White man shoots innocent black teen....

Black kid goes to store.
White guy claims kid is suspicious.
Black kid notices white guy staring at him.
Black kid decides to walk away quickly.
White man pursues black kid.
Black kid calls girlfriend describing the scene.
Black kid's gf tells him to run away.
Black kid insists he will continue to simply walk quickly.
White man called 911 saying he sees suspicious kid.
Police tells him to stay put.
White man ignores police's instructions and pursues kid.
White man eventually confronts kid.
Black kid asks white man "Why are you following me?"
White man pumps a fatal shot into back of black kid.
Police finally arrives.
White man gets away free.
Another innocent black kid dead, for walking while black.
End of story.
Of course not, he was just a hater. I think that is what he will be charged with, hate crime.

By some reports he called 911 about open windows & garage doors; not playing with a full deck might cross some peoples' minds.

living in a crime filled hood, I'd love the guy for a neighbor. So would most normal people.

Not me. I've got kids, and black nephews who visit from time to time. I catch some grown assed self appointed deputy dawg following any of them around, I'll be calling the police.
Your response doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what I posted.

His father adamantly states his son wasn't following this kid ... yet this piece of shit tells the operator that he IS ... and continues after being instructed NOT to do so.
I'm not mitigating for Zimmerman because I think he definitely is a loose cannon who precipitated the incident. But the fact is he was not instructed to stop following Martin. The police dispatcher told Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that!" Which is an informational statement, not instructional. It is distinctly different from saying, "Do not follow him!"

If I tell you I'm going to mow your lawn tomorrow and you say, "I don't need you to do that," you are informing me of something, not forbidding me. I didn't ask you if you needed me to do it. I told you what I intend to do.

The reason I'm making an issue of a seemingly minor point is it's become an almost universal error which could be seen as a willful attempt to color the facts. And if Zimmerman goes to trial, which is very likely after the FBI and Grand Jury are done, you may rest assured his lawyer will lean heavily on media bias and public prejudice against his client.
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That murderer Zimmerman is going down...one way or another.

Mark my words.
Zimmerman was looking for trouble.

I have a feeling that no matter what the outcome is...it's curtains for Zimmerman...curtains.

So you want him thrown to the mob in the street for a lynching, without further proceedings.? You want him assassinated? "A Time To Kill", redux? If that's what' you're wishing for, Marc, just say so. I don't think you'll get that, but at least, you'll be honest......I want a full and fair inquiry to determine what charges, if any, are warranted, and then, I want the accused to have a fair trial on any charges presented. You want something else, you're in the wrong country.
Sanford police on Thursday also challenged a WFTV-Channel 9 report, in which Mary Cutcher said police largely ignored her even though she told them, "I know this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling."

Police said they twice tried to interview her without success, and the third time, she wrote a very short sworn statement for her roommate that was consistent with Zimmerman's account.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com


According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard.

so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?
Zimmerman was looking for trouble.

I have a feeling that no matter what the outcome is...it's curtains for Zimmerman...curtains.

So you want him thrown to the mob in the street for a lynching, without further proceedings.? You want him assassinated? "A Time To Kill", redux? If that's what' you're wishing for, Marc, just say so. I don't think you'll get that, but at least, you'll be honest......I want a full and fair inquiry to determine what charges, if any, are warranted, and then, I want the accused to have a fair trial on any charges presented. You want something else, you're in the wrong country.

I want Zimmerman to get what's coming to him.

And he will...I'm sure of it.
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By some reports he called 911 about open windows & garage doors; not playing with a full deck might cross some peoples' minds.

living in a crime filled hood, I'd love the guy for a neighbor. So would most normal people.

Not me. I've got kids, and black nephews who visit from time to time. I catch some grown assed self appointed deputy dawg following any of them around, I'll be calling the police.

but the Hispanic male did NOT follow the young man because he was black. see?

case closed
only to a nitwit,

really? is that what you would tell your children, that its perfectly normal for a strange adult to be following them around?

that maybe they DID lose their puppy, need directions,
or that strangers have the best drugs...:doubt:

children? a young man? a teenager? grow up. I have been followed by cameras all the time. By security guards in stores, and by neighborhood watches. When the young man stopped and confronted the Hispanic male demanding "Why are you following me?" and the Hispanic male replied "What are you doing around here?" it sounds like the young man started a verbal confrontation.

Obviously the verbal confrontation escalated, but how? You p-r-e-t-e-n-d to know how and stunningly, why. How creepy is that? :confused:

The "neighborhood watch" was "self appointed." He wasn't a cop, he wasn't acting in ANY official capacity. He WAS told by the cops NOT to follow him. "They always get away," he says.

He WAS a teenager, and I HEARD his screams on the 911 tape.
WTF is wrong with you?

Why George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, hasn’t been prosecuted. - Slate Magazine
The story of Trayvon Martin’s death is heartbreaking. If you have missed the facts: The 17-year-old, who is black, was walking to a friend’s home in a gated community in Sanford, Fla., when a neighborhood-watch volunteer*, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, spotted him. Zimmerman, whose father says identifies as Hispanic, called the cops to report a suspicious person. They told him not to follow. “They always get away,” Zimmerman told dispatch in a 911 call released Friday, and he kept tracking Martin. Zimmerman had a gun. Martin was carrying only an ice tea and the Skittles he’d just bought at the store. The two had a struggle that no one saw. Hearing shots, neighbors called 911. In one call that’s hard to listen to, a woman anxiously says she can hear someone calling for help while in the background, a terrified, wailing voice pleads, "No! No!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOpGAOXL5Uk]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWwQqIRuTWU]Justice For Trayvon? - YouTube[/ame]
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That murderer Zimmerman is going down...one way or another.

