White man Shot by Black Man Over Parking Space

You know what's funny. You want to know the truth? You wouldn't put up with what we put up with from black people. How do I know this? Because my sister in law works with arab teachers. The christian teacher couldn't control them. They complained all the time and said everything was against their religion. So the school hired an arab principal. Guess what? Those muslim teachers don't try that shit on her. She's wise to them.

So a small part of you must realize that if blacks were creeping around your neighborhood with hoodies on, and you didn't know who they were, you'd be a little suspecious too.

This is why even black security guards keep an eye out for black shop lifters more than they do whites. Because they know. But if a white security guard does it they are racist.
How is a black teenager walking down the street talking on a cellphone with a hoodie a threat too me or my neighborhood?
How is a black teenager walking down the street talking on a cellphone with a hoodie a threat too me or my neighborhood?
He's not. But what about a kid in a hoodie breaking into cars after dark? A kid who you know doesn't live in your gated community. Now you can't be sure he's stolen anything, and I can see how that pisses black people off. You think it's just because you are black. But it's not. If it were a black who lived there. If it were an older gentleman.

We live in a private community. I won't say anything if a group of black kids walks through my community but a lot of my neighbors will ask, "excuse me can I help you? Are you visiting someone here?" And of course the blacks think it's racist. But we do it to whites we don't recognize too. I won't say a word to black people today. I don't want to end up on the news. LOL.

So, do you know the kid? Have cars in your neighborhood been broken into recently? If he seems suspecious are you going to say anything? Of course you are. Just remember, we are at a disadvantage here. And young black criminals love that.
If you guys would promise to run someone else, I would promise to vote for that person. As long as they weren't criminals like Trump.

No and none of the covid stuff was happening on Obama's watch. What does that mean?

Yes, companies were going to raise prices during covid and gouge us.

Yes Trump would have given out stimulus checks and extended unemployment. Probably not as generous as Biden was but consider this. During the Great Recession, the republican bailout plan was too generous to corporations and didn't really help the little guy. Are we really complaining that during this shut down Biden was too generous with middle class and poor people? He kept people spending didn't he?

So it caused inflation. That's true. But I'd like to see what Republicans would do.

Actually, I want to give the government back to Republicans. Before it's fixed. I want to see them for once clean up a mess or fix a problem. They always take over Clinton and Obama's good economies. Let's see them fix inflation.

Oh, and back when Trump was running, he went on and on about how Obama only had 2.2% growth. Trump promised 3-6% growth. At least over 3%. Then he passed those tax breaks that were supposed to deliver that growth. But in 2019 Trump only had 2.3% growth. So he's all talk no cattle.

This is such a long load of shit It's hard to know where to start.
It means the chinese hadnt let covide loose yet.
No companies raised prices to cover their losses due to high gas and diesel costs.
Yet the programs of the left hurt low and middle class Americans much worse than anything Trump did.
Clinton and Barry's good economies? LOL
Trump had everything to do with the best unemployment rates across all members of society and business was booming across the country.
Biden has been a disaster for America which of course is why 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.
Dems are too stupid to see that the reason dems and RINO's wanted Trump gone. When both parties hate a guy there's a reason,they were seeing their gravy train being derailed.
As a lot of people say and I agree there's no difference between the parties,they just take turns screwing us.
Trump scared the shit out of both parties which is why we're where we are today.
Dont think the shit that going on wasnt planned. They had to accelerate their plans after Trump scared the shit out of them.
who says he owns it. typical
When you rent an apartment you sign a lease and management will assign you a parking space. the man does not own the parking space but he is entitled to use that particular parking space. tenants must respect each others rights.
When you rent an apartment you sign a lease and management will assign you a parking space. the man does not own the parking space but he is entitled to use that particular parking space. tenants must respect each others rights.
i know that. never shot some one for parkimg in my place like animal though.
Blacks are 10 times more likely to kill white people than the other way around. Avoid you as best as you can as that could save your life.
He's not. But what about a kid in a hoodie breaking into cars after dark?
Does every black kid who is wearing a hoodie breaking into cars? How about a white kid in a hoodie?
A kid who you know doesn't live in your gated community.
His father does, if you know so much about the neighborhood you would know that.
Now you can't be sure he's stolen anything, and I can see how that pisses black people off. You think it's just because you are black. But it's not. If it were a black who lived there. If it were an older gentleman.
Bullshit, that is exactly what it is.
We live in a private community. I won't say anything if a group of black kids walks through my community but a lot of my neighbors will ask, "excuse me can I help you? Are you visiting someone here?" And of course the blacks think it's racist. But we do it to whites we don't recognize too. I won't say a word to black people today. I don't want to end up on the news. LOL.
Do you ask a group of white kids walking through the neighborhood can you help them?
So, do you know the kid? Have cars in your neighborhood been broken into recently? If he seems suspecious are you going to say anything? Of course you are. Just remember, we are at a disadvantage here. And young black criminals love that.
What is seems suspicious? Actually young white criminals have the advantage, because they are white you don't think they are criminals.
i know that. never shot some one for parkimg in my place like animal though.
that has been your decision not to fight someone over a parking space assigned to you. not all people think that way. so if you are going to infringe on another person's rights you have to consider that there might be consequences you are not expecting. the best thing to do is respect other people's rights.
that has been your decision not to fight someone over a parking space assigned to you. not all people think that way. so if you are going to infringe on another person's rights you have to consider that there might be consequences you are not expecting. the best thing to do is respect other people's rights.

Only a brainless savage would shoot someone over a fucking parking space.

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