111 Retreat Circle, Sanford, FL.


Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.
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According to Google maps, 14 minutes from 1111 Retreat Circle, Sanford, FL.


Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.

Police (at least one that we know of) were already on the way, as a result of Zimmerman's 911 call.
Yeah, Virginia magistrates are VERY low on the judicial ladder here. If one tries dropping the name of a magistrate around here in some legal matter or to cops, I think folks would just laugh.

But, wasn't Zimmerman's father a magistrate in Florida (Orange County, FL) and retired from that? I don't know if those are low on the ladder there, or not.

I've never been able to figure that one out for certain. Some articles read as if he retired to Florida, period. Others make it sound as if he was a magistrate in Florida, too. My own opinion is that he wasn't ...
Good point. The papers showing that Zimmerman said his dad was a retired judge and his mom a court clerk were a statement George Zimmerman made on a legal paper to demonstrate that he has respect for the law, and that statement was made in Florida. Thus, you are correct; that doesn't mean Zimmerman's father was a magistrate in Florida.

And, he definitely was a magistrate in Virginia (probably Manassas County).

Good catch!

I can't take credit for catching anything on those papers ... never saw them lol

It's just a gut feeling, because the articles and blogs and comments all referenced the source that stated he was a retired magistrate from VA. It just seemed to me that it morphed into his father being a judge in Florida.

Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.

Police (at least one that we know of) were already on the way, as a result of Zimmerman's 911 call.
We're talking about the time the paramedics had to treat Zimmerman at the scene based on their arrival time (~19:17 earliest possibility) and the time the cops arrived at the station with Zimmerman (~19:52). Subtract out about 12 minutes for transport of Zimmerman to the station, and that leaves about 23 minutes the paramedics and Zimmerman were in the same location.

Paramedics were also doing CPR on Martin after their arrival. We don't know how many EMTs were there and if we also need to subtract out ~10 minutes of CPR time on Martin before paramedics could get to Zimmerman.

Based on things around here, there are usually at least 3 EMTs in an ambulance, and if a fire truck is available, they also respond, bringing additional EMTs.

But with three, two could be doing CPR on Martin and one could be providing aid to Zimmerman.

But, we can only speculate without the EMS report. So, it looks like a maximum amount of time the EMTs could be with Zimmerman was 23 minutes, approximately (not taking into account the time took to disarm Zimmerman, too).
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According to Google maps, 14 minutes from 1111 Retreat Circle, Sanford, FL.


Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.

I thought about that, but would that have been necessary? (to be perfectly honest, if I had a car with sirens and lights, I'd use 'em every chance I got)
I've never been able to figure that one out for certain. Some articles read as if he retired to Florida, period. Others make it sound as if he was a magistrate in Florida, too. My own opinion is that he wasn't ...
Good point. The papers showing that Zimmerman said his dad was a retired judge and his mom a court clerk were a statement George Zimmerman made on a legal paper to demonstrate that he has respect for the law, and that statement was made in Florida. Thus, you are correct; that doesn't mean Zimmerman's father was a magistrate in Florida.

And, he definitely was a magistrate in Virginia (probably Manassas County).

Good catch!

I can't take credit for catching anything on those papers ... never saw them lol

It's just a gut feeling, because the articles and blogs and comments all referenced the source that stated he was a retired magistrate from VA. It just seemed to me that it morphed into his father being a judge in Florida.
Yes, I believe it did morph into that. Zimmerman just mentioned that on some papers he filed in the courts in Florida and folks assumed that his father was a local magistrate.

Now, there were most likely 2 paramedics/EMTs on that call (the audio released the other day shows only one ambulance on scene, they declined a second) ... but seriously, I'd expect both of them to be working on Martin. The report reads as if they called it almost as soon as they arrived; he was pronounced at 1930. They would have then turned their attention to Zimmerman. So ... what does that leave? About 10 minutes or so to attend to him, get a quick history and assess / clean / treat / determine he does not need to go to the ER? I've never worked EMS, but that seems awfully fast, considering the potential injuries involved.

I'd love to see the EMS report ...
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.

I thought about that, but would that have been necessary? (to be perfectly honest, if I had a car with sirens and lights, I'd use 'em every chance I got)
Definitely! It's 6.1 miles - do that in 14 min and the average speed is 26 MPH. It looks like most of the ride is on a highway, so I would bet they could go faster then, but slowed down on the surface streets.

Anyway, over such a short distance with several turns at intersections, even speeding doesn't save much more time - maybe a couple or three minutes, guesstimate.
Yeah. That's a short period of time. It's reasonable to assume the cops had lights and sirens going, but still speeding over such a short distance wouldn't make the trip more than two or three minutes shorter.

Police (at least one that we know of) were already on the way, as a result of Zimmerman's 911 call.
We're talking about the time the paramedics had to treat Zimmerman at the scene based on their arrival time (~19:17) and the time the cops arrived at the station with Zimmerman (~19:52). Subtract out about 12 minutes for transport of Zimmerman to the station, and that leaves about 23 minutes the paramedics and Zimmerman were in the same location.

Paramedics were also doing CPR on Martin after their arrival. We don't know how many EMTs were there and if we also need to subtract out ~10 minutes of CPR time on Martin before paramedics could get to Zimmerman.

Based on things around here, there are usually at least 3 EMTs in an ambulance, and if a fire truck is available, they also respond, bringing additional EMTs.

But with three, two could be doing CPR on Martin and one could be providing aid to Zimmerman.

But, we can only speculate without the EMS report. So, it looks like a maximum amount of time the EMTs could be with Zimmerman was 23 minutes, approximately (not taking into account the time took to disarm Zimmerman, too).

There is that. Smith had him secured, then found and secured the gun. He says "SFD rescue 38" arrived, whatever that was. Zimmerman was up, moving about, coherent and in no apparent distress. Maybe the EMS log will be released, at least as far as time of arrival, who was involved, that sort of thing.
I don't know if they're a volunteer EMS or a professional. Wouldn't it be SOP to dispatch an EMS unit, when a shot was fired?

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