White man’s culture in this country has to change

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.
Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

If we really want to limit this problem without a wall, Congress needs to pass a law that makes being here illegally in this country a first degree felony which carries a minimum of five years in prison for first offense. Illegals would be bombarding our borders trying to get the hell out of here.

Or just make them unable to work in this country, or at least very hard to do so. Then they have no reason to stay. They come here almost solely for work. There are guys my brother works with (I don't think they are illegals, but rather on green cards) that come here for a few months a year making 30 - 40 bucks an hour, then go home to Mexico and live like kings for the rest of the year because it's so cheap to live there. Now think of the illegals who come in making like 15-20 bucks an hour. It doesn't seem like much to us, but that's a good living in Mexico.

So your'e an employer, and some guy with an accent asks you for a job. How are you--a common citizen able to determine if he's legal or not?

You could just refuse to hire him simply by his accent, but if he's a citizen or holds a work permit, you would be liable for discrimination.

The onus should not be on the employer, it should be on the people who come here illegally.

If there were no illegals to hire, there would be no employers to hire them. And allowing our borders to be so porous and convict employers is not the answer.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"
I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.
Why does the majority have to change to adapt to the minority? Shouldnt it be the other way around? How is this country supposed to stay America if these are the new standards we're supposed to adhere to?
Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"
Says joe Biden

Biden: "White Man's Culture" Has To Change

Joe is too dumb to beat Trump

Yup. Old white man seeking white man votes whining about white man culture.

Makes perfect sense.
No, he figures that the left is right when it says that whites are the new minority in America. He's listening to the leftist living rent free in his radical head constantly.

The left figures that after years of destructive Agenda's aimed at White privilege, white power, the breaking of the white family unit, the breaking of the alledged white economy/community through redistribution bullcrap, and all the entitlement/safety net programs that taxes the white working citizens into poverty, the creating or adopting of programs that target whites in which some are being promoted through liberal Hollyweird in order to push or hype up drug and alcohol usage that glorifies and condones deadly lifestyle choices, and hopes to destroy religion and etc in this country... It is exactly what these Demon-crats are seeing as a designed agenda that was supposed to fundementally transform this country into what their ultimate goal was, and Obama/Biden attempted to implement their plan to do exactly that, and it was boasted about in their rehtoric that was easily found it all.

Now Biden figures that he'll take up the political torch for the destruction of white folks numbers in America, and now he'll attempt to carry it to it's finality. His rehtoric speaks for itself. He's like the leftist white women sitting in a Louis Farrakhan rally yelling yeah, yeah, yeah gooooo Louis everytime he talks trash about those who have white skin.

You can't make this bullcrap up.
They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

See, that's just the problem here.

Men and women AREN'T equal though.

Ask any biologist, and they will tell you, the aren't. Men and women have COMPLIMENTARY roles.

Only brainwashed Marxists believe they are "equal."

Woman can in no way equal a man's ability to preform in some roles, and a man would have very difficult time giving birth, etc.

SO stop being silly cuck.
So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
And American's don't care about money ?? Yeah they do, but not money that barely affords to feed or clothed them if they ain't living 10 to a house, sharing expenses, and sending the money back to Mexico where the economy is totally different than ours..
They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
And American's don't care about money ?? Yeah they do, but not money that barely affords to feed or clothed them if they ain't living 10 to a house, sharing expenses, and sending the money back to Mexico where the economy is totally different than ours..

Exactly why they do it. The money they make ain't shit in the states, but it is quite a lot in Mexico. You know, where their families live in many cases.
Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
And American's don't care about money ?? Yeah they do, but not money that barely affords to feed or clothed them if they ain't living 10 to a house, sharing expenses, and sending the money back to Mexico where the economy is totally different than ours..

Exactly why they do it. The money they make ain't shit in the states, but it is quite a lot in Mexico. You know, where their families live in many cases.
In the mean time they get free schooling for their children if they are an illegal here with family, and not sure but they might be getting some kind of state government assistance as well. The main one making out, is the rich guy working the illegal, but the American worker or the up and coming America worker get's screwed over big time in it all.
I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
And American's don't care about money ?? Yeah they do, but not money that barely affords to feed or clothed them if they ain't living 10 to a house, sharing expenses, and sending the money back to Mexico where the economy is totally different than ours..

Exactly why they do it. The money they make ain't shit in the states, but it is quite a lot in Mexico. You know, where their families live in many cases.
In the mean time they get free schooling for their children if they are an illegal here with family, and not sure but they might be getting some kind of state government assistance as well. The main one making out, is the rich guy working the illegal, but the American worker or the up and coming America worker get's screwed over big time in it all.

So then why are y'all against going after the guys who are making out like bandits at their expense? If it's the American worker you're worried about, why these inconsistencies? Unless it's not really about reducing illegal immigration and more about punishing brown people ...
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

Says joe Biden

Biden: "White Man's Culture" Has To Change

Joe is too dumb to beat Trump

Yep, run on that. That’s sure to be a winning message

Joe actually could have beaten Trump in 2016, his chances are lesser in 2020.
So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?
I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.
And American's don't care about money ?? Yeah they do, but not money that barely affords to feed or clothed them if they ain't living 10 to a house, sharing expenses, and sending the money back to Mexico where the economy is totally different than ours..

Exactly why they do it. The money they make ain't shit in the states, but it is quite a lot in Mexico. You know, where their families live in many cases.
In the mean time they get free schooling for their children if they are an illegal here with family, and not sure but they might be getting some kind of state government assistance as well. The main one making out, is the rich guy working the illegal, but the American worker or the up and coming America worker get's screwed over big time in it all.

You are both right. They care about the money, but the amount of social services that they do consume is a drag on Americans.

Illegal aliens are qualified for a whole lot more than just what the MSM is telling folks. They are eligible for housing, SNAP, sometimes disability, and medicaid in some states as well. Constantly many sources will say, illegals cannot qualify for welfare. YET, if you go to each individual program and look? Yes, all children, no matter their status, are eligible. Even disabled illegals can milk the system. Seriously. So don't believe the propaganda that illegals don't use welfare. If admitted under Section 207 of the INA as refugee, they qualify for Sec. 8. This is why it is so important for the day laborer organization to have this. Otherwise, no housing.

SNAP Policy on Non-Citizen Eligibility | Food and Nutrition Service
SSI Spotlight on SSI Benefits for Aliens
. . . and emergency and pregnancy related medical care.

Very wealthy philanthropic organizations will often prioritize illegals over nationals for higher education as well, since illegals cannot take out loans.

Now, to the point of labor, this is the point that gets me. WHY would folks defend this. They are pushing down the cost of labor, and this screws over the poor and middle class Americans that are competing for these same jobs.

Is it really that the Democrats don't give a shit about the poor and middle class, and only care about their elite donors? Caesar Chavez is rolling in his grave at how the DNC has betrayed him.


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