White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

I do think if parents have some unusual complaint with a member of the administration of the school, that shouldn't alter the chain of command and authority the child should respect ion the school. Go in and talk to see what happened. Then if discipline is warranted, but oyu still feel you don't want "anyone to touch your child", fine. YOU paddle your child in the presence of the administer or teacher, so the student knows they didn't "get away" with Mom coming to the rescue. But the student MUST suffer consequence of the action and it must be as severe or more severe than the school's action.

You might be a crazy person.

Take heed and tread warily. :lol: :eusa_angel:

Not to worry, Gracie. Think the quotes are mixed up. No, I'm not crazy, I just want my son to be a responsible person and I know he would make mistakes along the way and I wanted him to learn from them. Matter of fact, he did get a paddling in Jr. High. I was not informed. He told me about it.

He was with a group of boys coming out of the auditorium laughing and carrying on pushing their way through the double doors. I believe they might have pushed into a group of other kids and someone fell. My son and another were paddled, but my son said he was in the back and didn't cause the ruckus. I just told him he would have to pick his friends carefully what thy were doing and to think about that in the future. That was the only time he ever got into trouble so I didn't think I had to worry.

Now, I could have made an ass of myself and him by running down and yelling,

"WHo put their grubby hands on my perfect son, I'm going to kick your ass and go to jail. I made up my mind!!! " But, First, I have too much class, he was where the wrong occurred and I couldn't prove he was right. And there was a lesson for him to learn. He said he came out of the wrong door, he was supposed to come out of the other door, so he deserved it and that made me smile. We both laughed and that was the end of it. How embarrassed I could have been if I went down like the wild one defending my not too perfect son.

And Gracie, do we really want to defend them and keep them from learning from their mistakes? Look at the laugh you get when you neg me...I didn't even look, I know you have, I even expected it before you thought of it, lol. Did it bother me? Not in the least. Why? because I am right and nothing can change that. It gives you pleasure to neg and that is good. It would give you pleasure to go to jail, it seems as well and you suggest that I AM CRAZY!!!! :) I want your children to grow up to be pleasant people and the same with mine.

I have succeeded for my son is the greatest father of three boys who are all three gems...so far. And I hope and pray the same for you! So, let's let it be.
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A sharpened #2 pencil thrust unexpectedly into the thoracic cavity works wonders to settle an unruly passenger on a plane.

if you want to stand a trial for a first degree murder - why not?

people, aren't you a bit too blood lusty?
Take heed and tread warily. :lol: :eusa_angel:

Not to worry, Gracie. Think the quotes are mixed up. No, I'm not crazy, I just want my son to be a responsible person and I know he would make mistakes along the way and I wanted him to learn from them. Matter of fact, he did get a paddling in Jr. High. I was not informed. He told me about it.

He was with a group of boys coming out of the auditorium laughing and carrying on pushing their way through the double doors. I believe they might have pushed into a group of other kids and someone fell. My son and another were paddled, but my son said he was in the back and didn't cause the ruckus. I just told him he would have to pick his friends carefully what thy were doing and to think about that in the future. That was the only time he ever got into trouble so I didn't think I had to worry.

Now, I could have made an ass of myself and him by running down and yelling,

"WHo put their grubby hands on my perfect son, I'm going to kick your ass and go to jail. I made up my mind!!! " But, First, I have too much class, he was where the wrong occurred and I couldn't prove he was right. And there was a lesson for him to learn. He said he came out of the wrong door, he was supposed to come out of the other door, so he deserved it and that made me smile. We both laughed and that was the end of it. How embarrassed I could have been if I went down like the wild one defending my not too perfect son.

And Gracie, do we really want to defend them and keep them from learning from their mistakes? Look at the laugh you get when you neg me...I didn't even look, I know you have, I even expected it before you thought of it, lol. Did it bother me? Not in the least. Why? because I am right and nothing can change that. It gives you pleasure to neg and that is good. It would give you pleasure to go to jail, it seems as well and you suggest that I AM CRAZY!!!! :) I want your children to grow up to be pleasant people and the same with mine.

I have succeeded for my son is the greatest father of three boys who are all three gems...so far. And I hope and pray the same for you! So, let's let it be.

