White man shoots innocent black teen....


Zimmerman obviously had self defense training in the police academy and yet he want us to believe that this 140lb boy who may have punched him, knocking him down, straddling him, pinning both his hands down, holding his head in his hands banging it up and down on the side walk and he was not able to free his hands and punch this kid off of him but he was able to unstrap his holster, get it gun, bring it mid chest to this boy and pull the trigger. If his hands were free he could have easily fought this boy off. Rather he made the choice to shoot him instead. His life was not threatened to the point that he needed to use deadly force.
I, a 72 year old woman with MS, reenacted the scene with my 25 year old, 170 lb grandson and he was not able to restrain both my hands.

Zimmerman attended a four-month law-enforcement program in 2008 at the sheriff's office, said Kim Cannaday, spokeswoman for the Seminole County sheriff's
Neighbors describe watch leader at center of Florida investigation - CNN

Robert Zimmerman, 64, said the teen confronted his son when he got back to his car that day. When his son started reaching for his cellphone, Martin "was punching him in the nose, his nose was broken and he was knocked to the concrete."
Supporters of Fla. shooter fearful of speaking out | Seattle Times Newspaper

But it appears that the incident went down “inside” the complex. Where was zimmerman’s car parked?

George Zimmerman described as a 'caring person,' had run-ins with the law
George Zimmerman described as a 'caring person,' had run-ins with the law | McClatchy
Oh? Zimmerman went to the police academy?

I was just going to say that the paramedics on the scene who were trying to revive Martin almost certainly also treated Zimmerman. And what they treated will be evidence available to the Grand Jury investigation.
The paramedics DID treat Zimmerman at the scene - "bleeding from his nose and back of his head" and "was given aid by SFD" (reported by Ofc. Timothy Smith) - according to the police report that has been released by the city of Sanford.

And they washed his shirt? It is hard to belive he had a broken nose and cuts on the back of his head from banging on the concrete and no blood on his shirt and on dressing on this head. Why didn't zimmerman bleed?:confused:
I was just going to say that the paramedics on the scene who were trying to revive Martin almost certainly also treated Zimmerman. And what they treated will be evidence available to the Grand Jury investigation.
The paramedics DID treat Zimmerman at the scene - "bleeding from his nose and back of his head" and "was given aid by SFD" (reported by Ofc. Timothy Smith) - according to the police report that has been released by the city of Sanford.

And they washed his shirt? It is hard to belive he had a broken nose and cuts on the back of his head from banging on the concrete and no blood on his shirt and on dressing on this head. Why didn't zimmerman bleed?:confused:
The cop report said he did.

You should read it.
The paramedics DID treat Zimmerman at the scene - "bleeding from his nose and back of his head" and "was given aid by SFD" (reported by Ofc. Timothy Smith) - according to the police report that has been released by the city of Sanford.

And they washed his shirt? It is hard to belive he had a broken nose and cuts on the back of his head from banging on the concrete and no blood on his shirt and on dressing on this head. Why didn't zimmerman bleed?:confused:
The cop report said he did.

You should read it.

But the evidence shown on tape doesn't show any blood, broken nose, or head wounds. Sorry, but bald heads shine and scabbed heads DON'T.

And, if they actually DID treat him for a broken nose, why was there no black eyes or nose splint?

It wouldn't be the first time that a cop wrote a bogus report to cover their ass.
Well the last 50 pages here have ignored all fact and reason and everyone has made up their minds one way or the other.

Haters are going to hate, and those who want blood won't give up no matter what the police or even a grand jury say.

I can't read any more of this shit. I'll wait for the facts that actually are verified and brought out in court, if there is one....

And they washed his shirt? It is hard to belive he had a broken nose and cuts on the back of his head from banging on the concrete and no blood on his shirt and on dressing on this head. Why didn't zimmerman bleed?:confused:
The cop report said he did.

You should read it.

But the evidence shown on tape doesn't show any blood, broken nose, or head wounds. Sorry, but bald heads shine and scabbed heads DON'T.

