White man’s culture in this country has to change

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

No, not always. Google Birth Tourism and you'll see they come here for other reasons.

Governments like China are sending people here to simply have children. After birth, they are shipped back home to China. When that baby becomes an adult and comes back here, he or she is an automatic citizen and walks across that border just like any other American.

The practice is now catching on with our enemies in the middle-east. So people are sending their pregnant women to the US to gain citizenship, and after they are radicalized and brainwashed, can walk right through the front door as an adult to cause us serious harm.

The Democrats don't mind those organizations and governments sending their pregnant women here to create future American enemies. Why should they care? Most of them won't be around for the next 911.
------------------------------ yep , and they won't be around for the future 40 - 50 years from now .
Of course he says this while nursing on muslim dicks - the biggest exercise in female slavery and brutality on this planet, the religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death in "honor killings."
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
Cucks can be male and female, dipshit.

The difference is that the man is the primary defender of the home, the culture and civilization and therefore his submission or betrayal is all the more egregious.
I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.
There really aren’t that many thinking white Democrats left.

Most are ignorant old union people or ignorant younger people who only vote because it is their “right”.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.
---------------------------------- first step is the Practical Solution of the TRUMP WALL and more 'border patrol' guards . After that , yeah , go ahead and make more frivolous and time wasting laws that will have loopholes and silly BS that will just continue letting third worlders into the USA JohnShaw .
I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room for others who want to join us.
Last edited:
thank you Beagle but as i said , feck ALL types of imported people into the USA . As a reason , see 'ilham omar' , see 'talib' , see the 'somalis ' in Minnesota' that want 'shariah' in the USA and they are all Vetted and legal Beagle .
I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.
Plus, there are a lot of white people in the Democrat party with their hand out. Begging.

I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.
Plus, there are a lot of white people in the Democrat party with their hand out. Begging.

And yet they are the ones who are being forced to give and they are too stupid to see it.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

shouldnt you be bent over ?
"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
thank you Beagle but as i said , feck ALL types of imported people into the USA . As a reason , see 'ilham omar' , see 'talib' , see the 'somalis ' in Minnesota' that want 'shariah' in the USA and they are all Vetted and legal Beagle .
Yes, now for those who come here to change us instead of coming here to change themselves, and to assimilate with us, then I agree that we don't need those types here.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.
---------------------------------- first step is the Practical Solution of the TRUMP WALL and more 'border patrol' guards . After that , yeah , go ahead and make more frivolous and time wasting laws that will have loopholes and silly BS that will just continue letting third worlders into the USA JohnShaw .
--------------------------------------- but with the Trump WALL as first line common sense defense and then Border Patrol , well things should be cool . But you guys like useless talk and LAWS that are ignored or loopholed while the USA is invaded JShaw .
and VETTING is USELESS as people will say anything they can to be admitted to the USA . And the VETTERS aren't much better , as 'kings' men all they want is their paychecks so they can pay for the house , car and boat .
Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.
They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.

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