Mark my words.

So , if Zimmerman is duly tried, and is acquitted, you want him murdered? You plan to substitute your personal judgement for the rule of law, or you hope someone else will? I thought you were better than that; I suppose not. But hell, never mind me; you go right ahead. Murder the next guy whose trial verdict you disagree with too. Keep it up, until you bring back lynch law justice. When it turns on you, and eventually it will, don't cry to me.
I've got kids, and black nephews

and many many people I know do too. so what? the young man was not followed because he was black and the kid was not related to you. Stop absorbing some other people's tragedy into your own life story.


WTF is wrong with you?
absorbing some other people's tragedy

Any parent of a black child relates to the fear of something terrible happening to them, because we've seen the differences in how the "justice" system views them.

The kid is DEAD, and instead of an investigation into how something horrible like this happened, HE'S on public trial for asking some creeper WHY he's following him around like a pedo.

This shit is simply priceless.
That murderer Zimmerman is going down...one way or another.

Mark my words.

So , if Zimmerman is duly tried, and is acquitted, you want him murdered? You plan to substitute your personal judgement for the rule of law, or you hope someone else will? I thought you were better than that; I suppose not. But hell, never mind me; you go right ahead. Murder the next guy whose trial verdict you disagree with too. Keep it up, until you bring back lynch law justice. When it turns on you, and eventually it will, don't cry to me.

Maybe someone might punch him in the face...who knows.
Because I really don't care what the parents of either party has to say, none of them witnessed it.

I was simply pointed out that an actual eye witness stated that the two men were wrestling with each other.

If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.
As of this moment I haven't heard the witness statement you've referred to. But if it's true then you're quite right. Police call that defensive weapon retention and it holds up in court.
I've got kids, and black nephews

and many many people I know do too. so what? the young man was not followed because he was black and the kid was not related to you. Stop absorbing some other people's tragedy into your own life story.


WTF is wrong with you?
absorbing some other people's tragedy

Any parent of a black child relates to the fear of something terrible happening to them, because we've seen the differences in how the "justice" system views them.

The kid is DEAD, and instead of an investigation into how something horrible like this happened, HE'S on public trial for asking some creeper WHY he's following him around like a pedo.

This shit is simply priceless.

there you go parroting Al Sharpton and Company.

This isn't about the police or the justice system treating the young man one way or another. The young man confronted a civilian and started a verbal confrontation. he didn't get shot because of that as afar as we know. somehow a fight broke out and then the young man got shot - by a civilian.

hysterical rantings deleted. children may be watching.

now, if a crime has been committed it will all come out in the wash. this isn't about black kids everywhere,

this happened in a racially mixed gated community and the police were not involved in a shooting.

hysterical rantings deleted. children may be watching.

now, if a crime has been committed it will all come out in the wash. this isn't about black kids everywhere,

this happened in a racially mixed gated community and the police were not involved in a shooting.

The police were not involved in an investigation INTO the shooting, either.

THAT's the point.

hysterical rantings deleted. children may be watching.

now, if a crime has been committed it will all come out in the wash. this isn't about black kids everywhere,

this happened in a racially mixed gated community and the police were not involved in a shooting.

The police were not involved in an investigation INTO the shooting, either.

THAT's the point.

see? more bullshit. The investigation on scene said, no crime. You are lying. You just don't like the outcome. You hate Justice.

The police decided not to arrest. They could find no evidence a crime had been committed.
Because I really don't care what the parents of either party has to say, none of them witnessed it.

I was simply pointed out that an actual eye witness stated that the two men were wrestling with each other.

If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.
As of this moment I haven't heard the witness statement you've referred to. But if it's true then you're quite right. Police call that defensive weapon retention and it holds up in court.

Why George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, hasn’t been prosecuted. - Slate Magazine

*[...]How did we get to a place where Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense, which seems barely plausible, could prevent his arrest? The answer starts with the “Stand Your Ground” law that Florida passed in 2005. The idea was to give people who... think they are being threatened the right to use force: They can protect themselves without first trying to retreat. The history behind that controversial idea is actually about gender, not race. It involves the intersection between the fight against domestic violence and the agenda of the National Rifle Association.

Who was being followed? The teenager. Who had a reason to feel threatened? The teenager.

Lawyer: Girl on phone with Trayvon Martin cuts shooter's self-defense claim - CNN.com

Florida Rep. Dennis Baxley, who was the prime House sponsor of the deadly force legislation, told CNN Tuesday that "nothing in 'stand your ground' authorizes (you) to pursue and confront."

What would have happened if the teenager managed to defend himself and tried to use that law? HE would have been in the right according TO that law, NOT Zimmerman, but HE would have been hauled off to jail to await the court appointed attorney's advice to cop a plea.
That murderer Zimmerman is going down...one way or another.

Mark my words.

So , if Zimmerman is duly tried, and is acquitted, you want him murdered? You plan to substitute your personal judgement for the rule of law, or you hope someone else will? I thought you were better than that; I suppose not. But hell, never mind me; you go right ahead. Murder the next guy whose trial verdict you disagree with too. Keep it up, until you bring back lynch law justice. When it turns on you, and eventually it will, don't cry to me.

Maybe someone might punch him in the face...who knows.
Yeah. I'm sure that's what you meant.

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