And, if they actually DID treat him for a broken nose, why was there no black eyes or nose splint?

It wouldn't be the first time that a cop wrote a bogus report to cover their ass.
I've had a broken nose. My eyes never got black nor did I need a splint.

EMTs clean blood up from the skin (too much of a medium for bacterial growth). EMTs also use liquid bandages and/or butterfly bandages, at least around here.

The tape at the cop station certainly doesn't show a "gash", as earlier described. It's also not a great video, so I don't see it confirming anything or ruling anything out, either (except for the "gash"). Also, I am pretty sure the cops took pics of him - that would be SOP and I've seen nothing yet to indicate that they have a propensity to do anything other than SOP.
Well the last 50 pages here have ignored all fact and reason and everyone has made up their minds one way or the other.

Haters are going to hate, and those who want blood won't give up no matter what the police or even a grand jury say.

I can't read any more of this shit. I'll wait for the facts that actually are verified and brought out in court, if there is one....

I haven't. Don't presume that about me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be asking questions.

Well the last 50 pages here have ignored all fact and reason and everyone has made up their minds one way or the other.

Haters are going to hate, and those who want blood won't give up no matter what the police or even a grand jury say.

I can't read any more of this shit. I'll wait for the facts that actually are verified and brought out in court, if there is one....

I haven't. Don't presume that about me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be asking questions.


I'm pretty sure Ollie didn't have you in mind with that post, Si Modo, or any of the few of us who have not rushed to judgment one way or the other on this. He is probably right that it is futile to try to get people to see how this kind of media or message board speculation, most especially those celebrities who have rushed to judgment, are violating every principle of justice and/or fair play.

You and I (and he) have tried.

And we probably are spinning our wheels.
Perhaps it exists in another thread then. koshergrl posted it. The article was voicing opinions from neighbors concerning Mr. Zimmerman. There are so many threads about this its ridiculous. Regardless the dishonesty rests with koshergrl.

Double checked all of koshergrl's posts from yesterday. Looks like she deleted the post completely.
How surprising.
You know, not one of us has any better idea than another as to what happened that night.

And what really pisses me off is that the true racist fucks are right now; as I type this; gathering in Sanford to protest the police department.... The NAACP and I heard La Raza (Maybe they hadn't heard that Zimmerman is Hispanic) Anyway, they want blood, and they are as normal,WRONG.......

Oh, no! Not La Raza, they are so EVIL!!! Aren't they Mexicans???? *shudder*


People who get knocked out just dont come back to conciousness.

Take Boxing or MMA. Never seen one get up and immdiately give an interview in the ring.

Those guys are out for weeks on life-support when they get knocked or chocked unconscious.

Never said that.

But for someone who was "barely conscious" and couldn't remember anything past moving his head onto the grass (now isn't THAT convenient??), within the hour he was moving fluidly and steadily without any assistance out of the car and into the building. With his hands cuffed behind his back. Not to mention that the paramedics cleared him on scene, with no need for further evaluation. Don't try to tell me that EMS is going to do that with someone who had been "barely conscious", amnesiac, and moments away from a life of incontinence and total custodial care.

Hell, he was standing, coherent and cooperative and --- what luck! --- remembering everything a minute later when the first officer arrived.

George's brother is full of shit.

I've been knocked unconscious.... and I was able to walk minutes later. I also lost 4 months memory at the time. The EMTs who attended... they cleared me too.... fortunately, I had a brother who recognized the signs of concussion later.

So, yea.... EMTs may have cleared him.

Personally, I think some people are desperately flailing around looking for rope to hang Zimmerman. I prefer the due process that this country used to value..... before the days of trial by media, followed by an American Idol 'vote' guilty or innocent.

Did they do your laundry? No blood on the shirt. All's well, assuming that the detectives took photos of the wounds. That would be standard procedure, wouldn't it?
Is it just me, or is this a reallllly stooopid headline:
EMS tapes show George Zimmerman did not sustain fatal injuries in encounter with Trayvon Martin

Looks like the editor caught it. Here's what it says now:

On Friday, the Daily News obtained EMS documents suggesting Zimmerman, who an ex-colleague said was fired from a security job for being too aggressive, did not sustain serious injuries in the fatal encounter.