Of course I neg'd you. You said my note showed what kind of parent I am. Really. And you know this from what little I said about someone wanting to paddle my child, eh?
You have your ways. I have mine. IF my kid was busted DUI, he is on his own. If he killed or raped someone, he is on his own. But when he is in kiddie school and is only SIX YEARS OLD, you can bet your ass I am going to inform teachers they CANNOT touch my child and if they sneak and do it anyway, THEY will face the consequences.

~~~~~~~~~That's just how I am~~~~~~~
Not to worry, Gracie. Think the quotes are mixed up. No, I'm not crazy, I just want my son to be a responsible person and I know he would make mistakes along the way and I wanted him to learn from them. Matter of fact, he did get a paddling in Jr. High. I was not informed. He told me about it.

He was with a group of boys coming out of the auditorium laughing and carrying on pushing their way through the double doors. I believe they might have pushed into a group of other kids and someone fell. My son and another were paddled, but my son said he was in the back and didn't cause the ruckus. I just told him he would have to pick his friends carefully what thy were doing and to think about that in the future. That was the only time he ever got into trouble so I didn't think I had to worry.

Now, I could have made an ass of myself and him by running down and yelling,

"WHo put their grubby hands on my perfect son, I'm going to kick your ass and go to jail. I made up my mind!!! " But, First, I have too much class, he was where the wrong occurred and I couldn't prove he was right. And there was a lesson for him to learn. He said he came out of the wrong door, he was supposed to come out of the other door, so he deserved it and that made me smile. We both laughed and that was the end of it. How embarrassed I could have been if I went down like the wild one defending my not too perfect son.

And Gracie, do we really want to defend them and keep them from learning from their mistakes? Look at the laugh you get when you neg me...I didn't even look, I know you have, I even expected it before you thought of it, lol. Did it bother me? Not in the least. Why? because I am right and nothing can change that. It gives you pleasure to neg and that is good. It would give you pleasure to go to jail, it seems as well and you suggest that I AM CRAZY!!!! :) I want your children to grow up to be pleasant people and the same with mine.

I have succeeded for my son is the greatest father of three boys who are all three gems...so far. And I hope and pray the same for you! So, let's let it be.

Of course I neg'd you. You said my note showed what kind of parent I am. Really. And you know this from what little I said about someone wanting to paddle my child, eh?
You have your ways. I have mine. IF my kid was busted DUI, he is on his own. If he killed or raped someone, he is on his own. But when he is in kiddie school and is only SIX YEARS OLD, you can bet your ass I am going to inform teachers they CANNOT touch my child and if they sneak and do it anyway, THEY will face the consequences.

~~~~~~~~~That's just how I am~~~~~~~

Alright, then answer this. Was that a form letter as BD Boop suggested, or had something happened that they wanted to paddle your child. Be honest, now. Had something happened hat they didn't tell you or they did tell you and you just didn't mention it in the post. I won't be so judgmental this time, Gracie.
Which schools are those?

Since your hands are broken and you can't use Google here is a map:


Ignorant, backward red states.

Gee, what a shock.

