White man Shot by Black Man Over Parking Space

You guys defended Zimmerman and he was the man who set that whole event into motion.
Zimmerman was a cop want a be. Treyvon was not an angel and he was portrayed as that. A lot of crime was in that development and the residents agreed to an armed security guard. Treyvon was bounced between his mother and father from south florida to central florida. The charges against Zimmerman were on the upper end. He may have been convicted on a lesser charge and sentenced to 10/12 years. This was turned into something more than it was.
Zimmerman was a cop want a be. Treyvon was not an angel and he was portrayed as that. A lot of crime was in that development and the residents agreed to an armed security guard. Treyvon was bounced between his mother and father from south florida to central florida. The charges against Zimmerman were on the upper end. He may have been convicted on a lesser charge and sentenced to 10/12 years. This was turned into something more than it was.
You are NOT allowed to carry a firearm as a Neighborhood Watch, so let's stop that lie b4 it starts. Irrelevant why he was there. A racist white jury let him off for murdering a black teen.
You are NOT allowed to carry a firearm as a Neighborhood Watch, so let's stop that lie b4 it starts. Irrelevant why he was there. A racist white jury let him off for murdering a black teen.
If that is true it changes everything. However, I never heard any of that during the trial. And Iooked it up and nothing came back as he was not authorized.
I dont vote for a republican just because he's a republican.
Unlike you lefty's who would vote for Castro if you had the chance.
That hasn't been tested yet. Let me know when we truly nominate and elect a piece of shit like you guys did with Trump.

Dude, I compare him to the Superman comic books where Lex Luther becomes President

Life imitating art
You are NOT allowed to carry a firearm as a Neighborhood Watch, so let's stop that lie b4 it starts. Irrelevant why he was there. A racist white jury let him off for murdering a black teen.
Wait, excuse me? ALLOWED? He has THE RIGHT to carry a gun. For protection. If what they say is true, he was looking out for his neighborhood. Some punk young kid in a hoody was breaking into cars and homes. He followed him. The young black kid attacked him because he was offended for being followed. He didn't know Zimmerman had a gun. He got tough with the wrong guy and got shot.

I was for the longest time on Treyvon Martin's side. I still think Zimmerman should have spent time in jail and got a felony on his record for not listening to 911 dispatchers. But now I see Treyvon Martin acted ghetto and got himself killed. He didn't realize you can't put your hands on another person.

Does anyone believe Zimmerman started the fight? No way. He was only brave enough to follow Treyvon because he had a gun on him.

What do you mean he wasn't allowed? If I'm doing night watch, and I have the right to carry a gun, I'd be a fool to go out like a sheep and not take my gun with me.

To me it seems like black young men who are thugs wants to get around the rules. They want to be able to not listen to the cops, resist, creep around with a hoodie on and be offended if anyone asks them who they are. ENOUGH!

There is a new young black comic who said he was not comfortable in his building because he walked right by his front door security with a hoodie on and he wasn't stopped. This shit has gone far enough. I'm sorry but not all black people look suspicious. Sorry for you if you are one who does. Like Paul Eisen. I'd follow that mother fucker around my store or condo complex for sure.

You are NOT allowed to carry a firearm as a Neighborhood Watch, so let's stop that lie b4 it starts.

In Florida you sure the fuck can...

Irrelevant why he was there. A racist white jury let him off for murdering a black teen.

An honorable white jury found him not guilty, as he was defending himself against a racist monkey Hell-bent on killing him...
I still think Zimmerman should have spent time in jail and got a felony on his record for not listening to 911 dispatchers.

And what crime would that be?

He was never told not to follow Martin. The dispatcher said she didn't need him to follow Martin. Those are two different things.

And, even if she did tell Zimmerman not to follow him and he did, what law would Zimmerman have been breaking?

This shit has gone far enough. I'm sorry but not all black people look suspicious. Sorry for you if you are one who does. Like Paul Eisen. I'd follow that mother fucker around my store or condo complex for sure.

No doubt...
That negro needs to be hunted down and killed.

Fuckin' monkey's a worthless pieces of shit...
Three Georgia hillbilly`s went negro hunting and the idiots took a film crew with them to make a video of their hunt. Moe, Larry and Curly are in jail. Even George Zimmerman had the sense not to film his Negro hunt.
Wait, excuse me? ALLOWED? He has THE RIGHT to carry a gun. For protection. If what they say is true, he was looking out for his neighborhood. Some punk young kid in a hoody was breaking into cars and homes. He followed him. The young black kid attacked him because he was offended for being followed. He didn't know Zimmerman had a gun. He got tough with the wrong guy and got shot.

I was for the longest time on Treyvon Martin's side. I still think Zimmerman should have spent time in jail and got a felony on his record for not listening to 911 dispatchers. But now I see Treyvon Martin acted ghetto and got himself killed. He didn't realize you can't put your hands on another person.

Does anyone believe Zimmerman started the fight? No way. He was only brave enough to follow Treyvon because he had a gun on him.

What do you mean he wasn't allowed? If I'm doing night watch, and I have the right to carry a gun, I'd be a fool to go out like a sheep and not take my gun with me.

To me it seems like black young men who are thugs wants to get around the rules. They want to be able to not listen to the cops, resist, creep around with a hoodie on and be offended if anyone asks them who they are. ENOUGH!