The headline now reads:

Funeral director says Trayvon's body showed no signs of brawl
Examination showed no indication of fighting aside from fatal gunshot wound to chest

Read more: Funeral director says Trayvon's body showed no signs of brawl - NY Daily News

Damn writers always think ahead, and screw things up.
Never said that.

But for someone who was "barely conscious" and couldn't remember anything past moving his head onto the grass (now isn't THAT convenient??), within the hour he was moving fluidly and steadily without any assistance out of the car and into the building. With his hands cuffed behind his back. Not to mention that the paramedics cleared him on scene, with no need for further evaluation. Don't try to tell me that EMS is going to do that with someone who had been "barely conscious", amnesiac, and moments away from a life of incontinence and total custodial care.

Hell, he was standing, coherent and cooperative and --- what luck! --- remembering everything a minute later when the first officer arrived.

George's brother is full of shit.

I've been knocked unconscious.... and I was able to walk minutes later. I also lost 4 months memory at the time. The EMTs who attended... they cleared me too.... fortunately, I had a brother who recognized the signs of concussion later.

So, yea.... EMTs may have cleared him.

Personally, I think some people are desperately flailing around looking for rope to hang Zimmerman. I prefer the due process that this country used to value..... before the days of trial by media, followed by an American Idol 'vote' guilty or innocent.

Did they do your laundry? No blood on the shirt. All's well, assuming that the detectives took photos of the wounds. That would be standard procedure, wouldn't it?

Liar the police took what clothes Zimmerman had on as evidence.
I posted this earlier:

I'm posting this so people may get some perspective onthe layout of the actual scene:

This information is supplied by someone who went to the scene not long after the shooting:

Thank you.

I think if you read the addresses given in the police report, he was further down that courtyard area, maybe as much as halfway; the officer (Smith) says it was between apartments 1231 Twin Trees Lane and 2821 Retreat View Circle --- and that he parked his police car at the 2821 address and walked between the buildings to find Martin and Zimmerman. Videos and photos (media interviews, Martin's father's interview, still photos from news sites online) show the turf torn up where the fight took place, and it's a good distance from the end of the walk.
Yes, Emma. It was at that address, but look at another map. It could not have been that far down in the courtyard. The red star was a little higher than it could have been, but only by a hair.

Not sure how much credence I can give to the above, but it appears logical to me.

Yes thanks, that map is great. The notation where 2821 is (or is it 2831? I didn't want to copy the long post over) really helps, too. I had tried to find an aerial view the other day without much luck. There is a new tape out with the EMS / dispatchers talking about the location as behind that address.
Thank you.

I think if you read the addresses given in the police report, he was further down that courtyard area, maybe as much as halfway; the officer (Smith) says it was between apartments 1231 Twin Trees Lane and 2821 Retreat View Circle --- and that he parked his police car at the 2821 address and walked between the buildings to find Martin and Zimmerman. Videos and photos (media interviews, Martin's father's interview, still photos from news sites online) show the turf torn up where the fight took place, and it's a good distance from the end of the walk.
Yes, Emma. It was at that address, but look at another map. It could not have been that far down in the courtyard. The red star was a little higher than it could have been, but only by a hair.

Not sure how much credence I can give to the above, but it appears logical to me.

Yes thanks, that map is great. The notation where 2821 is (or is it 2831? I didn't want to copy the long post over) really helps, too. I had tried to find an aerial view the other day without much luck. There is a new tape out with the EMS / dispatchers talking about the location as behind that address.

The map would not be allowed in court as evidence, unless it was what was used by the police. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? You are try to show guilt or innocence of a person with evidence not used by the police. You might as well add Zimmerman had help from other people holding Trayvon down while he held the gun to Trayvons head. Might as well add that in the evidence.