You are the ignorant one. In fact, I've never seen more ignorance from any poster on any forum at any time. You are ignorant and entitled. AND you have stuck up for a criminal, but then that is the class you are from. No one could expect more out of you.
Of course I neg'd you. You said my note showed what kind of parent I am. Really. And you know this from what little I said about someone wanting to paddle my child, eh?
You have your ways. I have mine. IF my kid was busted DUI, he is on his own. If he killed or raped someone, he is on his own. But when he is in kiddie school and is only SIX YEARS OLD, you can bet your ass I am going to inform teachers they CANNOT touch my child and if they sneak and do it anyway, THEY will face the consequences.

~~~~~~~~~That's just how I am~~~~~~~

Alright, then answer this. Was that a form letter as BD Boop suggested, or had something happened that they wanted to paddle your child. Be honest, now. Had something happened hat they didn't tell you or they did tell you and you just didn't mention it in the post. I won't be so judgmental this time, Gracie.

I am always honest, sweetcakes. It was a form letter. I never got another form letter from them again. He was an excellent student, had many friends, wasn't bullied, didn't bully, never did anything wrong. They can shove their form letters and I have ALWAYS been blunt.
The ONLY time I ever had to go to his school was when they kicked him out (senior year) for "smelling like tobacco" and therefore was smoking on school grounds.
He came home, told me what went down and I hightailed it straight to the school and asked for the principle. He came out in the lobby and asked what the problem was. I said HE was the problem. That was MY jacket. I smoke and he can trot his ass right back in his office and tear up the suspencion slip, then apologize to my son for his ASSuming my kid smoked. He didn't smoke. But he couldn't find his coat, so he took my biker leather coat (mens, not womens)...and yes, it smelled like nicotine.
The principle tore up the suspencion and apologized.

You know nothing about me except what I choose to share. Judge all you want if it floats your boat but expect those same consequences you spoke of earlier as you do sit in judgement of me.
Last edited:
Take heed and tread warily. :lol: :eusa_angel:

Not to worry, Gracie. Think the quotes are mixed up. No, I'm not crazy, I just want my son to be a responsible person and I know he would make mistakes along the way and I wanted him to learn from them. Matter of fact, he did get a paddling in Jr. High. I was not informed. He told me about it.

He was with a group of boys coming out of the auditorium laughing and carrying on pushing their way through the double doors. I believe they might have pushed into a group of other kids and someone fell. My son and another were paddled, but my son said he was in the back and didn't cause the ruckus. I just told him he would have to pick his friends carefully what thy were doing and to think about that in the future. That was the only time he ever got into trouble so I didn't think I had to worry.

Now, I could have made an ass of myself and him by running down and yelling,

"WHo put their grubby hands on my perfect son, I'm going to kick your ass and go to jail. I made up my mind!!! " But, First, I have too much class, he was where the wrong occurred and I couldn't prove he was right. And there was a lesson for him to learn. He said he came out of the wrong door, he was supposed to come out of the other door, so he deserved it and that made me smile. We both laughed and that was the end of it. How embarrassed I could have been if I went down like the wild one defending my not too perfect son.

And Gracie, do we really want to defend them and keep them from learning from their mistakes? Look at the laugh you get when you neg me...I didn't even look, I know you have, I even expected it before you thought of it, lol. Did it bother me? Not in the least. Why? because I am right and nothing can change that. It gives you pleasure to neg and that is good. It would give you pleasure to go to jail, it seems as well and you suggest that I AM CRAZY!!!! :) I want your children to grow up to be pleasant people and the same with mine.

I have succeeded for my son is the greatest father of three boys who are all three gems...so far. And I hope and pray the same for you! So, let's let it be.

There is no "my way is right and everybody else is wrong" way to parent.
Not to worry, Gracie. Think the quotes are mixed up. No, I'm not crazy, I just want my son to be a responsible person and I know he would make mistakes along the way and I wanted him to learn from them. Matter of fact, he did get a paddling in Jr. High. I was not informed. He told me about it.

He was with a group of boys coming out of the auditorium laughing and carrying on pushing their way through the double doors. I believe they might have pushed into a group of other kids and someone fell. My son and another were paddled, but my son said he was in the back and didn't cause the ruckus. I just told him he would have to pick his friends carefully what thy were doing and to think about that in the future. That was the only time he ever got into trouble so I didn't think I had to worry.

Now, I could have made an ass of myself and him by running down and yelling,

"WHo put their grubby hands on my perfect son, I'm going to kick your ass and go to jail. I made up my mind!!! " But, First, I have too much class, he was where the wrong occurred and I couldn't prove he was right. And there was a lesson for him to learn. He said he came out of the wrong door, he was supposed to come out of the other door, so he deserved it and that made me smile. We both laughed and that was the end of it. How embarrassed I could have been if I went down like the wild one defending my not too perfect son.

And Gracie, do we really want to defend them and keep them from learning from their mistakes? Look at the laugh you get when you neg me...I didn't even look, I know you have, I even expected it before you thought of it, lol. Did it bother me? Not in the least. Why? because I am right and nothing can change that. It gives you pleasure to neg and that is good. It would give you pleasure to go to jail, it seems as well and you suggest that I AM CRAZY!!!! :) I want your children to grow up to be pleasant people and the same with mine.

I have succeeded for my son is the greatest father of three boys who are all three gems...so far. And I hope and pray the same for you! So, let's let it be.

Of course I neg'd you. You said my note showed what kind of parent I am. Really. And you know this from what little I said about someone wanting to paddle my child, eh?
You have your ways. I have mine. IF my kid was busted DUI, he is on his own. If he killed or raped someone, he is on his own. But when he is in kiddie school and is only SIX YEARS OLD, you can bet your ass I am going to inform teachers they CANNOT touch my child and if they sneak and do it anyway, THEY will face the consequences.