There is a new young black comic who said he was not comfortable in his building because he walked right by his front door security with a hoodie on and he wasn't stopped. This shit has gone far enough. I'm sorry but not all black people look suspicious. Sorry for you if you are one who does. Like Paul Eisen. I'd follow that mother fucker around my store or condo complex for sure.

Smfh, I don't have the energy to fight that bullshit anymore.
Yea listening to you racist cowards gets tiresome. Zimmerman was allowed to do what you racist POS WISH YOU COULD DO.

Listening, and continually losing debates, to us must make you weary.

I love seeing coloreds whine. But you, sir, take it to a whole new level. It's actually kinda' funny.

But, you're right. If I had some monkey sitting on top of me, smashing my head into the sidewalk, yeah, I'd wanna' ice him...
That hasn't been tested yet. Let me know when we truly nominate and elect a piece of shit like you guys did with Trump.

Dude, I compare him to the Superman comic books where Lex Luther becomes President

Life imitating art

Trump was terrible yet none of this crap was happening when he was President.
the shooter is out on bail....well aint that democr-epic.
Smfh, I don't have the energy to fight that bullshit anymore.
The truth lies somewhere in between my brutha. You're not 100% right and neither are the whites who treat you this way.

You must admit, it's awfully difficult to be on the lookout for suspecious/criminal behavior when it's "racist" to be mindful of a young black man in a hoodie. Almost makes it easy for a young black criminal to get away with whatever they want.

Put yourself in George Zimmerman's position. I mean really try hard. It's your neighborhood. Your stuff. Your property. Your gated community. And yet somehow, shits getting broken into. This happened in my neighborhood. The nice white couple had a whore daughter liked black guy. It wasn't her boyfriend who broke in to places. It was his friends. And we've caught little black girls trying to rob our places. Pretty fucking balsy since they stick out like a sore thumb in my neighborhood, but they got one thing going for them. It's RACIST to call them out. So I caught the two black girls ready to break into my place. They didn't see the loud barky dog laying on the padio. What the fuck where they walking up to my place for? If you saw what they were doing, it's obvious. They were going to try to rob my place.

And I didn't say anything. I just walked up and started being real nice asking a lot of questions. Or just stood there with my dog until they left. That's all you can really do nowadays. So they'll just find another place and try it again. We have cameras everywhere now. Good luck.
Smfh, I don't have the energy to fight that bullshit anymore.
You know what's funny. You want to know the truth? You wouldn't put up with what we put up with from black people. How do I know this? Because my sister in law works with arab teachers. The christian teacher couldn't control them. They complained all the time and said everything was against their religion. So the school hired an arab principal. Guess what? Those muslim teachers don't try that shit on her. She's wise to them.

So a small part of you must realize that if blacks were creeping around your neighborhood with hoodies on, and you didn't know who they were, you'd be a little suspecious too.

This is why even black security guards keep an eye out for black shop lifters more than they do whites. Because they know. But if a white security guard does it they are racist.
Trump was terrible yet none of this crap was happening when he was President.
If you guys would promise to run someone else, I would promise to vote for that person. As long as they weren't criminals like Trump.

No and none of the covid stuff was happening on Obama's watch. What does that mean?

Yes, companies were going to raise prices during covid and gouge us.

Yes Trump would have given out stimulus checks and extended unemployment. Probably not as generous as Biden was but consider this. During the Great Recession, the republican bailout plan was too generous to corporations and didn't really help the little guy. Are we really complaining that during this shut down Biden was too generous with middle class and poor people? He kept people spending didn't he?

So it caused inflation. That's true. But I'd like to see what Republicans would do.

Actually, I want to give the government back to Republicans. Before it's fixed. I want to see them for once clean up a mess or fix a problem. They always take over Clinton and Obama's good economies. Let's see them fix inflation.

Oh, and back when Trump was running, he went on and on about how Obama only had 2.2% growth. Trump promised 3-6% growth. At least over 3%. Then he passed those tax breaks that were supposed to deliver that growth. But in 2019 Trump only had 2.3% growth. So he's all talk no cattle.

The truth lies somewhere in between my brutha. You're not 100% right and neither are the whites who treat you this way.

You must admit, it's awfully difficult to be on the lookout for suspecious/criminal behavior when it's "racist" to be mindful of a young black man in a hoodie. Almost makes it easy for a young black criminal to get away with whatever they want.

Put yourself in George Zimmerman's position. I mean really try hard. It's your neighborhood. Your stuff. Your property. Your gated community. And yet somehow, shits getting broken into. This happened in my neighborhood. The nice white couple had a whore daughter liked black guy. It wasn't her boyfriend who broke in to places. It was his friends. And we've caught little black girls trying to rob our places. Pretty fucking balsy since they stick out like a sore thumb in my neighborhood, but they got one thing going for them. It's RACIST to call them out. So I caught the two black girls ready to break into my place. They didn't see the loud barky dog laying on the padio. What the fuck where they walking up to my place for? If you saw what they were doing, it's obvious. They were going to try to rob my place.

And I didn't say anything. I just walked up and started being real nice asking a lot of questions. Or just stood there with my dog until they left. That's all you can really do nowadays. So they'll just find another place and try it again. We have cameras everywhere now. Good luck.
How many years have folks been wearing hoodies? If my jacket has a hoodie and it is raining I am going to wear it. This teenager was doing NOTHING wrong other than being black and walking down the street talking on a cellphone 📱. I see teenagers everyday talking on cellphones that doesn't look suspicious too me.

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