Zimmerman’s medical records may show a broken nose but cannot show “when, where or how” he got the broken nose. He did not go into ER until the “next day” for medical attention. Any thing could have happen between the time of the incident and the time he entered ER.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures”

Sir Walter Scott,

In an interview with WOFL, the Fox station in Orlando, Zimmerman's father says the neighborhood watch volunteer deemed Martin suspicious because he was walking in the rain between townhouses, instead of on the street or the sidewalk. He adds that Zimmerman kept following Martin after the police dispatcher suggested that he stop because he wanted to get an address from one of the houses so he would know where exactly he was in the development.:eusa_boohoo:
Did Police and Paramedics Conspire to Invent George Zimmerman's Injuries? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

So, police at the scene of the murder and Sanford Fire Department Rescue 38 thought George's injuries did not require him be put in an ambulance for treatment, rather, his injuries only required first aid in the back seat of a cop car and then "cleared" him for any: concussion, swelling or bleeding of the brain, whiplash, broken nose and no bandage to cover alleged open head wound.
Daily Kos: Zimmerman Received First Aid in the Back Seat of a Police Car & Not Ambulance - that makes no sense

I don't think they could have 'cleared' a broken nose. That would have to be determined by xray. When I read 'cleared', I took it to mean that either the injuries were not deemed severe enough to warrant an ED evaluation OR Zimmerman refused treatment --- although Bigreb indicated that the officers would have taken him in if the paramedics said to.

As far as him being in the police car, that isn't an issue IMO ... they don't need to be in the ambulance to treat him. There was only one ambulance on scene and I would suspect Martin had already been placed there.

I do think it's interesting that Zimmerman's father first told the media George didn't follow ... now he's saying his son DID follow Martin.

Last edited:
Yes, Emma. It was at that address, but look at another map. It could not have been that far down in the courtyard. The red star was a little higher than it could have been, but only by a hair.

Not sure how much credence I can give to the above, but it appears logical to me.

Yes thanks, that map is great. The notation where 2821 is (or is it 2831? I didn't want to copy the long post over) really helps, too. I had tried to find an aerial view the other day without much luck. There is a new tape out with the EMS / dispatchers talking about the location as behind that address.

The map would not be allowed in court as evidence, unless it was what was used by the police. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? You are try to show guilt or innocence of a person with evidence not used by the police. You might as well add Zimmerman had help from other people holding Trayvon down while he held the gun to Trayvons head. Might as well add that in the evidence.

There can be a "razor thin" line on STAND YOUR GROUND, it appears:

A fine line keeps Jacksonville teen jailed despite 'Stand Your Ground' law | jacksonville.com

People who get knocked out just dont come back to conciousness.

Take Boxing or MMA. Never seen one get up and immdiately give an interview in the ring.

Those guys are out for weeks on life-support when they get knocked or chocked unconscious.

Never said that.

But for someone who was "barely conscious" and couldn't remember anything past moving his head onto the grass (now isn't THAT convenient??), within the hour he was moving fluidly and steadily without any assistance out of the car and into the building. With his hands cuffed behind his back. Not to mention that the paramedics cleared him on scene, with no need for further evaluation. Don't try to tell me that EMS is going to do that with someone who had been "barely conscious", amnesiac, and moments away from a life of incontinence and total custodial care.

Hell, he was standing, coherent and cooperative and --- what luck! --- remembering everything a minute later when the first officer arrived.

George's brother is full of shit.

I've been knocked unconscious.... and I was able to walk minutes later. I also lost 4 months memory at the time. The EMTs who attended... they cleared me too.... fortunately, I had a brother who recognized the signs of concussion later.

So, yea.... EMTs may have cleared him.

Personally, I think some people are desperately flailing around looking for rope to hang Zimmerman. I prefer the due process that this country used to value..... before the days of trial by media, followed by an American Idol 'vote' guilty or innocent.

I just have some serious questions about Zimmerman's account. He just didn't look like someone who'd been brutally beaten only 30-some minutes beforehand.

James Kouzaris and James Cooper's friends criticise Obama for lack of compassion | Mail Online

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