~~~~~~~~~That's just how I am~~~~~~~

A lot of what you say is encouraging. When you child is older, you expect them to obey the law. Obviously, you expect your 6 year old to follow the classroom rules, too right?

Honesty here...I was a first grade teacher for 20 years (please don't call it "kiddie" school... it is really their most important year in school...okay I SLIGHTLY biased, lol...)

It's the year they learn how to learn, they learn how to behave, they learn classroom structure and learn more content than any other year. It is the most difficult year they have because most first graders do not have a foundation to build on. They are establishing it that very first year as well as building on it. No more playtime. It's serious stuff we're trying to present it it the most fun, pleasant, great way where they look forward to come back each day.
Alright, then answer this. Was that a form letter as BD Boop suggested, or had something happened that they wanted to paddle your child. Be honest, now. Had something happened hat they didn't tell you or they did tell you and you just didn't mention it in the post. I won't be so judgmental this time, Gracie.

I am always honest, sweetcakes. It was a form letter. I never got another form letter from them again. He was an excellent student, had many friends, wasn't bullied, didn't bully, never did anything wrong. They can shove their form letters and I have ALWAYS been blunt.
The ONLY time I ever had to go to his school was when they kicked him out (senior year) for "smelling like tobacco" and therefore was smoking on school grounds.
He came home, told me what went down and I hightailed it straight to the school and asked for the principle. He came out in the lobby and asked what the problem was. I said HE was the problem. That was MY jacket. I smoke and he can trot his ass right back in his office and tear up the suspencion slip, then apologize to my son for his ASSuming my kid smoked. He didn't smoke. But he couldn't find his coat, so he took my biker leather coat (mens, not womens)...and yes, it smelled like nicotine.
The principle tore up the suspencion and apologized.

You know nothing about me except what I choose to share. Judge all you want if it floats your boat but expect those same consequences you spoke of earlier as you do sit in judgement of me.

I think I would have done basically the same thing except in a note because I work and I couldn't get off, but I would have suggested an apology as well. So, we would have handled it the same way! I apologize as it was a form letter, it never occurred to me. It should have. Boop got it right away. What a sleuth she is! Sorry for the inconvenience tonight, Gracie. Hope your evening starts getting better. Reps coming your way.

Since nobody can see what went down, I will just keep it light...in a volatile thread...and just say Thanks Jackson. My apologies. Hugs
Reality does not jive with that thought. There are many people who don't give a shit. We've all seen it in restaurants and stores, even church. Most children can be calmed unless they are ill or in pain.

I am specifically talking about on airplanes. In this confined space the kids are driving them crazy, and it is obvious how much they are bothering the other passengers. It is funny, you give a person who hits a baby and calls it a ****** a pass, but not someone who is being negligent about their kids in a restaurant. This speaks volumes about you.

As usual, frothing leftists have problems with comprehension. As far as I know it's not a crime to allow your kid to be a roving pig in public.

I'm nearly 100% certain you have no clue what I meant when I wrote that, so save both of us the headache and move along.

One of us did not understand.
The dude was totally wrong for what he did and should receive punishment for it... but prison time? Sounds like a prosecuting attorney is up for reelection and wants to appear tough on crime. Don't misunderstand where I'm coming from; the guy was totally wrong for what he did, but locking him up with some of the worst society has to offer is extreme. Don't waste a bed on this guy when there are plenty of people who should be sleeping there.

This board gets crazier ever day.

Seriously why do we put up with this?
Imagine your pushing your childs stroller down the street and someone walks up and slaps your kid.

Im sorry that person is going to get tackled and pummeled by me
The dude was totally wrong for what he did and should receive punishment for it... but prison time? Sounds like a prosecuting attorney is up for reelection and wants to appear tough on crime. Don't misunderstand where I'm coming from; the guy was totally wrong for what he did, but locking him up with some of the worst society has to offer is extreme. Don't waste a bed on this guy when there are plenty of people who should be sleeping there.


Sounds more like the judge doesn't want to get killed.

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